tag 标签: cell phone

  • 热度 18
    2011-12-30 20:26
    2127 次阅读|
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    Quite a long time ago, I wrote an article about a Free Cell Phone Locator Website. In that blog I provided a link to www.sat-gps-locate.com . When you visit this site, you are presented with a locator form as shown below. So you enter a cell phone number and are presented with a very realistic-looking animated dialogue that purports to show a tracking operation taking place. This dialogue says that it's using a satellite to locate the cell phone in question – then it presents you with a satellite image – then it appears to be honing in on the location – and then ... but I will leave it to you to see what happens. The point is that this whole thing is a prank (or a spoof, if you will). If you want to see what happens, but you feel uncomfortable about entering your own cell phone number, you can simply type in something like 255-555-5555. So what's the problem? Well, my original blog didn't explain that this was a spoof, and even though I wrote that blog years ago, for some reason I've suddenly started receiving a deluge of emails saying "Can you help me locate a cell phone?" The locator form from the Satellite-GPS-Location website A typical message might read as follows (in fact, this is a real message, I've just omitted names and email addresses to protect the innocent :-) I need to perform a cell phone reverse lookup from Claro in Puerto Rico. Honestly speaking I do not have much money, I have tried but some companies never found right details, and some appears to be a scam. I need honest and confident company, at low rates, and not debit my card until provide me right details. I know the phone owner, I just need to corroborate. It is for humanity purpose. Please help me as possible.     Some of the other messages I've received you would not believe. For example, I might receive an email along the lines of "All I know is the telephone number – I don't know the owner's name or address but I REALLY want to locate this phone," to which I might reply that it sounds like they really need to contact a private detective. The thing is that I always try to respond when anyone emails me about anything (with the exception of things like offers to enlarge portions of my anatomy that certainly do not require enlarging, thank you very much!), but these cell phone locator messages are really coming in thick and fast. I have no idea why my original blog from yesteryear has suddenly leapt back into life, but the end result is that, after all of this time, it looks like the joke is on me :-)  
  • 热度 19
    2011-8-24 22:10
    2106 次阅读|
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    (Note: Bob Pease departed last June, ironically returning home from Jim William's—another analogue guru—funeral. I have been at a loss for words, but decided to honour Bob's memory by plagiarizing his ineffable "what's all this stuff, anyway" headline. ) A wag once said that it would have taken a truly prescient person a century ago to realise that Henry Ford's creation would revolutionise the sex lives of teenagers. The car is a form of transportation, but it has become so much more. A restaurant. A bordello. Movie theatre. And now a telephone booth. Here in Maryland it's against the law to use a hand-held cell phone while driving. It's also illegal to text while driving. Text while driving? I can barely text while sitting still. First one has to hold the phone at exactly the right distance so, with a minute or two of head tilting, one finds that tiny spot in the progressive lenses so the screen isn't blurry. Then search through pages of apps to find the SMS utility. Punch at the keyboard – whose keys are so small misses occur more often than hits. No problem, the phone corrects spelling errors, but invariably embarrassing mis-corrections get sent out. Then there are the hazards of public spaces. Signs often ban skateboarding, but that activity has a fraction of the peril of walking. For pretty much everybody is strolling – or even sprinting – with cell tightly gripped, staring into the display. Head down, typing, talking, emailing, gaming, checking calendars, the common theme is utter distraction. People careen into each other. It's sort of fun, in a way, like bowling, watching the people go down. I wonder what would happen if someone switched on a cell jammer? Would a sea of panicked individuals start shaking their phones, punching buttons, or otherwise try to fix the momentary, but apparently life-threatening, disruption? Or would we see vacant eyes appear as they glance around and think, "uh, I guess I'm in the airport"? I've been in meetings where a dozen very highly compensated souls are fully engaged with at least one electronic device, be it laptop, cell or Crackberry. The meeting stutters along fitfully and redundantly as one after another briefly surfaces from their electronic stupor to ask for the same point to be repeated. Is this the new etiquette? I suspect Miss Manners would be appalled, should she glance up from her iPhone. It's still illegal to use a cell phone on an airplane. Complain about the nanny state all you want, I'll fight to the last breath to keep that law. It's bad enough to be cramped for 16 hours into a space no warden would consider humane. The only conceivable way to make that torture worse would be to be squeezed between two yahoos yakking at 100 db on their phones. Even the CIA doesn't employ such tactics at Gitmo. Ethicist Stanley Hauerwas believes that one should craft moral choices based on what the decision will say about you as a person. I don't want to be a slave to the insistent beeps of any gizmo. So maybe I'm not as responsive to email, texts and calls as some would like. Leave a message. I'll get back to you when I can devote my full attention to our interaction. Because I'm too damn busy avoiding the distracted drivers and walkers.  
