热度 16
2014-5-7 22:16
1187 次阅读|
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My friend Jay Dowling just led me to the most amazing video on YouTube. It seems that a team at KMel Robotics in Philadelphia is having far too much fun, because they've used six hexacopters to create a "drone rock" band. These little beauties play a couple of pieces. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but the first selection blew me away. And then we have the bells... ask not for whom the bell tolls (LOL). Strange to relate, I just took delivery of my very own little hexacopter from the Hex: A copter that anyone can fly Kickstarter campaign I pledged to last year. Now I have visions of grandeur forming my own "Drone Rock" band using a bunch of these little beauties. I don't know about you, but I sort of wish I worked at KMel Robotics. Also, now that I come to think about it, I recall seeing a number of videos featuring small drones like these doing cool things. Have you seen any of these videos? If so, can you please share them with the rest of us?