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  • 2022-10-11 17:49
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    可能很难知道如何为 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问 MB-800 考试做准备。不过,幸运的是,你可以做一些事情来帮助保证你的成功。在这篇博客文章中,我们将分享一些关于如何准备考试的提示,以便您可以增加通过考试的机会。 了解考试形式和结构 在开始准备 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问 MB-800 考试之前,您必须了解考试的格式和结构。MB-800 考试是一项基于方案和基于实际操作能力的多项选择题测试,用于衡量您完成考试目标中列出的技术任务的能力。该测试由大约60个问题组成,您将有2个小时的时间来完成它。为了帮助您准备 MB-800 考试,微软发布了微软 Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问的考试参考书。本书涵盖了所有考试目标,并为您提供了成功参加考试所需的信息。此外,转储4free提供全面的 MB-800转储pdf和VCE ,涵盖了所有的考试目标。MB-800转储pdf和VCE提供英语和日语版本,并定期更新以确保您拥有最新信息。 熟悉考试主题 成功参加 MB-800 考试的第一步是确保您熟悉考试主题。MB-800主题分为五个部分:财务管理,销售和营销,服务管理,供应链管理和商业智能。每个部分涵盖不同的业务领域,您需要对每个主题有深刻的理解才能通过考试。除了熟悉这些主题之外,您还应该对 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心有深入的了解。该软件是 MB-800 考试的基础,您需要知道如何使用它来通过考试。有几个资源可用于帮助您了解动态 365 业务中心。转储4free就是这样一种资源,我们提供各种微软MB-800转储来帮助您准备考试。我们的 MB-800 转储 pdf 和 VCE 旨在帮助您学习考试中涵盖的材料。我们的 Microsoft 认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理考试问题将测试您对这些主题的了解程度。借助我们的 MB-800 转储,您可以确信,您将准备好通过 Microsoft 认证:动态 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证考试。 使用模拟考试来测试您的知识 确保在 MB-800 上取得成功的最佳方法之一是使用模拟考试来测试您的知识。转储4free提供了各种各样的模拟考试,可以帮助您准备MB-800。这些考试测试您对微软动态 365 业务中心功能顾问考试的了解程度。此外,Dumps4free还提供了各种微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理MB-800免费转储。这些转储可以帮助您准备 Microsoft 认证: Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证。 了解评分标准 微软认证:动态 365 业务中心功能顾问助理 MB-800 考试是一项多项选择题考试,用于测试您对 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心的知识。该考试测试您理解业务中心功能区域以及如何配置它们的能力。该考试还旨在测试您排查业务中心问题的能力。MB-800 考试的分数为 100-1000。考试的及格分数为 700。要通过考试,您必须正确回答至少 70% 的问题。考试分为两个部分:第 1 部分:微软动态 365 业务中心核心配置 (40%)第 2 部分:微软动态 365 业务中心扩展配置 (60%)您将有两个小时的时间来完成考试。参加 MB-800 考试没有任何先决条件。 制定学习计划并坚持下去 第一步是制定学习计划并坚持下去。您可以使用各种资源来帮助您准备 MB-800 考试,但请务必确保您使用的是可靠和最新的信息。转储4免费是微软MB-800转储PDF和VCE的重要资源。他们的 MB-800 转储会不断更新,以反映 Microsoft 认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理 MB-800 考试的最新更改。除了使用转储4free之外,利用微软的免费MB-800考试问题也是一个好主意。这些问题是了解MB-800考试内容的好方法。因为它们是免费的,所以你可以根据需要经常服用它们,直到你确信自己知道这些材料。一旦你制定了一个学习计划,坚持下去是很重要的。确保你每天花足够的时间学习并专注于你最需要研究的领域。如果你在某个特定的话题上挣扎,不要害怕向朋友或导师寻求帮助。最重要的是,不要放弃!只需稍加努力和奉献精神,您就可以通过 MB-800 考试并获得 Microsoft 认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证。 前一天晚上充分休息 考试前一天晚上不是通宵达旦的时候。您应该最后一次查看您的微软MB-800转储pdf和VCE。但如果你也睡了一整晚,那会有所帮助。休息的身体和心灵将帮助您感到更自信,更好地保留信息。在考试的早晨,吃一顿健康的早餐。营养餐将帮助您保持警觉,并准备好应对微软MB-800考试。确保在有足够时间的情况下到达测试中心。这将帮助您在就座之前放松身心并做好准备。最后,做几个深呼吸,提醒自己你已经准备好了。你已经努力学习,知道你需要做些什么才能成功。 放松并相信自己 放松和相信自己是保证MB-800考试成功的最佳方式。微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理MB-800考试并不像您想象的那么困难。借助转储4free MB-800转储pdf和VCE,您可以在第一次尝试时轻松通过MB-800考试。 微软认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理考试问 题 旨在帮助您更好地了解 Microsoft Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证和 MB-800 考试。在微软MB-800转储的帮助下,您可以在第一次尝试时轻松通过MB-800考试。 查找其他资源 无论你对自己的能力有多大的信心,在准备一次大型考试时寻求额外的资源总是一个好主意。对于微软动态 365 业务中心功能顾问 MB-800 考试,转储 4 免费是一个很好的资源。转储4free提供全面的微软MB-800转储PDF和VCE,涵盖了您需要了解的所有核心概念。此外,Dumps4free 的微软认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理 MB-800 免费转储会不断更新,以反映微软认证:Dynamics 365 业务中心功能顾问助理认证的最新变化。这意味着您可以确信您正在研究最新信息。 最后的思考 微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理MB-800考试具有挑战性,需要涵盖大量材料。我希望本文能为您提供一些有关准备和通过MB-800考试的有用提示。最后一条建议:不要忘记使用转储4free的MB-800转储PDF和VCE来帮助您准备。这些转储是学习材料和熟悉考试格式的好方法。祝您好运,成为微软认证:Dynamics 365业务中心功能顾问助理!
