tag 标签: volt

  • 热度 22
    2012-3-21 10:05
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    Two Measurement Modes: Digitizing or Integrating Precisely characterize transient and steady-state behavior, including rapidly changing thermal effects,with the two measurement modes in the Model 2657A. Each mode is defined by its independent analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. The digitizing measurement mode provides speeds up to 1μs per sample. The dual 18-bit digitizers allow you to capture voltage and current transients simultaneously. In the integrating measurement mode, the dual 22-bit integrating analog to digital converters allow more precise measurement of voltage and current. Two A/D converters are used with each measurement mode, one for current and the other for voltage, that run simultaneously for accurate source readback that does not sacrifice test throughput.   Expansion Capabilities Through TSP-Link® technology, the Model 2657A can be linked with other Series 2600A instruments to form a larger integrated system with up to 32 nodes. Precision timing and tight channel synchronization are guaranteed with built-in 500ns trigger controllers. The fully isolated, independent channels of the SourceMeter instruments make true SMU-per-pin testing possible. High Power Device Test Fixture The Model 8010 High Power Device Test Fixture provides safe and easy connections for testing packaged high power devices at up to 3000V or 100A. The Model 8010 provides connections for a high voltage SourceMeter instrument (Model 2657A), one or two high current SourceMeter instruments (Model 2651A), and three low power SourceMeter instruments (other Series 2600A or Model 4200-SCS SMU instruments). This allows devices with two terminals (diodes) or three terminals (transistors) or even four or five terminals to be characterized safely and accurately. The Model 8010 has full interlock capability for up to six SourceMeter instruments. The Model 8010 has integrated protection circuits that protect the low voltage SourceMeter instruments from high voltages the Model 2657A can output should a device fault occur. The Model 8010 includes both a high current (100A) and a high voltage (3000V) test socket. Various replacement test socket modules are available, including TO-247, TO-220, axial lead, and a blank socket module that allows building a custom socket. In addition to standard banana jumpers, the Model 8010 has rear-panel scope and thermal probe ports to simplify system integration.   *Keithley’s Chinese Website:http://www.keithley.com.cn/    
  • 热度 19
    2012-3-20 14:06
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    The Model 2657A is a high voltage, high power, low current source measurement unit (SMU) instrument that delivers unprecedented power, precision, speed, flexibility, and ease of use to improve productivity in RD, production test, and reliability environments. The Model 2657A is designed specifically for characterizing and testing high voltage electronics and power semiconductors, such as diodes, FETs, and IGBTs, as well as other components and materials in which high voltage, fast response, and precise measurements of voltage and current are required. The Model 2657A joins Keithley’s Series 2600A family of power semiconductor characterization and test solutions to offer the highest power and best low current performance in the industry. These custom-configurable solutions are supported by the industry’s most powerful parametric characterization software platforms to grow with you as your applications evolve.   The Model 2657A, like every Series 2600A SourceMeter instrument, offers a highly flexible, fourquadrant voltage and current source/load coupled with precision voltage and current meters. It can be used as a:   • Semiconductor characterization instrument • V or I waveform generator • V or I pulse generator • Precision power supply with V and I readback • True current source • Digital multimeter (DCV, DCI, ohms, and power with 6½-digit resolution) • Precision electronic load   • Source or sink up to 180W of DC or pulsed power (±3000V@20mA, ±1500V@120mA) • 1fA low current resolution • Dual 22-bit precision ADCs and dual 18-bit 1μs per point digitizers for high accuracy and high speed transient capture • Fully TSP® compliant for easy system integration with other Series 2600A System SourceMeter models • Combines a precision power supply, current source, DMM,arbitrary waveform generator, Vor I pulse generator, electronic 18-bit load, and trigger controller– all in one instrument • Includes TSP® Express characterization software, LabVIEW® driver, and Keithley’s Test Script Builder software development environment     Typical Applications • Power semiconductor device characterization and testing • Characterization of GaN, SiC, and other compound materials and devices • Breakdown and leakage testing to 3kV • Characterization of sub-millisecond transients     *Keithley’s Chinese website:http://www.keithley.com.cn/    
