热度 12
2010-5-11 11:54
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芯谷芯片解密事业部在5年的发展历程中,专注芯片解密行业技术研究,为广大客户提供芯片解密,IC解密,单片机解密等服务,力争成为芯片解密行业领航者为了在更大程度上满足客户的PCB抄板和芯片解密需求,芯谷建立了PCB抄板实验室、芯片解密实验室、民用设备(仿制)实验室、工用设备(仿制)实验室等四大专业实验室以及一家大型生产加工厂,实现了从技术研发、产品生产、产品销售合一的一体化经营模式,芯谷厚积近30年的力量将一路喷涌而发。 以下是关于MB89P625P-SH 芯片 的基本特性,仅供各位参考: FEATURES Various package options Three types of QFP packages (1 mm, 0.65 mm, or 0.5 mm lead pitch) SDIP packages High-speed processing at low voltage Minimum execution time: 0.4 m s/3.5 V, 0.8 m s/2.7 V F 2 MC-8L family CPU core Four types of timers 8-bit PWM timer (also usable as a reload timer) 8-bit pulse width count timer (Continuous measurement capable, applicable to remote control, etc.) 16-bit timer/counter 20-bit timebase timer Two serial interfaces Switchable transfer direction allows communication with various equipment. 8-bit A/D converter Sense mode function enabling comparison at 5 m s Activation by an external input capable (Continued) Multiplication and division instructions 16-bit arithmetic operations Test and branch instructions Bit manipulation instructions, etc. Instruction set optimized for controllers http://www.szxpjm.com/ic/fuston/2010/0507/190.html 文章来自: