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  • 热度 21
    2015-2-20 20:53
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    Although the term "smart phone" first appeared in print in 1995, describing ATT's "PhoneWriter Communicator" as a "smart phone," it was the indomitable Steve Jobs who forcefed it into our vocabulary and consciousness 12 years later. "Smart phone" has stuck ever since with no contender to replace the ubiquitous name.   Steve Jobs, and most of the world’s population didn’t know then, and may not know now how extraordinarily powerful, useful, and essential the smartphone of 2016 is going to be.   That’s the good news. The bad news is that less sophisticated marketing types, looking for the sound bites to excite the news tonight, will declare inaccurate heights, and in some cases give consumers the frights. Smartphones are going to seem intelligent, but they will not be thinking machines, just very, very well-trained, adaptive, and adaptable devices with multi-sensor inputs.   As a result of the digestion of hordes of data collected by the device and other sources, processed on the device, and sorted in the device and/or the cloud, our personal companions are going to appear to be intuitive. The result will be better experiences and interactions with our devices and the world at large.   The goal of the device builders and their processor and application suppliers is to bring a more human-like understanding to the device so we users are not aware that we are dealing with a machine, as I am fond of saying, the technology works when it disappears.   When we can teach our devices to respond to us, in a manner we prefer, which will be different for each and every user, we’ll have a human-like relationship. But as long as the device and apps have to train us on how to deal with them, it’s still just an annoying machine that heats up our pockets and frustrates us as we try to deal with it while dealing with three other things simultaneously.   The device builders and their suppliers understand this and are taking steps to improve the situation, and they are working at warp speed — you are going to be amazed at the development over the next 18 months. Feeling secure One of the major components of those developments will be better personal security. The smartphone of 2016 will have twice the local memory of today’s devices, and more than twice the capacity for plug in memory.   The memory will be faster, and use less power. That’s item one in the improved security — keep your stuff locally, and privately. The industry emphasizes the need for more processing on the cloud and ignores the need for on-device processing, our future smartphones will do more and store more locally.   The access to the local data will be biologically unique, with multifactor biometric authentication, including eyes, face, voice, touch, and maybe even heartbeat.   If you choose to share your data, the uplinks and downlinks will be so fast you’ll barely think about them. That’s both the good news and the bad. If it’s too easy and too fast, you may inadvertently share something you didn’t intend to. That’s where intelligent behavioral analysis comes to play.   If your devices have learned your patterns, and know who your friends and trusted sources/sites are, then there will be little to no challenge. But if you do something erratic, unpredictable, or potentially dangerous, then the action will be challenged.   We will come to expect our devices to see, hear and understand their surroundings through technologies such as computer vision, directional audio, sensor fusion and machine learning. And from that data infer context, anticipate needs, and take appropriate actions through technologies, such as, always-on sensing and on-device machine learning.   Smartphone cameras won’t only capture a high-quality image and see it as millions of individual pixels, but will also understand the image, recognize objects, understand the scene, figure out context, etc. In this new paradigm, camera is not just capturing pixels, but understand them.   The expanded sensor array in the next generation smartphones will be extraordinary. Our phones will view the world in 3D, and collect information about things in 3D, with information about how far things are from us, and their rate of travel toward or away from us. Imagine your phone telling you, “might as well stop running, you can’t catch that bus.”   Augmented reality won’t be a novelty, it will be automatic and active anytime the phone senses it is not in your pocket, purse or briefcase. The AR in the phone of 2016 will constantly tell you stuff about your surroundings, and not just annoying ad-driven messages for taco stands and gas stations, but notifications about things you care about and are interested in.   If they get in the way you’ll simply say, “That’s enough Igor,” or, “stop it Igor,” you won’t have to tell Igor what to do in an exact construct of speech that Igor tried to train you to use, Igor will understand your intentions, and behave accordingly — a true personal companion. Never lonely, never uncomfortable These technologies, techniques, and concepts will spread beyond the personal companion. You’ll find them in your home, car, retail stores, and other things that you contact. Due to the massive manufacturing scale of mobile devices, processors, sensors, and associated components, parts are very inexpensive while providing amazing processing capabilities. It’s the democratization of technology and the sharing of it that will enrich our lives overall.   Our cars will behave smarter, more sensitive to our needs, comfort, and most of all safety. And our homes will be more aware of our presence, both coming and going, the ambient conditions inside and out, and adjust itself for our comfort while observing energy management protocols. Imagine the house getting a message from your phone alerting it to your arrival in 10 minutes.   The house checks the outside temperature and wind-chill factor and sets up the heaters in the rooms it knows you first use when you come home. The phone also gives the house your agenda for the day, and the house, with the phone’s help, sees that in addition to having fought with rush-hour traffic for the past 45 minutes, you were in a stressful, over-extended meeting with your boss. Aha says the house I better put on some soothing music, he probably won’t want to hear Machine Head tonight.   Consumer suppliers will send complex computer graphics models to your TV and/or mobile device so you can see high fidelity and faithfully reproduced examples of products you are interested in.   The technologies to enable these ideas are getting ready to make this a reality. All the great ideas that have been proposed over the past 20 years for the technological life of the future are remarkably close to being realized. For example, the advancements in machine learning, computer vision and other cognitive technologies.   It is due largely to the smartphone, its broad acceptance, and the manufacturing volume of complex electronic parts and associated software. And the processors and sensors will operate at remarkably low power while doing it. As usage and number of sensors continually increase (a dozen of sensors in your smartphone today), ultra-low power sensor processing will be essential.   Love triangle Your smartphone could become a threat to your relationships. People have commented, “my phone knows me better than my husband/wife.” A Survey (by Brandon McDaniel of The Pennsylvania State University and Sarah Coyne of Brigham Young University in Utah) found that almost three quarters of women in committed relationships feel that smartphones are interfering with their love life and are reducing the amount of time they spend with their partner.   Jon Peddie is president of Jon Peddie Research (Tiburon, Calif), a technically oriented marketing, research, and management consulting firm.
