tag 标签: summer

  • 热度 20
    2013-6-27 18:48
    1293 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    It was that time of the year again: June 21, the day of the 2013 Summer Solstic e . It was the longest day (and shortest night) of the year (at least, it is in the Northern Hemisphere). I don't know about you, but I'm in two minds about the Summer Solstice. On the one hand it makes me happy—I wish I were with all the folks who celebrated at Stonehenge that day. On the other hand, the pessimist in me says "It's all downhill from here... the days will start getting shorter and the nights will start getting longer and winter will be upon us before we know it."   But wait, there's more, because I was pondering something on the way into work that morning. These days we take "knowing stuff" for granted. Starting in junior school and then in high school, we are inundated with facts about things like solstices and equinoxes and suchlike. As Ernest Renan (1823-1892) famously noted in Souvenirs D'enfance et de Jeunesse (1887): "The simplest schoolboy is now familiar with facts for which Archimedes would have sacrificed his life." So, I was thinking about the folks who discovered things like the fact that the lengths of the days varied and worked out how long a year was and built things like Stonehenge. The main thing I was thinking was that I doubt that I would have discovered any of this on my own if I'd been brought up deep in the mists of time. I'm sure that I would have noticed the larger picture, such as the fact that things grew warmer (summer) and colder (winter) over a large span of time. Without a watch or a clock, however, I'm not sure if I would have noticed that the days were gradually getting longer or shorter. The bottom line is that the more I learn about this stuff, the more impressed I am with the way in which our ancestors (both primitive and modern) discovered how things work. What say you? Do you ever think about this sort of thing?  
  • 热度 9
    2012-1-7 17:53
    6244 次阅读|
    1 个评论
          前几天刚在自己笔记本上装了Altium desiger summer 09,应该是安装的比较完美。   先在网上下载AltiumDesignerSummer9 Build9.4.0.20159 再下载AltiumDesignerSummer9Build9.4.0.20159**版,运行就不用说了,我遇到的问题是运行后不能生成 .alf 文件,试了很多次换了路径也没办法。解决办法是下载一个.alf文件。然后再运行**器,整个过程注意1.下载的文件( Build9.4.0.20159  )) 的后缀名要相同。2.**的文件要放在AD09的32位系统更目录中。待全部安装完毕后在运行32位的就可以正常使用了
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