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By Toradex秦海 1). 简介 嵌入式 Linux 下传统实现 Splash Screen 的方式是通过替换 kernel 默认的 TUX 小企鹅 logo 为定制的开机画面图片来实现嵌入式设备开机图片,虽然比较成熟且可以保证开机画面加载比较早,但是存在的问题首先是对嵌入式设备不同显示接口的兼容性不好,另外每次修改适配都需要重新编译内核,维护起来不是很方便,然后就是只能支持静态图片无法支持动画。基于上述原因,使用专门的 Splash Screen 工具来实现开机画面逐渐成为嵌入式设备的主流方向,本文就简单演示使用 Plymouth 工具来实现动态开机画面的示例。 本文所演示的平台来自于ToradexVerdiniMX8MM 嵌入式平台,基于NXP iMX8M Mini系列ARM处理器,主要核心架构为Cortex-A53。 2 ) . 硬件 准备 a). Verdin iMX8MM ARM 核心版配合 Dahlia 载板,并通过 DSI-LVDS Adapter 连接 10inch LVDS 液晶显示屏 以及调试串口以便测试。 3). 关于 Plymouth a). Plymouth 是一个实现 Linux 启动过程中开机画面的工具软件,其启动的时间非常早,通过 initramfs 帮助可以在 Linux 内核加载同时启动,甚至要早于 Linux rootfs 文件系统挂载。Plymouth 可以方便的实现开关机图片或者动画。 b). 关于 Plymouth 更多详细介绍以及源代码请自行参考如下资料。 ./ Plymouth 官方页面 Plymouth ./ Plymouth 源代码 https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/plymouth/plymouth ./ Plymouth 深入配置使用说明 Plymouth - ArchWiki 4 ). 通过 Ycoto 环境配置 Plymouth 并编译 Ycoto Linux BSP Image a). 配置 Ycoto Project 编译环境 ./ 参考这里配置基本的 Ycoto Project 编译环境 Build a Reference Image with Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded | Toradex Developer Center ./ 参考如下文章配置定制化 layer 通过Yocto Project定制嵌入式Yocto Linux镜像 b). 在定制化 layer meta-customer-demos 下面添加 layer 配置文件 --------------------------------------- $ mkdir -p ../oe_core/layers/meta-customer-demos/conf $ cd .../oe_core/layers/meta-customer-demos/conf ### create layer.conf file ### # We have a conf and classes directory, append to BBPATH BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" # We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb ${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bbappend" BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "customer-demos" BBFILE_PATTERN_customer-demos = "^${LAYERDIR}/" BBFILE_PRIORITY_customer-demos = "24" # Let us add layer-specific bbappends which are only applied when that # layer is included in our configuration BBFILES += "${@' '.join('${LAYERDIR}/%s/recipes*/*/*.bbappend' % layer \ for layer in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS.split())}" # Add layer-specific bb files too BBFILES += "${@' '.join('${LAYERDIR}/%s/recipes*/*/*.bb' % layer \ for layer in BBFILE_COLLECTIONS.split())}" LAYERDEPENDS_customer-demos = " \ core \ yocto \ openembedded-layer gnome-layer multimedia-layer networking-layer \ " LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_customer-demos = "hardknott honister kirkstone" --------------------------------------- c). 在定制化 layer meta-customer-demos 下面添加 Plymouth 相关配置文件 ./ 增加 Plymouth bb file --------------------------------------- $ cd .../oe_core/layers/meta-customer-demos/ $ mkdir -p recipes-core/plymouth $ cd recipes-core/plymouth ### cteate plymouth_%.bbappend file ### FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" SRC_URI += " \ file://toradexlogo-white.png \ file://spinner.plymouth \ " PACKAGECONFIG = "pango drm" EXTRA_OECONF += "--with-udev --with-runtimedir=/run" do_install:append () { install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/toradexlogo-white.png ${D}${datadir}/plymouth/themes/spinner/watermark.png install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/spinner.plymouth ${D}${datadir}/plymouth/themes/spinner/spinner.plymouth } --------------------------------------- ./ 添加 Plymouth 使用的 theme 文件 和 background logo 图片文件,这里使用的是一个配合屏幕分辨率的白色背景图片,因此 spinner 图标会被遮盖,实际使用可以根据需要修改图片文件和 theme 配置。 --------------------------------------- $ mkdir files $ cp .../toradexlogo-white.pngfiles $ cd files ### cteate spinner theme file spinner.plymouth ### Name=Spinner Description=Adoption of official Spinner Theme for Toradex. ModuleName=two-step Font=Cantarell 12 TitleFont=Cantarell Light 30 ImageDir=/usr/share/plymouth/themes/spinner DialogHorizontalAlignment=.5 DialogVerticalAlignment=.382 TitleHorizontalAlignment=.5 TitleVerticalAlignment=.382 HorizontalAlignment=.5 VerticalAlignment=.7 WatermarkHorizontalAlignment=.5 WatermarkVerticalAlignment=.45 Transition=none TransitionDuration=0.0 BackgroundStartColor=0x000000 BackgroundEndColor=0x000000 ProgressBarBackgroundColor=0x606060 ProgressBarForegroundColor=0xffffff MessageBelowAnimation=true --------------------------------------- d). 由于 Plymouth 是文件系统组件,通过 Linux kernel 加载完成后在使能systemd 来启动,这样就会导致比较大的延迟;为了尽可能使 Plymouth 在系统启动过程中尽早启动,可以添加包含 Plymouth 的 Initramfs 镜像使得 Plymouth 在 Linux Kernel 加载过程中即同步启动了。 ./ 添加 Initramfs bb 定义以及相关文件,对应需要 files 目录下的相关文件请参考 这里 --------------------------------------- $ cd .../oe_core/layers/meta-customer-demos/recipes-core $ mkdir -p initramfs-framework/files $ cd initramfs-framework ### cteate initramfs-framework_1.0.bbappend file ### FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" SRC_URI += "\ file://plymouth \ file://kmod \ file://0001-Mount-run-with-tmpfs.patch \ file://0002-only-scan-for-block-devices.patch \ " PACKAGES:append = " \ initramfs-module-plymouth \ initramfs-module-kmod \ " SUMMARY:initramfs-module-plymouth = "initramfs support for plymouth" RDEPENDS:initramfs-module-plymouth = "${PN}-base plymouth ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd-udev-rules', '', d)}" FILES:initramfs-module-plymouth = "/init.d/02-plymouth" SUMMARY:initramfs-module-kmod = "initramfs support for loading kernel modules" RDEPENDS:initramfs-module-kmod = "${PN}-base" FILES:initramfs-module-kmod = "\ /init.d/01-kmod \ /etc/modules-load.d/* \ " do_install:append() { install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/plymouth ${D}/init.d/02-plymouth install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/kmod ${D}/init.d/01-kmod } # Adding modules so plymouth can show the splash screen during boot SRC_URI:append:mx8-nxp-bsp = " file://50-imx8-graphics.conf" RDEPENDS:initramfs-module-kmod:append:mx8-nxp-bsp = " \ kernel-module-display-connector \ kernel-module-lontium-lt8912b \ " do_install:append:mx8-nxp-bsp() { install -d ${D}/etc/modules-load.d/ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/50-imx8-graphics.conf ${D}/etc/modules-load.d/50-imx8-graphics.conf } --------------------------------------- ./ 添加 initramfs image 定义文件 --------------------------------------- $ cd .../oe_core/layers/meta-customer-demos/recipes-core $ mkdir images $ cd images ### cteate initramfs-plymouth-splash-image.bb file ### DESCRIPTION = "Toradex plymouth splash demo initramfs image" PACKAGE_INSTALL = "initramfs-framework-base initramfs-module-udev \ initramfs-module-rootfs initramfs-module-debug \ initramfs-module-plymouth ${VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_base-utils} base-passwd \ initramfs-module-kmod" SYSTEMD_DEFAULT_TARGET = "initrd.target" # Do not pollute the initrd image with rootfs features IMAGE_FEATURES = "splash" export IMAGE_BASENAME = "initramfs-plymouth-splash-image" IMAGE_LINGUAS = "" LICENSE = "MIT" IMAGE_FSTYPES = "cpio.gz" IMAGE_FSTYPES:remove = "wic wic.gz wic.bmap wic.vmdk wic.vdi ext4 ext4.gz teziimg" IMAGE_CLASSES:remove = "image_type_torizon image_types_ostree image_types_ota image_repo_manifest license_image qemuboot" # avoid circular dependencies EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS = "" inherit core-image nopackages IMAGE_ROOTFS_SIZE = "8192" # Users will often ask for extra space in their rootfs by setting this # globally. Since this is a initramfs, we don't want to make it bigger IMAGE_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE = "0" IMAGE_OVERHEAD_FACTOR = "1.0" BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS += "busybox-syslog" --------------------------------------- e). 