tag 标签: mcrib

  • 热度 10
    2011-11-22 22:04
    1631 次阅读|
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    I cannot remember from where I originally got this first tidbit of trivia. I know that it was sometime over the weekend, but that encompasses a couple of books, several magazines, and numerous websites... Angry Birds This nugget of knowledge is that, since its inception in 2009, the people who play Angry Birds have done so for a combined total of 200,000 person years. This little gem just popped back into my mind while I was working on an article (being inside my brain is a bit like watching a fireworks display). At first I thought I must be mistaken, but a quick search on the web reveals that – as I pen these words – the game is played 300 million minutes a day. So (neglecting leap years and suchlike) 300,000,000 / 60 / 24 / 365 = approximately 570 person years a DAY!!! Of course there's a "curve" from the very first download (which, obviously, was 1 download) to today (more than half a billion downloads), but even taking all this into account, I would say that 200,000 person years is perhaps an under-estimate. Mow, I understand that a lot of folks just while a way a few minutes here and a few minutes there while waiting in a doctor's lobby or an airport or just keeping the kids occupied in a restaurant. But then I think "200,000 person years!" Just think what could have been achieved if all that time had been devoted to some worthwhile objective (such as making my life easier, for example ). Beware the McThing A few years ago when I was a bright young thing and much more trusting than I am today, I found myself in a local McDonalds. While looking at the picture menu, I spotted something I had not seen before – a promise of delectation and delight called a McRib.   It looked so tempting and tasty. In fact it looked so good in the picture that I actually thought it was real ribs with bones and everything, so I ordered one. When I was eventually presented with my little beauty I unwrapped it and bit down into it and... had a thoughtful chew... and had another nibble to make sure of my first impression ... and threw the rest away with a little tear rolling down my cheek and my lower lip aquiver. I occasionally have flash-backs. When I burp I can still taste it (with apologies to Bill Bryson for stealing his line). Over time, however, memory fades; you can no longer remember the pain; and you start to wonder if things could possibly be as bad as you remember. And then, while perusing the 14 November issue of Time magazine, I ran across a mention to a story on Time.com titled "Why Lovin' the McRib Isn't Heart Smart". This mention read as follows: ...which detailed how this salt bomb with the "bizarre cult following" is made up of 70 ingredients, including a substance most commonly used to make gym mats and shoe soles. Yes! As soon as I read "gym mats" I thought "That's the taste I remember!" The only mystery is why I couldn't put my finger on it at the time...