  • 热度 17
    2010-1-18 14:10
    3151 次阅读|
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    The process of mobile phone design and manufacture --ii Author: Steven Jiang     ( Shenzhen Kenah Technology Co., Ltd. )   Time: 2009-5-17     Transshipment Forbidden     5, PM (Project Management) Project Management The big mobile phone company has perfect and clear division of labor in great detail, such as TPM (Technology Of Project Management), that is the specialized control technology PM, while the ordinary PM, only control the progress of project and coordinate the relations between the departments. Usually, the PM department exist in the big company which has themselves design, production and sales.     6, Sourcing Resources Development Resource development of staff to have to keep digging new resources, such as new materials, new cell phone components, testing equipment. They must ensure that the production line has all of the production materials, when the phone started trial production.   There is a LRIP(Low Rate Initial Production) before to volume production. It is not only to inspect the hardware / software maturity, but also to inspect the manufacturing technique and production test technology. There are certain models can not pass the last procedure. So the “new” mobile phone will not appear on the market. It is a great loss, because all of the investment of financial and human can not get the payback or return.   7, QA (Quality Assurance) Quality Supervision QA departments are responsible for quality assurance in the whole process, supervise if the development process to meet the scheduled process, to ensure that the project can be produced.   There are many new projects to be abandoned because the process has no considering the mass production.    The production of a cell phone is not in the laboratory experiments as simple as. It is not an easy thing to ensure the quality of every product when to mass produce. It is completely different things to produce one cell phone sample and to mass produce the 100,000 mobile phones in production line.   For example: all of the food which comes from Chinese restaurant is just samples, and McDonald's is products, so McDonald could have done a lot. But so far, the Chinese restaurant has not yet been achieved as the size of McDonald's, the essential reason is that Mc Donald has a set of rule to stipulate how to make a product, and Chinese restaurant cook just depend on the experience or the feeling to produce a food.   Therefore, all of mobile phone design houses establish a process to prevent the emergence of the design defects. 
  • 热度 18
    2010-1-7 19:01
    3765 次阅读|
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    The process of mobile phone design and manufacture --I Author: Steven Jiang ( Shenzhen Kenah Technology Co., Ltd. )   Time: 2009-5-17    Transshipment Forbidden   Today, I try to introduce the mobile phone design process and department relation in the design house. And then talk about the test before the mobile phone on the market.   First, mobile phone design process Generally speaking, the design house has six departments, the six departments as follow: ID 、 MD 、 HW 、 SW 、 PM 、 Sourcing 、 QA 。   1, ID (Industry Design) Industrial Design Including the appearance of mobile phones, material quality, hand-feeling, color match, the realization of the main interface and the design of color and so on.   For example, Motorola "Ming" translucent clamshell, the Nokia 7610's circular-shaped appearance, Sony Ericsson W550’s orange color, Nokia 5800’s touch function and the Motorola R1 revolving-slide function. The user’s experience and special feelings belong to the mobile phone industrial design. The industrial design of mobile phone is particularly important, because the success or best-selling of mobile phone depends on the Industry Design.   2, MD (Mechanical Design) structural design MD refers to the housing (face A and back B), the camera position and the fixed way, the connecting between the battery and the mainboard, the thickness of mobile phone, If it is a slide phone, how to slide up and how to achieve auto-up shells, and the arrangement of how to plug in and take off the SIM card. All of these are the areas of Mechanical design of mobile phones. It is necessary to know the Material and the craft to the mobile phone designer.   The thickness (just 13.90mm) of the Motorola V3 leads the fashionable trend. The sales point is the Ultra-thin. The housing of V3 uses the advanced aero metal. It can be said that the success of the V3 depend on the choice of the special shell material.   Speaking the important of the MD, someone said he can fell the housing shaking when the Ultra-thin slide phone calling or answering. The bug come from the MD design, because the housing is very thin, the housing and speaker make out the resonance.    And the Motorola R1 and Nokia 5800 are the represents of the successful combination character ID and special MD.   3. Hardware designs include the circuit design and antenna design. And it is important that HW and MD should keep communication.   