  • 热度 18
    2013-9-3 16:17
    882 次阅读|
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    Mobile devices   Mobile devices are susceptible to the damaging effects of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). In addition, mobile devices, because of their higher operating frequencies, are more sensitive to EMI/RFI interference. Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) devices provide protection at board-level from the effects of ESD as defined by IEC 61000-4-2. When used with the proper shielding, these devices provide additional EMI/RFI filtering. Mobile devices in today's market include high resolution color LCD displays. These displays require high bandwidth, low noise data lines, to prevent unwanted noise that can interfere with the displayed image. CitrusCom's ESD+EMI filter array offers maximum attenuation filtering and protection from ESD, while allowing high-speed data signaling from the baseband chip-set to the LCD display. The device achieves better than -30 dB of attenuation, at frequencies from 800 MHz to 5 GHz, with no line loss. With a high cut-off frequency, the ESD+EMI filter is ideal for filtering and protecting the LCD interface. CitrusCom offers EMI filter arrays in four-channel, six-channel, and eight-channel versions to provide optimal reliability and design flexibility.
  • 热度 26
    2013-9-3 16:16
    865 次阅读|
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    Mobile Camera   Mobile devices are susceptible to the damaging effects of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). In addition, mobile devices, because of their higher operating frequencies, are more sensitive to EMI/RFI interference. Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) devices provide protection at board-level from the effects of ESD as defined by IEC 61000-4-2. When used with the proper shielding, these devices provide additional EMI/RFI filtering. Mobile devices in today's market include high resolution color LCD displays. These displays require high bandwidth, low noise data lines, to prevent unwanted noise that can interfere with the displayed image. CitrusCom's ESD+EMI filter array offers maximum attenuation filtering and protection from ESD, while allowing high-speed data signaling from the baseband chip-set to the LCD display. The device achieves better than -30 dB of attenuation, at frequencies from 800 MHz to 5 GHz, with no line loss. With a high cut-off frequency, the ESD+EMI filter is ideal for filtering and protecting the LCD interface. CitrusCom offers EMI filter arrays in four-channel, six-channel, and eight-channel versions to provide optimal reliability and design flexibility.
  • 热度 20
    2013-1-17 16:26
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    The Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) predicts that global mobile Internet data traffic will increase 18 times from 2011 to 2016, to 130 exabytes annually 1 . Realizing this enormous data capacity with ubiquitous coverage, while providing innovative mobile services, meeting customer quality of service expectations and service provider requirements for cost-effective service delivery is a big challenge. Small cell technology is a fundamental paradigm shift that will address this challenge. Small cells is an umbrella term for low-powered radio access nodes that operate in licensed and unlicensed spectrum over a range of ten to several hundred meters. These contrast with a typical mobile macro cell which has a range several tens of kilometers. The term covers femto cells, pico cells, micro cells and metro cells – depending on the range and number of users. There are several distinct applications of small cells – indoor, enterprise, metro and public space and rural areas.   Several challenging technical problems need to be solved in the design of small cells as well as in planning the networks. Some of the key ones are: 1) Mobility management: With the increased number of cells in a given area and fewer end-users per cell, there are more handovers. There is more neighbor management and negotiation required across small cells. 2) Self-organizing Networks (SON): As the number of cells increase in the network, there are more cell borders, leading to greater potential for interference. SON capabilities are required for automated selection of codes and frequencies and setting of power levels to balance interference and coverage. 3) Backhaul: The variety of deployment scenarios are driving a mix of wired and wireless backhaul technologies. NLoS (Non-Line Of Sight) wireless backhaul operating at sub-6GHz out of band is suited for dense urban areas. Wherever fiber is available, Ethernet or GPON backhaul is cost-effective. Market reports are predicting an explosion of adoption of small cells by service providers across the world in the next few years 2,3,4,5,6 . Several companies are involved in developing pieces of this technology and Cisco is rapidly becoming a leading edge developer of small cell products and solutions 7 . References : 1. Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Forecast (2011-2016)— http://newsroom.cisco.com/press-release-content?type=webcontentarticleId=888280 2. http://www.networkworld.com/news/2012/111412-cisco-to-build-small-cellular-264247.html 3. 70 million small cell units are expected to be shipped by 2017 – Mobile Experts, February 2012. 4. Small cells units sold will grow nearly 40-fold with 73% CAGR from 2011 to 2016 – Infonetics, September 2012. 5. Small cells will account for 12% of offloaded data by 2016 – Juniper Research, June 2012. 6. Small cell devices will hit US$14 billion in retail value by 2015 – In-Stat January 2012. 7. Cisco to build small cellular base stations— http://www.networkworld.com/news/2012/111412-cisco-to-build-small-cellular-264247.html   - Ishwar Parulkar, CTO, Service Provider Access Group, Cisco Systems Ishwar Parulkar, a PhD, is a Cisco Distinguished Engineer and the CTO for Service Provider Access Group. In this role he is responsible for technology and architecture of products spanning small cells, service provider Wi-Fi access and cell-site, access, pre-aggregation and aggregation routers. Prior to joining Cisco India in 2009, Parulkar worked in Silicon Valley in USA at Sun Microsystems and Apple.  
