热度 22
2011-1-6 11:08
2326 次阅读|
8 个评论
最近老板通知我们每个人准备新的一年的自我培训计划,按照他的理解,每个人应该对自己的职业生涯有一定的了解,对自我的培训有更为直接与迫切的需求。公司内的培训在此不表,偶然间看到SAE工程师协会也会定期举办一些培训,只不过门票是不菲的。在此把一些有意思的整理在这里,望梅止渴吧(请大家不要去对比SAE China的培训了,太不给力了)。 有关电动车与混合动力车的培训(看看目录还是满有意思的) C0511 : Fundamentals of Hybrid Electric Vehicles ACAD05 Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Engineering Academy Basic Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Safety Webinar WB0941 Principles of Electric Drives Webinar Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Current Production, Future Strategies Webinar Introduction to Hybrid Powertrains Webinar C0626 Introduction to Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Battery Systems C1029 Power Electronics for EV, HEV and PHEV Applications C1045 Energy Efficient Motor Drives and Power Electronics for EV, HEV, and PHEV Applications C1028 Energy-Efficient Motor Drives for EV, HEV, and PHEV Applications C1019 : Safe Handling of High Voltage Battery Systems C0616 : Automotive Powertrain and Battery Cooling Airflow Systems A Vehicle Perspective 做汽车电子的朋友可以参看: C0525 Control Systems Simplified C0120 Controller Area Network (CAN) for Vehicle Applications C0306 Distributed Automotive Embedded Systems 97017 Electronics Packaging Thermal Mechanical Design and Analysis C0922 Embedded Control Systems Design Workshop C0835 Fundamentals of Shielding Design for EMC Compliance C0136 In-Vehicle Networking with LIN and FlexRay Applications C0806 Model Based Design Delivering Quality Electronic Products Faster C0315 Introduction to Brake Control Systems: ABS, TCS, and ESC 工程设计方法 (转下页)