tag 标签: scanner

  • 2018-2-20 11:40
    0 个评论
    Après avoir utilisé le Tech 2, quelques étapes simples vous permettront de tirer le meilleur parti de cet outil de diagnostic. REMARQUER Ne vaporisez pas et ne versez jamais de nettoyant sur le Tech 2 Scanner . Si le Tech 2 est sale, nettoyez-le avec un détergent doux ou du savon pour les mains. Évitez d'utiliser des solvants agressifs tels que les produits de nettoyage à base de pétrole: acétone, benzène, trichloréthylène, etc. Les solvants agressifs peuvent graver les surfaces plastiques Tech 2. Bien que le Tech 2 résiste à l'eau, il ne sèche pas. 2 avant utilisation et / ou stockage. La maintenance du Tech 2 nécessite une inspection et un nettoyage périodiques de: * La fenêtre d'affichage * Le clavier * Les assemblages de câbles et les connecteurs Assurez-vous que le Tech 2 n'est pas connecté à un véhicule ou à une autre source d'alimentation et suivez les procédures de nettoyage détaillées ci-dessous Nettoyage de l'écran L'écran recueille la poussière et la crasse pendant l'utilisation normale. Essuyez occasionnellement l'écran avec un chiffon propre, doux et antistatique. Enlevez les taches tenaces en appliquant un nettoyant pour vitres non abrasif sur un chiffon doux et essuyez le chiffon à travers la zone d'affichage. Nettoyage du clavier Nettoyez le clavier avec un nettoyant non abrasif. Appliquez une petite quantité de nettoyant sur un chiffon doux et essuyez tissu à travers la zone du clavier. Entretien des assemblages de câbles et des connecteurs Inspectez les assemblages de câbles pendant la connexion et la déconnexion des composants. Surveillez les coupures ou les abrasions le long des câbles. Vérifiez les connecteurs et les broches de connecteur pour la graisse, la saleté et la corrosion. Si des contaminants sont présents, les retirer avec une solution de savon doux. Stocker le Tech 2 * Rangez le OBD II Scanner Tech 2 à l'écart des solvants et autres liquides. Ce n'est pas étanche à l'humidité. * Rangez le Tech 2 à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil. La lumière ultraviolette et infrarouge assombrira l'affichage. * Rangez le Tech 2 dans son boîtier en plastique. Sinon, la couverture en plastique à fort impact pourrait se rayer Commencer Cette section couvre toutes les applications de véhicules Car Diagnostic Tool Tech 2 . Par conséquent, certaines des informations fournies peuvent ne pas être requises pour des applications individuelles. Le Tech 2 contient deux ports de communication série: le RS-232 et le RS-485. Utilisez le port RS-232 pour télécharger les données d'un autre ordinateur vers le Tech 2. Le port RS-485 n'est actuellement pas utilisé. Le Tech 2 contient également deux ports PCMCIA, un connecteur de prise d'alimentation et un connecteur VCI (Vehicle Communications Interface). L'un des emplacements PCMCIA contient une carte mémoire avec des informations de diagnostic. La prise d'alimentation est alimentée par l'alimentation CA / CC, la batterie ou le câble d'alimentation de l'allume-cigare. Le connecteur VCI accepte le câble DLC ou l'adaptateur de bouclage DLC http://obd2tools.blogsky.com/1396/11/30/post-74/GM-Tech2-Initial-Hardware-Installation
  • 热度 17
    2012-7-13 10:15
    1500 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    I observed that cables can be a real rip-off – especially for those consumers who don't know what they are doing. Even a little 6-foot USB-A to USB-B can cost you an arm-and-a-leg in the wrong store. I'm fortunate in that there's a little computer repair and recycling shop called TechStars just around the corner from my office in Madison, Alabama. All of the services and parts they offer are really reasonable price-wise. For example, they charge only $2 for a brand-spanking new 6-foot USB-A to USB-B cable. I know this price is current, because I purchased just such a cable only last week. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about... The thing is, while I was waiting for the guy to ring me up, I idly glanced around the shop, and I saw something that I simply couldn't believe – a wall-size display of brand-new standalone scanners for just $5 apiece. I was so blown away that I took a picture of one of the boxes with my iPhone as shown below:   These are billed as 36bit true color, hot plug-and-play, suitable for use with PCs and MACs, and driven and powered by USB. I took a look at one and it really was rather tasty – an A4 scanner about the size of an old telephone directory (but not quite as thick). Looking at the box we see that it says "Windows 95 / 98 / 2000", so I'm guessing that these are old units, but I have no doubt that they would work with a modern computer. Only $5!! ... I had to fight myself not to purchase a bunch of the little rascals to give as gifts to friends. The only thing that stopped me is that everyone I know already has a combined printer / scanner / toaster / microwave / whatever (I can't keep track of all the functions these things offer these days). But only $5 !!! ... Give me strength!!! ... I cannot wrap my brain around this. I mean to say, if I decided to create a product ... any product ... it would cost me more than $5 to create the box and packaging, let alone the cost of shipping the thing around the world, and that would be for an empty box without an actual product. I really don't know what to say (and that's not something you hear me say very often)...
  • 热度 21
    2012-7-11 16:19
    2329 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    I noticed that cables can be an utter rip-off – especially for those consumers who don't know what they are doing. Even a little 6-foot USB-A to USB-B can cost you an arm-and-a-leg in the wrong store. I'm fortunate in that there's a little computer repair and recycling shop called TechStars just around the corner from my office in Madison, Alabama. All of the services and parts they offer are really reasonable price-wise. For example, they charge only $2 for a brand-spanking new 6-foot USB-A to USB-B cable. I know this price is current, because I purchased just such a cable only last week. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about... The thing is, while I was waiting for the guy to ring me up, I idly glanced around the shop, and I saw something that I simply couldn't believe – a wall-size display of brand-new standalone scanners for just $5 apiece. I was so blown away that I took a picture of one of the boxes with my iPhone as shown below:   These are billed as 36bit true color, hot plug-and-play, suitable for use with PCs and MACs, and driven and powered by USB. I took a look at one and it really was rather tasty – an A4 scanner about the size of an old telephone directory (but not quite as thick). Looking at the box we see that it says "Windows 95 / 98 / 2000", so I'm guessing that these are old units, but I have no doubt that they would work with a modern computer. Only $5!! ... I had to fight myself not to purchase a bunch of the little rascals to give as gifts to friends. The only thing that stopped me is that everyone I know already has a combined printer / scanner / toaster / microwave / whatever (I can't keep track of all the functions these things offer these days). But only $5 !!! ... Give me strength!!! ... I cannot wrap my brain around this. I mean to say, if I decided to create a product ... any product ... it would cost me more than $5 to create the box and packaging, let alone the cost of shipping the thing around the world, and that would be for an empty box without an actual product. I really don't know what to say (and that's not something you hear me say very often)...  
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  • 所需E币: 1
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    时间: 2020-1-13 19:23
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