  • 热度 20
    2014-11-14 20:45
    1485 次阅读|
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    Recently I got interviewed regarding my thoughts on engineering education. Now, first, it’s important to note that the university experience is not an engineering education; it’s merely the start of that process. Too many of us practitioners figure we can stop learning after graduation. It’s disturbing that the average firmware person reads just one technical book per year; this in a field where change is the very foundation of our profession.   When I went to college, a very long time ago, I felt the University of Maryland had a great engineering program. But it did suffer from an over-emphasis on theory. We were not allowed to solder, as the school feared we’d burn ourselves!   The school offered too little guidance. I got caught up in too many math classes, finding the subject interesting. But most of those classes, like abstract algebra, were a waste of time. Calculus was worth learning as it is the basis for most of science. I’m glad to have learned it, though it’s surprising how infrequently I have used it in my career. When my son told me he needed help in his high school calculus class I had to re-study the subject to stay a step or two ahead of him. It was humbling to find my skills so degraded.   Circuit design classes were awful. There were only two: one on circuits, and another on transistor theory. Both were highly theoretical, and neither covered much about actual circuits. There was a lot of difficult math, like impulse response, which hasn’t been useful at all over the last 40 years. There wasn’t a peep about Darlington pairs, op amps, push-pull, classes of amplifiers, hetrodyning, and all of the rest that has been so important over the decades.   Looking over syllabuses today it appears EE requirements are more realistic, though it’s hard to know how practical a class is by the descriptions. But more electronics appears to be taught than in the early 70s. The University of Maryland still requires two electromagnetics courses, and I’ll bet those are just as incomprehensible as of yore. That material is more important than ever in this world of high-speed communications links, but it should be more accessible to students who will go on to design systems, not practice arcane mathematics. Today only one chemistry class is required, which is a good thing. I thought the second class we needed, organic chemistry, was mere memorization.   Today the University of Maryland requires one English class, on technical writing. Back in my day a composition course was mandated, though one could test out of it. We also had to take a literature class.   Engineering curricula are packed with too many classes in too short a period of time. Few manage to get out in four years, and that fifth, at an astronomical cost per year, can be financially devastating. But I sure wish we could wave a magic wand to squeeze in some much-needed additional classes. Number one on my wish list: Written and spoken communications. I think students need a number of classes on the subject. They simply must learn to write, and to write well. This is the communications age, yet too many techies have no communications skills.