  • 热度 20
    2012-3-14 09:32
    838 次阅读|
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    如果您的应用要求宽于 2401 数字源表 所能提供的源或测量范围,那么 2400 系列 的其它仪器可能提供您需要的量程。参考这里示出的量程图或仪器指标了解详细信息。 2600A 系列数字源表 也适于集成多个源和测量通道和/或 脉冲 功能的应用。     2400 only=仅2400 Duty cycle limited=占空比极限 2400型和2400-LV型数字源表 2410型 高压数字源表 2420型 3A数字源表 2425型 100W数字源表 Pulse mode only=仅脉冲模式 2430型 1kW脉冲模式数字源表 2440型5A数字源表   了解更多信息 关于2401数字源表的更多信息,请访问吉时利网站:http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod11120702 或关注吉时利微博 http://weibo.com/keithley 与专家互动。 2401数字源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/currentvoltage/highvoltage/?mn=2401 2400数字源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/currentvoltage/2400 2410型高压源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/voltagesource/broadpurpose?mn=2410 2420型3A数字源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/voltagesource/broadpurpose?mn=2420 2425型100W数字源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/currentsource/broadpurpose?mn=2425 2430型数字源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/voltagesource/broadpurpose?mn=2430 2440型5A数字源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/searchresults?q=2440%E5%9E%8B
  • 热度 16
    2012-3-10 20:23
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    吉时利的2401低压数字源表有很多独特技术及功能,下面与大家共同分享。 独特的 6 线欧姆技术 2401 数字源表 能进行标准4线、分离Kelvin和6线、防护欧姆测量并能配置为恒流或恒压法。6线欧姆技术: •除了4线感测和源测试线以外,还使用了防护和防护感测线 •锁定并行电流通路,当测量电阻网络或混合电路以隔离被测组件时 •允许用户使用 2400 系列数字源表 轻松配置和绘制数据并实现2端、3端和4端器件特性分析   附图翻译 GUARD=防护 GUARD SENSE=防护感测 IN/OUT HI=输入/输出高 SENSE HI=感测高 SENSE LO=感测低 IN/OUT LO=输入/输出低 Vmeter =V 电表 Imeter=I 电表 Isource=I 源   6线欧姆电路。所有测试电流通过R1,因为大电流防护使R2两端的电压为0V。 免费的LabTracer 2.0器件特性分析软件(可下载)。   紧密集成仪器的优点 通过在一个装置中连接源和测量电路,这些仪器比分立源和 测量仪器 配置的系统具有多种优点。例如,它们极大地缩短了测试站开发、安装和维护所需的时间,同时降低了购买系统的总成本。它们通过避免使用多台仪器涉及的同步和连接等复杂问题从而简化了测试过程本身。而且,紧凑的 半机架 尺寸为测试架或测试台节省了宝贵的“空间”。   五合一功能( IV 源、 IVR 测量) 数字源表仪器紧密耦合的性质与分立仪器相比有许多优点。例如,2401通过减少GPIB的传输缩短了测试时间并且简化了远程编程接口。它还防止被测器件由于突然过载、热失控等原因被损坏。电流源和电压源都能设置回读以便最大化器件测量的完整性。如果回读达到可编程钳位限制,那么源就被钳位在此极限,从而实现错误保护。 与性能有限的 SMU 平台(包括板级产品,由于信号完整性、准确度、功率和/或速度受互连、散热管理和其它问题的显著影响所以通常只能实现次最优的 模拟测量 )不同,所有2400系列数字源表结合了业内最宽动态范围而且不影响吞吐量的卓越测量完整性。   了解更多信息 关于2401数字源表的更多信息,请访问吉时利网站:http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/currentvoltage/highvoltage/?mn=2401或关注吉时利微博 http://weibo.com/keithley 与专家互动。   2401低压数字源表 http://www.keithley.com.cn/news/prod11120702 2400数字源表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/currentvoltage/2400 吉时利大学课堂http://www.keithley.com.cn/re SMU仪器http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/currentvoltage/highcurrent/?mn=2651A
  • 热度 25
    2011-12-21 10:31
    1555 次阅读|
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    4200- PIV 包 无需重新布线或切换,可以给 DUT 引脚提供直流和脉冲能力。这种能力的关键是4200-RBT远程 偏置 T 型接头 ,它采用无源电器元件将低频直流信号和高频脉冲信号相结合。 4200-RBT的连线是SMA同轴电缆,它将连接到很多RF和直流探针设备上。 直流探针互连 对于直流结构,内含的适配器电缆( 4200- PRB -C ,图14)将SMA转换为直流设备上的双SSMC连接。     图14.     4200-PRB-C 4200脉冲SMA至SSMC的Y适配器 许多探头设备在探针支架上是 SSMC 的连接 Cascade DCM- 2xx开尔文直流探头设备 Suss  Microtec的探头尖端 Signatone SCA- 50的同轴探头 美国探测及技术 74CJ系列同轴探头支架 靠近探头尖部,为SSMC接头的任何探针互联系统 这些SMA至SSMC“Y”适配器电缆适合于以直流结构标称的晶圆上的 脉冲 IV 测试 。这些“Y”电缆不适于更高频率的设备。没有指定频率的上限,这是因为实际设备和探头的配置对测试会有显著的影响。一般情况下,当使用直流探头连接和 4200- PRB - C 电缆时,任何高于1GHz Ft的设备可能会发生振荡。   射频探针互连 如果设备是射频布局(G-S-G),那么“Y”适配器电缆和直流探针设备很可能不够用。 在 RF G-S-G 焊盘布局的情况下,不使用4200-PRB-C “Y”电缆,只需使用4200-PIV包提供的较短的SMA电缆(6寸/15厘米),用此电缆会直接将 4 200-RBTs 与RF设备(下文中图16)相连。请注意,具有功率分配器的4200 -RBT连接到门极。   图16.     远程偏置T型接头至RF的RF G-S-G的脉冲IV连接   了解更多信息  要想了解有关4200-PIV脉冲IV包或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,请点击 http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/voltagesource/?mn=4200-PIV ,或登录 吉时利官方微博 ( http://weibo.com/keithley )与专家进行互动。 4200-PIV包http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/voltagesource/?mn=4200-PIV DUT http://www.keithley.com.cn/events/proddemos/27xxdemo/demoimages/PD1_DUT.jpg/view 4200-PRB-C http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/semiconductor/parametricanalyzer/4200scs/?mn=4200-PRB-C 双SSMC至SMA电缆http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/waveform/?path=4200-PRB-C/RELPRD_4200-PRB-C 4200-PIV  http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/dcac/voltagesource/?mn=4200-PIV