热度 9
2013-9-3 16:12
872 次阅读|
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Semtech RCLAMP0524J RCLAMP0524P vs Leiditech ULC0524P SEMTECH: RCLAMP0524J vs RCLAMP0524P: 1. sizes are different (RCLAMP0524J’size is bigger than RCLAMP0524P’s size) 2. The electrical properties are the same Leiditech: ULC0524P is actually the same as RCLAMP0524P It’s misunderstand if customer think Ulc0524p is different from RCLAMP0524P.it may be caused by the wrong diagram of CLAMP0524’s pdf. The right way is seeing the size diagram and the pin marked of CLAMP0524’s pdf. RCLAMP0524J,RCLAMP0524P and ULC0524P’s right diagram as below: RCLAMP0524J: size diagram and remark pin as below RCLAP0524P: size diagram and remark pin as below ULC0524P: size diagram and remark pin as below