MD required the phone has a thin shell, so the first thing is that design a thin circuit. Meanwhile HW required the MD leave a big black space for the antenna, and there is an enough distance between the antenna and the battery. In addition, HW required the ID do not place the metal parts close the antenna and so on. It is obvious that the cost of a mobile phone which has an internal antenna is higher than the external antenna mobile phone. The main factors is the antenna design, the material required, design of the circuit and the cost of the production, all of the terms lead to the higher cost than the external antenna mobile phone.   Usually, the MD design engineer and the ID design engineer have an argument. MD said ID is just a painter, to paint something which can’t make out. And ID said MD is clumsy, the MD can’t understand the thought of ID department, can’t design out the suitable MD to coordinate with the ID design. So the mobile phone is not popular and has no the good sales.   On this account, it is necessary that all of the department will gather together to analyze and judge the feasibility of the ID department thought. A good ID plan has a creative, has feasibility on MD, and the most important is that the consumer accept the ID, Nokia 8800 and Motorola V3 are the samples.    In additional, sometimes, there is an argument between the HW and ID, for example, ID like the metal Ornamental on the housing.   But the metal parts will affect the antenna design and lead to the static problem to endanger the security of the main-board. The metal parts lead to the more difficult to avoid the signal shield and the static problem. So it needs to develop the new material to meet the ID requirements. The Nokia 8800 is a good example, a sense of the metals, without affecting the antenna’s reception.   4. SW (Software) Software Design Relatively speaking, SW is more easily understand by everyone, due to the popularity of the computer, so that we can maximize the various kinds of software. For example cell phone user interface model---the mobile phone nine operating menu. This scope belong the SW design.   SW work is to design the interface, and test the operability of the interface. SW test is very complex, and there are numerous items. SW test is not just in the search for Bug, consistency tests and compatibility tests are very important items. in the current "content-based" information age, software is the final behind-the-scenes mainstay for a mobile phone. The driver of hardware was performed by the software. So there are many conflicts between the SW and HW not less than the other departments. On this account, they need a PM (Project Management) to coordinate and management. Next we talk about he PM.
  • 热度 22
    2009-12-30 17:32
    2709 次阅读|
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    The USD13.50 mobile phone and new trend in mobile phone industry Author: Steven Jiang ( Shenzhen Kenah Technology Co., Ltd. )   Time: 2009-12-17    Transshipment Forbidden   Yesterday, a mobile phone manufacturer called me to introduce their new models---low-end mobile phone, the price is just USD14.00. I took the mobile phone part by screwdriver to see the main board. The mobile phone adopt the Infineon ULC OS, has a high integration level, just a few components and chipsets.   It is the first choice to adopt the Infineon ULC for to make the super low-end mobile phone.   Spreadtrum has favorable position in Low end mobile; and MTK 6225/6235 chipset is very popular in the Mid-Range Market. Generally speaking, the 3 platforms share about 90% Chinese mobile phone market. in addition, we can find the Coolsand platform in the low-end mobile   phone products occasionally, especially the COPY-NOKIA 1 series.   More and more Chinese manufactures will adopt the other platforms except the MTK. I think is a trend. Because most of the MTK platform adopters face the keen competition in the Mid-Range market, and the mobile phone manufacturers just has little profits. Infineon, Spreadtrum will get more market share. Meanwhile, iphone, Google and Dell will take a variety of development in the high-end mobile phone market.   We can analyze the profit margin to get a clear idea. Let us to do a rough calculation, for example, The TV mobile phone, and the low-end mobile phone, TV mobile phone              Price: USD39.00-USD49.0// median: USD 44.00    Profits: USD3.00 Super low end mobile phone    Price: USD13.00-USD15.00//median: USD14.00     Profits: USD1.50 Profit margin: TV mobile phone USD2.5/USD44.00 = 6.8%; Super low end mobile phone USD1.50/USD14.00 =10.70% So, the latter is higher about 4 percent than the former.   In a way, we can get the same result from what happens next in mobile phone market. It is obvious there are two demand in the next, one is that existing mobile phone users in the Mid –end market will change a new mobile phone, most of them will select the smart phone, such as iphone, google phone, and the new comer Dell phone.   The other is that the telecom operators select the super low end mobile phones as a point of breakthrough to enlarge the mobile phone owning rate and the percentage of coverage in Developing countries (in China, India, Brazil, and most of the Afric countries).   By the way, I want to say that the Chinese mobile phone made a great contribution to the world’s economy, especially the Developing countries’ economy.