tag 标签: spifi

  • 热度 11
    2012-2-21 17:10
    1602 次阅读|
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    In his  recent blog " Something SPIFI ", Jack Gannsle talks about his pleasure in the capabilities of a new flash memory interface from NXP, which uses a Serial Peripheral Interface to access serially organised flash nonvolatile memory devices over what it refers to as the SPI Flash Interface. Gannsle feels the new interface gives developers of resource-constrained MCU designs capabilities they did not have before. The SPI Flash Interface is yet another application of the Serial Peripheral Interface protocol, which has been around almost as long as I have been covering electronics.SPI is a name Motorola gave to a circuit technique used in the late 1970s in its first 68000-based MCU to connect it to peripheral functions. But I am sure that it pre-existed in many designs before Motorola's implementation. I remember a comment to me at the time by an engineer who was familiar with both it and similar devices from National Semiconductor: He said SPI is the sort of defacto standard that did not emerge out of the brain of any one engineer or company, but was something any digital electronic engineer would think of to communicate between two digital devices on a board with a minimum number of wires. When I first saw an implementation of SPI in a design being done by an engineer I immediately thought of the process involved in tying shoelaces. As children, introduced to shoes and the need to keep from stepping on the untied laces, we are either taught, or figure out with a little experimentation, how to tie them. The basic steps are the same and depending on circumstances there are a number of variations which build upon the basic knot, such as the Alpine butterfly, Figure-of-eight and the Monkey's Fist. After that, when the situation arises, such as the need to make your shoes fit snugly, the process is automatic. It is much the same with the basic SPI. It is is not complicated and is simple to implement and, as a result, is as automatic tying your shoelaces. It is nothing more than a signal line protocol that defines simple communication between two digital devices. It includes the following: 1) a clock signal sent from the bus master to all slaves; 2) synchronisation of all signals to this basic clock output; 3) A slave select signal for each slave to select the slave with which the master communicates; 4) a data line from the master to the slaves; and 5) data lines from the slaves to the master. Unlike later specs, including I2C, USB, and PCI, it is hard to find a formal separate 'specification' of the SPI bus. As a result, nearly every IC vendor out there has come up with improvements which they use to establish their imprimatur through branding or patenting. The last comprehensive summary of SPI parts I have seen, both basic and enhanced with proprietary "improvements," listed about 200. Also unlike those later specs, there is no Special Interest Group or IEEE committee that maintains a formal separate 'specification' for the SPI bus. Indeed embedded developers used to designing within the constrainsts of those specifications would be, I suspect, very uncomfortable with SPI. Other than what is summarised above, that is basically all that is defined for the SPI protocol. It doesn't define any maximum data rate, nor a particular addressing scheme. It also doesn't have an acknowledgment mechanism for confirming receipt of data. Scandolously, it also does not offer any flow control. As near as I have been able to determine, the SPI master really has no information about whether a slave exists, unless it is so defined outside the SPI protocol. It also has no concern about the physical interface specs such as I/O voltages, or even clocking. The earliest designs I was aware of used a non-continuous clock and byte-by-byte scheme. But many present variants of the protocol use a continuous clock signal and arbitrary transfer lengths. Despite all these "drawbacks," SPI is now ubiquitous in embedded designs, an integral element in microcontrollers and FPGAs, and in applications such as instrument panel clusters, digitally controlled potentiometers, M2M applications, industrial controller area networks (CAN), temperature measurement and robotics. Whether its' ubiquity is due to the fact that that it has no formalized standards group protecting it—or in spite of it—I do not know. But in research I have been doing recently about leading edge wireless machine to machine and 6LoWPAN applications, the sheer number of articles I have come across making use of it was surprising. This convinces me that we can expect to see SPI even more widely used—not less—in embedded applications as we move into an era of ubiquitous MCU-based, wirelessly connected sensors, due to its ability to operate effectively in resource-constrained environments—and to the freedom its' somewhat ad hoc flexible nature provides to developers.  
  • 热度 12
    2012-2-17 18:30
    1719 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    Lately, I've been experimenting with the new LPC4350 dual-core microcontroller from NXP. It's quite an intriguing part, sporting a Cortex-M4 and a Cortex-M0. The former has floating point and DSP instructions, while the latter is targeted at the control and housekeeping functions that so many embedded systems need. One interesting feature is their SPI Flash Interface (SPIFI). The company introduced this on their LPC1800 series of processors a year or two ago. SPIFI is a mechanism that interfaces the CPU to external serial flash memory. The cool thing is that the serial flash appears in the microcontroller's address space, and can be accessed in a standard random access fashion. That's right: random access to serial flash. There are a number of upsides. Serial flash is cheaper than parallel. And, far fewer pins are needed. The SPI connection requires just four pins (6 for quad flash devices). A serial flash device can have just a total of 8 pins, greatly shrinking PCB real-estate needs. In contrast, parallel devices need gobs of address, data and control connections. There's no software layer between the flash and the CPU. A SPIFI controller on-board the microprocessor connects the flash directly to the AHB bus (for some reason a lot of literature about ARM's Application High-speed Bus put the redundant word "bus" after AHB). Eight registers control the SPIFI interface; once set up, any instruction can access the flash as if it were regular memory. So the system can use serial flash as bulk storage, access it via DMA, and even execute code directly from it. The LPC43xx series are very complex parts with tons of features. They do an initial boot from an on-board ROM, which can configure the SPIFI registers and then initiate the application's boot from SPIFI flash. Being on the AHB means that either core can access the serial flash at any time. It's a little freaky using these parts since the M4 and M0 share address space. Either can use the same peripherals and memory. While this is a powerful idea, it's laden with reentrancy threats. There is an interprocessor communications strategy, though, so with a little care robust code isn't too hard to write. The obvious down side is transfer speed. Real random-access reads and writes will be quite slow, as the address and data have to be transferred over SPI. That's probably not important for booting. But one could copy the flash to RAM and execute from there. Block transfers are very fast. Some applications might take advantage of the on-board LCD controller, and store blocks of images in the flash, which will transfer quickly. The SPIFI controller can mediate these transfers so no CPU intervention is needed. Presumably SPIFI will be an NXP-only feature, as the company is applying for a patent on the technology. But it's a pretty cool idea.  
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