tag 标签: motor cycle

  • 热度 17
    2011-10-21 17:21
    1843 次阅读|
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    Here's a "warm up" for two days of fun and frivolity. Let's pause for a while to take a look at some items of interest and perhaps ponder some of life's imponderables... Stonehenge for dummies ...for example, a few moments ago I was re-perusing a video I first saw a couple of years ago. This involves a guy called Wally whose hobby it is to singlehandedly move very large blocks of stone or concrete using cunning assemblies of levers and suchlike. It cumulates with him taking a 8,708 kg (19,200 lb) block of concrete shaped like one of the standing stones at Stonehenge. Wally manages to take this stone from a horizontal position to be vertically mounted in the ground ( Click here to see this video). Think you can get lost in a crowd? If you click this link you will be taken to a website showing a photo that was taken by Port Moody photographer Ronnie Miranda and that appeared in Tri-City News on Friday 24 June 2011. This picture (a subset of which is shown above) shows the crowd before the riot in Vancouver. Put your cursor anywhere in the crowd and double-click a couple of times then use the scroll button in the center of your mouse. You can zero in on any one single face. The clarity is unbelievable. This gives you some idea of the technology the police and the military have at their disposal. Tron-inspired light cycle My chum Jay emailed me to tell me about an amazing motorcycle built by brothers Marc and Shannon Parker ( Click here to visit their website). This bike was inspired by the movie Tron: Legacy , in which virtual characters race around on high-speed bikes (actually, that pretty much summarizes the plot of the entire film). Despite the unconventional seating position and hubless wheels, the Lightcycle is a real bike. It is powered by electricity, can travel up to 80 miles per 35 minute charge, and costs about $60,000 (which means you won't be seeing me on one in the foreseeable future). Well, that's all for this Friday, because I can hear the weekend calling me "Max, Max, where are you?" To which I can only reply "Don't worry little one, I'm coming..."