tag 标签: 二手电源

  • 热度 17
    2010-6-20 14:16
    1771 次阅读|
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    Agilent E3632A单路电源的特点 ·105/120W功率 ·单路输出,双量程 ·低噪声,极好的调整能力 ·GPIB/RS-232标准 ·远地检测,OVP和OCP能力 ·16bit可编程分辨率与高确度 技术指标 dc输出 电压 电流 0-15V,7A/ 0-30V,4A 负载调整率 电压 电流 0.01%+2mV 0.01%+250mA 电源调整率 电压 电流 0.01%+2mV 0.01%+250μA 纹波和噪声 常模电压 常模电流 共模电流 350μV rms/2 mV p-p 2 mA rms 1.5μA rms 编程准确度(25℃±5℃) 电压 电流 0.05%+10mV 0.2%+10mA 读回准确度(25℃±5℃ 电压 电流 0.05%+10mV 0.15%+10mA ·交流输入:   110Vac±10%,47~63Hz(选件0E9)   115Vac±10%,47~63Hz(标准)   230Vac±10%,47~63Hz(选件0E3) ·产品遵循规范:   CASA,22.2 No 231认可,符合EIC1010,1;以CE樗;符合CISPR-11,1组,A类。 ·体积:13mm宽*132mm高*348mm泞(8.4英寸*5.2英寸*13.7英寸) ·重量:6.9kg(15Ib)
  • 热度 20
    2009-12-10 17:23
    1373 次阅读|
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    6031A 自动调节输出功率范围的直流系统电源,20V,120A   额定输出 电压:0至20 V 电流:0至120 A 编程精度(25°C ±5°C) 电压:0.035%,+15 mV 电流:0.25%,+250 mA 波动和噪声(20 Hz至20 MHz) 电压rms:8 mV 电压峰峰值:50 mV 电流rms:120 mA 读回精度(25°C ±5°C) 电压:0.08%,+7 mV 电流:0.4%,+100 mA
  • 热度 12
    2009-12-10 14:22
    2109 次阅读|
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    Programmable AC Source 0-300V/DC,15-1KHz/1KVA - The Chroma Model 61602 Programmable AC Power Source delivers pure, instrument grade AC and DC power at very low cost. The 61602 AC power source offers output voltage from 0 to 300VAC, and frequency from 15 to 1000Hz. It is suitable for commercial , avionics, marine, and military applications from bench-top testing to mass productions. The 61602 AC power source generates very clean AC output with typical distortion less than 0.3-0.5%. With power factor correction circuit, the 61602 AC power source yields higher efficiency and deliver more output power . Using the state-of-the-art PWM technology, the Chroma 61602 AC source is capable of delivering up to 6 times of peak current verses to its maximum rated current which makes it ideal for inrush current testing. By using advanced DSP technology, 61602 AC power source offers precision and high speed measurements such as RMS voltage, RMS current, true power, power factor, and current crest factor. The DC and AC+DC mode extend the applications when users need DC voltage component. The 61602 AC power source also provides an external analog input, to amplify the analog signal from arbitrary signal generator. Thus, it is capable to simulate the unique waveform which observed in the field. With the LCD display and rotary nob, the Chroma 61602 AC power source offers versatile front panel operation. Users may also control the 61602 remotely via GPIB,RS232C or APG(Analog Programming) interface. The self-diagnosis routine and the full protections against OPP, OCP, OVP and OTP ensure the quality and reliability for even the most demanding engineering testing and ATE application. Please contact us for more information about the Chroma 61602 Programmable AC Source . Visit our ebay store for other sale items. If you are interested in the residual market value for this product, please contact us to sell your equipment. Model: 61602 Manufactured by: Chroma
  • 热度 12
    2009-12-10 13:00
    1799 次阅读|
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    60W Single output Constant voltage (CV) and constant current (CC) modes Front and rear output terminals Auto-parallel, Auto-series and Auto-tracking operation 10 turn voltage and current adjust potentiometers Overvoltage protection, remote analog programming, and remote sensing E3616A DC power supply, low-cost. 0-35 V, 0-1.7 A, 60 W. The Agilent E3616A 60 watt power supply is used when you need a hefty power supply for your bench with clean, stable power. In addition to constant current and constant voltage modes, you get adjustable overvoltage protection, remote analog programming, front/rear output terminals and remote sensing that automatically compensates for voltage drops. E3614A, E3615A, E3616A and E3617A models feature overvoltage protection These flexible 60-watt, single-range power supplies can be used as either voltage or current sources. When output terminal voltage increases to a preset shut-down level, an overvoltage protection circuit disables the output to protect the device under test (DUT) from damage. The overvoltage protection feature is easily monitored and adjusted from the front panel. Using remote sensing capability, these instruments automatically compensate for voltage drop in the load leads, so you get accurate voltage at the DUT.
  • 热度 18
    2009-12-10 12:57
    1343 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Model 6500 series 可編程交流電源供應器 6530 可編程交流電源供應器 0-300V/15-2KHz/ 3KVA 6500系列可編程交流電源供應器提供電力電子工程師進行模擬各種交流電源狀態、電源波形失真並進行電力特性之量測與分析。本產品提供了正確有效的測試方案去模擬各種正常或異常的電源現象,同時加以量測分析,為一整合性電源測試分析設備,充份適應於研發特性分析、生產測試、品保檢驗或自動化系統整合運用。 本系列產品提供電壓0 - 300V 及頻率 15-2000Hz的可程式化設定能力,應用範圍相當廣泛,除可支援一般商業(47-63Hz)用途外,也可用於航空太空或軍事應用(400Hz),其低頻輸出特性亦可應用於低頻啟動之馬達或空調壓縮機之測試。輸出非常純正的正弦波形,一般可維持在0.5%以下的失真率。 為因應工程師在模擬異常電源的需求下,本系列產品內建直接數位頻率合成(DDS)之波形產生器,使其具備極富彈性之波形模擬功能。例如可設定一些失真波形來測試待測物,像可設定箝制正弦波從0%到43%的失真率或0%到100%的振幅。工程師可直接透過面板按鍵即時設定所需電源波形,並可利用大型液晶平面顯示器進行波形預覽或輸出後之電流波形監控,可模擬諸如正弦波、方波及箝制正弦波形,亦可模擬電源瞬斷、突波、相位角度、電壓及頻率之緩升降等特性。除此之外,本系列產品內建30組諧波波形資料庫,提供工程師進行電力電子產品於諧波電源環境下之免疫性測試。 本系列產品設有高精密度電壓、電流、峰值電流、功率、頻率、峰值係數、功率因數、浪湧電流、視在功率(VA)、虛功率(VAR)、等量測機能,使工程師進行設計、測試、分析時,無需仰賴其它測試設備,即可輕易完成任何艱鉅的測試作業。更可和6630系列功率分析儀搭配,來測試IEC 61000-3-2諧波電流限制和IEC 61000-3-3閃爍。 本系列產品提供簡易前面板操作介面及類比信號控制及GPIB、RS-232等選購介面,易於整合在各種自動測試設備上,產品本身具備的自我診斷程序設計及過電流、過功率、過溫度等保護線路,使本產品即使在不良的操作環境之下,依然能安穩發揮其功能特點。在全球一致對電力電子產品需能適應日趨不良的電源環境的嚴格要求下,Chroma 6500 系列交流電源供應器的推出,無異為設計、生產、檢驗測試工程師,提供最為有效的協助,亦為產品品質作最佳的保證。