  • 热度 32
    2014-5-29 12:06
    2151 次阅读|
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    Liitle kids aren't yet at the stage where they can solder a circuit board or code a subroutine. Nevertheless, as is the case with many subjects, many educators and parents feel that, the earlier engineering is introduced, the better.   Here are a number of reasons why. Little humans are programmed to question, build, and create. It's in their nature to ask and explore how things work and how they're made. Just ask any parent who's had to reassemble something taken apart by curious young hands. Catching their interest and introducing key concepts while they're still fun and interesting can establish a solid foundation. As we move up to higher levels of education, we're told to specialize and to separate one subject area from another. As children, however, engineering concepts blend into all sorts of other types of learning. A young child doesn't have to be specifically interested in engineering to be taught key ideas. They can learn them through art projects, storytelling, music, or even physical education. The skills learned through early engineering education, including problem solving and analysis, can be applied throughout a child's education. Technological literacy, or the awareness of how technology impacts one's way of thinking and living, is a key 21st-century skill. The sooner a child begins to develop this skill, the better able he or she can make technology work, regardless of whether the child eventually chooses engineering as a career. Early engineering education also helps to break gender barriers. The younger the child, the less he or she tend to think of specific activities or subjects as being for boys or girls. Studies have shown that female participation in engineering tends to dwindle as children get older. A concerted effort not only to make engineering available to little girls, but also to keep it appealing as they get older, is necessary. So how are engineering concepts being introduced to learners as young as three or four? - There's no shortage of toys and educational tools available to teach engineering concepts, even to very young learners. Lego WeDo , for example, allows early elementary-level students to build and program robots. As kits like GoldieBlox demonstrate, efforts are being made to market engineering toys to both boys and girls. - Early engineering is being included as a subject area as early as preschool, and the learning objectives are being formally written into the curriculum. What's more, a hands-on, project-based approach is being employed, ensuring that learners know the practical applications for the theory being introduced. - Extracurricular activities, clubs, and competitions surrounding engineering are becoming wildly popular. Just look at the success of Junior First Lego League , which invites competitors as young as six or seven. It's even possible to have an engineering-themed birthday party - Most children's museums feature exhibits that teach early engineering concepts. Young visitors are invited to peek inside complex machines , experiment with light and motion, and build and test structures. - Educators have come to realize that areas of engineering previously thought to be beyond the reach of child learners, such as coding, are not only within their grasp but also of great interest to them. Whether efforts to introduce engineering to a younger crowd will result in more students entering the field remains to be seen. What is known is that exposing young children to any new idea at an early age tends to result in a great appreciation of it as they grow. At the very least, more young learners will be familiar with the positive impact that smart design and execution can have on their daily lives. Amy Leask, VP and co-founder, Enable Education
  • 热度 18
    2014-3-26 16:45
    3102 次阅读|
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    I was born into a family of educators, and I married into a family of educators. For some time, it seemed as though my professional life was headed in a different direction. I worked in the automation industry as a system integrator. Eventually, however, like in The Godfather: Part III , "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." I became a professor, and now I find myself running a company focused on educational content and technology. Having one foot in the teaching world and the other foot in industry has given me a unique perspective on engineering education. Strangely enough, the strongest feeling that I have about engineering education comes neither from my years as a student nor from my years as a professor, but from my years working on (and under) machines. For years, as a "software guy," I worked squarely between electrical engineers and electricians or between mechanical engineers and toolmakers. I often observed problems arise between young engineers and the seasoned tradesmen and women. "The Wall" was a literal thing—a real divide between carpeting, reclining desk chairs and workstations, and cement floors, stools, and tools.   Lab and project work is just as important as academics. Engineers would throw designs over "The Wall," and men and women would build those things, wire them up, and make them work. That was the plan, but I don't know how often I heard, "This can't be built" or "This can't ever be taken apart" or "That'll never work." It became clear to me that good engineers are receptive to feedback, and the best ones are proactive enough to get input before stamping a drawing. Years later, when I began teaching future engineers, and still later, when I began employing engineers as a business owner, this still rang true. So how does an employer encourage this sort of collaboration and flexibility? A number of engineering students are now taking part in things like robotic competitions and alternative energy vehicle competitions. Most engineering programs have senior projects. As an employer, I view those activities as more important than mere grade point averages. When interviewing or working with interns or new graduates, I ask things such as: * What have you built? * What have you fixed? * Have you ever hurt yourself in the shop? (I'm not sure what the right answer is, but I like to ask.) * What's your favourite machine or tool to work on? And what can engineering educators do to foster these qualities in their students? * Some schools have fantastic internship or co-operative education programs. I think all schools should. * Most schools have capstone or senior project courses. I think all of them should, and the students should really be required to make something from scratch. * Students should consistently be inspired by seeing real results of real projects that relate to their studies. I think as engineers, we should give back by showing off our cool work. Educators should be asking us to do this. I talk to many engineering educators about their challenges. Student engagement is always on top on the list. I think this is relatively easy to solve by talking about "The Wall" between theory and practice and then showing them how to break it down. Ben Zimmer is the president of Enable Training and Consulting.  
