tag 标签: rtl8201cp

  • 热度 10
    2013-4-1 11:14
    1747 次阅读|
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             RTL8201CP是瑞昱(REALTEK)公司推出的一款单片单端口10/100M自适应快速以太网PHYCEIVER,该芯片同时支持MII (媒体独立接口)和SNI (串行网络接口),它内置有10/100M以太网物理层函数(如PCS、PMA,TP-PMD等),同时具有自动交叉检测、10Base-Tx编码/解码等功能。QQ:1762516767 18675554078,原装现货,欢迎交流。(更多详情) RTL8201CP的采购信息如下:   RTL8201CP的主要功能特性包括: 1、Pin-to-pin compatible with the RTL8201BL  11、Supports repeater mode 2、Supports MII and 7-wire SNI             12、Adaptive Equalization 3、10/100Mbps operation                  13、Network status LEDs 4、Full/half duplex operation                14、Flow control support 5、Twisted pair or fiber mode output          15、25MHz crystal/oscillator as clock source 6、Auto-Negotiation                      16、IEEE 802.3/802.3u compliant 7、Supports power down mode              17、Supports IEEE 802.3u clause 28; 1.8V operation with 3.3V IO signal tolerance 8、Supports operation under Link Down      18、Low dual power supply, 1.8V and 3.3V; Power Saving mode                         1.8V is generated by an internal regulator 9、Supports Base Line Wander (BLW)        19、0.18µm CMOS process compensation 10、Supports auto crossover detection (new    20、48-pin LQFP package RTL8201CP function) RTL8201CP的管脚图如下:   RTL8201CP的功能框图如下:    (以上信息由深圳桑尼奇科技有限公司提供)