由于增加了 initramfs image,就需要修改 distroboot 启动文件 boot.scr 来调整启动进程,这里通过修改 u-boot-distro-boot 文件来适配,对应的 files 目录下的文件完整内容请参考 这里 --------------------------------------- $ cd .../oe_core/layers/meta-customer-demos/ $ mkdir -p recipes-bsp/u-boot/files $ cd recipes-bsp/u-boot ### cteate u-boot-distro-boot.bbappend file ### FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" SRC_URI:append = " \ file://boot.cmd.in \ " --------------------------------------- f). 另外,对于 Verdin iMX8M Mini,由于显示部分是通过 DSI-LVDS Bridge 来实现的,为了使得在 initramfs 阶段就可以加载相关驱动,需要修改 Linux Kernel 配置,而对于其他 iMX8/iMX8X/iMX8MP 如果是原生 LVDS/HDMI 接口则无需修改。 --------------------------------------- $ cd .../oe_core/layers/meta-customer-demos/ $ mkdir -p recipes-kernel/linux/files $ cd recipes-kernel/linux ### cteate linux-toradex%.bbappend file ### FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/files:" # Prevent the use of in-tree defconfig unset KBUILD_DEFCONFIG SRC_URI += "\ file://defconfig \ " --------------------------------------- ./ files 目录下的完整 defconfig 文件请见 这里 ,主要修改了如下几个驱动的配置 --------------------------------------- -CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_LVDS=m +CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_LVDS=y -CONFIG_DRM_SEC_MIPI_DSIM=m +CONFIG_DRM_SEC_MIPI_DSIM=y -CONFIG_DRM_TI_SN65DSI83=m +CONFIG_DRM_TI_SN65DSI83=y -CONFIG_DRM_IMX_SEC_DSIM=m +CONFIG_DRM_IMX_SEC_DSIM=y --------------------------------------- g). 最后配置完成的 meta-customer-demos 文件结构如下 --------------------------------------- $ tree meta-customer-demos/ meta-customer-demos/ ├── conf │ └── layer.conf ├── recipes-bsp │ └── u-boot │ ├── files │ │ └── boot.cmd.in │ └── u-boot-distro-boot.bbappend ├── recipes-core │ ├── images │ │ ├── initramfs-ostree-torizon-image.bb │ │ └── initramfs-plymouth-splash-image.bb │ ├── initramfs-framework │ │ ├── files │ │ │ ├── 0001-Mount-run-with-tmpfs.patch │ │ │ ├── 0002-only-scan-for-block-devices.patch │ │ │ ├── 50-imx8-graphics.conf │ │ │ ├── kmod │ │ │ ├── plymouth │ │ │ └── rootfs │ │ └── initramfs-framework_1.0.bbappend │ └── plymouth │ ├── files │ │ ├── spinner.plymouth │ │ └── toradexlogo-white.png │ └── plymouth_%.bbappend └── recipes-kernel └── linux ├── files │ └── defconfig └── linux-toradex%.bbappend 13 directories, 17 files --------------------------------------- h). 为了将 initramfs 集成到编译生成的 Image 压缩包内,需要修改如下 image_type 配置文件 --------------------------------------- --- a/layers/meta-toradex-bsp-common/classes/image_type_tezi.bbclass +++ b/layers/meta-toradex-bsp-common/classes/image_type_tezi.bbclass @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ WKS_FILE_DEPENDS:append = " tezi-metadata virtual/dtb" DEPENDS += "${WKS_FILE_DEPENDS}" IMAGE_BOOT_FILES_REMOVE = "${@make_dtb_boot_files(d) if d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE') == 'fitImage' else ''}" -IMAGE_BOOT_FILES:append = " overlays.txt ${@'' if d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE') == 'fitImage' else 'overlays/*;overlays/'}" +IMAGE_BOOT_FILES:append = " overlays.txt initramfs-plymouth-splash-image-${MACHINE}.cpio.gz;initramfs-plymouth-splash-image.img ${@'' if d.getVar('KERNEL_IMAGETYPE') == 'fitImage' else 'overlays/*;overlays/'}" IMAGE_BOOT_FILES:remove = "${IMAGE_BOOT_FILES_REMOVE}" RM_WORK_EXCLUDE += "${PN}" --------------------------------------- i). 