tag 标签: day

  • 热度 28
    2013-5-12 23:25
    3984 次阅读|
    6 个评论
    Happy Mother's Day to all of you and your family! This year I had one little more special gift to my mother, that was a small stuff printed by a 3D printer. My mother liked it quite much. Yeah! Fig. The small stuff for my mother before colouring The stuff was designed by myself, with Autodesk Inventor 2013 (Student Version). On the left side, there are four ducks... since the Rubber Duck is now visiting Hong Kong and is very hot these days~ Hehe... Fig. The Rubber Duck is visiting HK (Image courtesy: http://www.technontech.com/)   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Actually mothers do not require us to give them presents or anything, though we cannot indeed 'return' the 'loves' in our life... Mother's love is valueless! Okay, due to my poor English, the meaning presented in the above words may not be so good... In short, 世上只有媽媽好! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recently I saw many people saying that 3D printing technology would be very popular. 1. Someone even had printed out a gun... as usual, technology could be good when we used them in a good way; but it could also be very harmful when used in bad ways... like the Internet, some bad guys could use them for illegal things. 2. Someone (not a person related to technology) said that, in future we may be able to buy some 3D drawings on the Internet and then print the items out - the style of buy and sell will be totally different! Will the above be real? I don't know...
  • 热度 27
    2011-9-29 18:04
    1683 次阅读|
    3 个评论
            9月27日上午去北京国家会议中心参加TI Technology Day 北京站活动。这是一个工程师的盛宴,还不到九点钟展厅里签到处和各个展台都挤满了人。阿牛哥看到了TI的领取资料处,有高速放大器,TI旋转电机, 医疗电子产品汽车电子的方案,面向平板电脑及电子书的TI解决方案等等,真是琳琅满目。 突然阿牛哥眼睛一亮看到了TI-EEWORLD 联合制作的电子小强TI MCU 不能不说的故事,前几天只是看到TI的官方微博上有介绍,这次是看到很好看轻松有知识有品味的六联格漫画了。             阿牛哥参加平板电脑,工业电机,安防监控,无线通信和 EMI ESD保护技术培训,发一些资料和大家分享一下!TI平板电脑方案里有讲到TI OMAP3 和OMAP4, 还有有很多从笔记本开发生产转型和手机设计转型做平板电脑对于电池充电要求不一样,TI 的1S2P 和2S1P电池充电方案是很有针对性 !            阿牛哥参加工业电机研讨会,对于电机的PID控制,奈奎斯特图分析还能听明白。TI的无线通信在基站和微基站产品方案讲座难度很大,参加会议的工程师踊跃提问! 阿牛哥看到 TI 的工程师演讲,都提到了TI的中文社区。他们可以及时答复工程师提出的技术问题。       在展台演示区域,阿牛哥看到很多来自TI美国的朋友。 阿牛哥和TI 公司的Leigh File Ph.D ,沟通一些高清监控和手持识别技术问题,没有英文翻译,也基本都听懂了! 这次参加TI TI Technology Day 北京站有很多是TI 授权代理商,增值分销商和第三方设计公司的技术支持朋友, 有安富利科技, 合众达, 文晔科技,闻亭科技的安防监控, 消费电子和汽车电子,医疗电子产品演示。 阿牛哥看到很多的新鲜产品,小投影仪, 无线充电,入侵检测预警器 和高清监控产品,收获很大 。    