  • 热度 24
    2010-7-9 09:35
    5092 次阅读|
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    ——作者:In-Stat中国助理分析师   李兵 iPhone的出现,带来了手机用户体验的革命,触摸屏操作,简洁美观的UI设计,各种酷炫特效,无不吸引众多用户眼球,并掀起了智能手机更新换代的狂潮。创新的设备+服务的商业模式使得苹果逐渐由硬件厂商向软件厂商转型,同时给消费电子产业树立了标杆。 紧随苹果之后的则是Android系列手机与Window mobile系列手机。本文着重从用户(UI/UE设计)、终端厂商支持、开发者等几个角度对这两类手机进行比较。 从用户角度来说,很少有用户买到一部智能手机之后,愿意在3寸大的屏幕上去学习操作系统该如何使用,操作系统的简单易用性及其友好的界面是大多数用户选择智能手机的一个重要因素。比如,前些年,在简单的塞班手机的竞争下,window手机难以为继,尽管其功能在当时来说异常强大。所以,UI交互形式上来说,操作系统均有同质化的发展趋向。无论是Android,还是windows mobile,均提供这种一目了然的标签界面。 而智能手机的用户体验,苹果无疑将其发挥到了极致,目前其他手机能做的,只能是尽量往苹果的方向靠拢。微软的研发能力和积累不在话下,Android虽然发展时间不长,但过去一段时间以来Android一系列的升级,也可看出谷歌的雄厚实力。所以,UE设计只是时间问题。 而在产业链环节的比较上,Windows mobile和Android的关系正如PC时代的windows和Linux。PC时代的windows绑架了用户,而在手机领域,大多数用户并不关心手机的操作系统,他们关心的是手机的外观、款式以及实现的功能等等。所以,在智能手机领域,获得硬件厂商的支持有着至关重要的作用。 WM向厂商收取授权费,Android开源并免费获取;另外一个重要的点是Android在用户空间(user-space)采取的是ASL开源许可证,即用户可在Android基础上进行修改,但不用向开源社区公开所作的修改。如此,对于部分纯粹卖终端的厂商来说,免费的Android自然比WM更有吸引力(比如,以低成本著称的MTK智能手机方案在WM方案上仍然要支付10美金的授权费用,也算一笔不小的费用);对于较为有实力并想沿用苹果终端+服务的厂商来说,他们也可以基于Android开发自己独有的OS并打造相应的应用网店,比如中国移动的OMS,以及联想的lephone OS等等。所以,在获取终端厂商的支持上,Android有较大优势。这也是Android近一年能够快速发展的原因。当然,谷歌吸取了Linux在PC领域发展的教训,Android内核的许可证是基于GPLv2的,该许可证的特点是所有人的修改都必须向开源社区公开,这保证了Android在谷歌的带领下,朝着统一的方向发展。 终端厂商的支持使得Android手机的种类大为丰富,如HTC、三星、LG等原本支持WM的厂商都开始生产Android手机,Moto甚至完全放弃了WM而转向Android。手机种类的丰富自然会大大增大手机用户的市场规模。手机用户规模的扩大又大大刺激了各种开发者为其开发各种应用程序,形成了一个良性循环。下面的一组数字或许能说明一些问题:目前,Android在经过仅仅18个月的发展,已经拥有60款终端,59家合作运营商,21家OEM厂商,超过5万款应用程序,以及18万的应用开发者。 点击浏览更多 李兵博客文章