  • 热度 25
    2014-1-23 18:55
    1831 次阅读|
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    Most subject areas are experiencing an increase in the demand for real-world, problem-based education. Engineering is no different. By making greater use of new technology and shifting their classroom focus, many post-secondary engineering educators are finding success in a "flipped" model. Traditionally, engineering classes have been lecture-based, supplemented by weekly tutorials and laboratory work. Course material is focused on facts, theories, and equations Learning activities include reading, exercises, and assignments. Students are expected to acquire knowledge, but aren't necessarily required to apply it to real-world scenarios, nor are they asked to find information through their own exploration. Traditional teaching and learning methods in engineering certainly have their merits, but shifts in the demands placed on engineers, coupled with the emergence of new educational technology, have exposed a number of gaps. First, traditional engineering education is often one-directional, with limited time for interaction between student and instructor. Today, students need to engage in inquiry, exploration, and concrete problem-solving. They also need opportunities for innovation and experimentation, but such opportunities may be limited. What's more, traditional models of engineering education don't necessarily encourage students to take ownership over their own learning. From a teaching perspective, traditional models don't always take advantage of the real-world experience of instructors, as their roles are composed largely of dispensing information and grading assignments. The flipped classroom In a flipped classroom, facts and theories are still important, but they take up far less of the time students spend with their instructors. Basic knowledge is covered outside of class time, through media such as online video tutorials, downloadable notes, and visual aids. Resources like these can be created by instructors themselves, or external resources can be recommended. This frees up class time for work on actual problems and projects, and inquiry-based tasks that put skills and knowledge to use. Projects are often completed in collaboration with other students, with instructors acting as facilitators and guides. Although making this kind of shift does require some effort, the benefits of a flipped classroom for students can be extensive. Through the flipped model, students get a better picture of what it's really like to be an engineer, and not just an engineering student. They're given a real-world context for what they learn in class. Students are encouraged to take ownership over their learning. If they want to succeed, they not only have to take responsibility for covering basic facts and theories on their own time, but must make an effort to participate in classroom inquiry. The reward for their efforts is a learning environment that invites collaboration with other learners, and that is geared towards the real-world experiences they'll have as an engineer. Instructors also benefit from the flipped classroom model because their roles change to that of a mentor or facilitator. Instructors get the opportunity to share their insights and experience with students and participate in the learning process themselves. That experience results in instructors attaining a much better understanding of how much their students learn. Flipped classrooms present a unique opportunity to instructors to confer with other instructors as well. Educational technology In some ways, the accessibility of information via digital media is causing most classrooms to "flip" in some sense. Raw data and theory can be assigned as independent online study, but having an effective learning management system is a valuable way to organise, present, and contextualise the information students learn on their own. Moreover, with space and resources at a premium for many academic institutions, online communities of inquiry are redefining what it means to "be there" in the classroom. That allows collaboration and innovation even through remote learning. Amy Leask VP and co-founder Enable Education