修改 build/conf/bblayer.conf 文件添加相关 layer --------------------------------------- --- a/build/conf/bblayers.conf 2023-03-30 11:13:22.946533642 +0800 +++ b/build/conf/bblayers.conf 2023-11-17 16:03:01.666129480 +0800 @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ ${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-freescale-distro \ ${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-toradex-demos \ ${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-qt5 \ + ${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-customer-demos\ \ \ ${TOPDIR}/../layers/meta-toradex-distro \ --------------------------------------- j). 修改 build/conf/local.conf 文件,增加 Plymouth 和 initramfs 相关定义 --------------------------------------- # add plymouth support CORE_IMAGE_EXTRA_INSTALL += "plymouth" INITRAMFS_IMAGE = "initramfs-plymouth-splash-image" INITRAMFS_FSTYPES = "cpio.gz" --------------------------------------- k). 重新编译生成 Ycoto Linux BSP Image --------------------------------------- $ MACHINE="verdin-imx8mm" PARALLEL_MAKE="-j 4" BB_NUMBER_THREADS="4" bitbake tdx-reference-multimedia-image --------------------------------------- l). 参考 这里 的说明将上述修改下重新编译生成的 Ycoto Linux Image 通过 Toradex Easy Installer 更新到 Verdin iMX8MM 模块。 5). Plymouth Splash 部署测试 a). 安装好上述编译的 Image 后,参考 这里 说明配置合适的 Device-tree Overlay 文件来适配屏幕;然后配置如下 U-boot 环境变量来显示 Splash,且缩短加载时间 --------------------------------------- # setenv tdxargs ‘quiet logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0 plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles splash fbcon=map:3’ # setenv bootdelay 0 # saveenv && reset --------------------------------------- b). 为了保证 Plymouth Splash和 Qt Demo App切换更自然,且中间不会被 Weston Desktop 中断,需要修改一下一些 Systemd Service 文件 --------------------------------------- --- a/lib/systemd/system/plymouth-quit.service +++ b/lib/systemd/system/plymouth-quit.service @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Description=Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen -After=rc-local.service plymouth-start.service systemd-user-sessions.service +After=rc-local.service plymouth-start.service systemd-user-sessions.service waylan d-app-launch.service ExecStart=-/bin/plymouth quit --retain-splash --- a/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service +++ b/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Documentation=man:agetty(8) man:systemd-getty-generator(8) Documentation=http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/serial-console.html BindsTo=dev-%i.device -After=dev-%i.device systemd-user-sessions.service plymouth-quit-wait.service getty -pre.target +After=dev-%i.device systemd-user-sessions.service getty-pre.target After=rc-local.service # If additional gettys are spawned during boot then we should make --- a/lib/systemd/system/weston.service +++ b/lib/systemd/system/weston.service @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ After=systemd-user-sessions.service # If Plymouth is used, we want to start when it is on its way out. -After=plymouth-quit-wait.service +#After=plymouth-quit-wait.service # D-Bus is necessary for contacting logind. Logind is required. Wants=dbus.socket --- a/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini +++ b/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ repaint-window=16 #enable-overlay-view=1 modules=screen-share.so +shell=kiosk-shell.so # #size=1920x1080 --------------------------------------- b). 最后部署完成的测试效果如下,实测从开机到出现 Splash 画面大约5秒,另外 Plymouth splash 默认除了支持开机画面,在 reboot 重启和 poweroff 关机的时候也会同样显示 splash 画面 动画演示如下 6). 总结 本文基于嵌入式 Linux 简单演示了 Plymouth splash 开机画面的部署和测试。