tag 标签: COSMIC

  • 热度 20
    2014-3-25 19:50
    1639 次阅读|
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    A few days ago, I received an email from my chum Arthur Smith, one of the world's foremost experts on cosmic rays, who now devotes himself to beekeeping and making homemade soap. Arthur likes to keep his finger on the pulse of happenings in physics and cosmology and suchlike. He directed me to a UniverseToday.com article saying rumours were flying that gravitational waves had finally been detected.   (Source: NASA) As you are doubtless aware, the Russian-American theoretical physicist Professor Andrei Dmitriyevich Linde was one of the first to postulate the inflationary universe theory, along with the theory of eternal inflation and the inflationary multi-verse. The inflationary universe theory explains what may have happened the first fraction of a second after the universe appeared in the Big Bang. As I was writing this post, CNN announced " gravitational waves detected ." We are talking about the detection of primordial gravitational waves. These ripples in the very fabric of space and time carry echoes of the Big Bang from nearly 14 billion years ago. Furthermore, they may offer evidence supporting Professor Linde's theories. But wait, there's more. I also just received an email from my friend Javi Garcia-Lasheras in Spain, who has been doing some rather interesting work at CERN. He also likes to keep his finger on what is happening in the space-time continuum. He pointed me towards a YouTube video in which Chao-Lin Kuo, an assistant professor of physics at Stanford, surprises Linde with evidence that supports his cosmic inflation theory. I have to say that this brought tears to my eyes. Linde and his wife are totally unsuspecting; they recognise Kuo but have no idea why he's there until he says, "We have five-sigma evidence." That basically means "We have an extremely high degree of confidence." When Linde's wife realises the significance of what's being said, the expression on her face makes me want to cry. Physicists around the world are racing to analyse these results further. If they are confirmed, it means another gigantic step towards a theory of everything that unites quantum mechanics and gravitational effects and furthers our understanding of the universe. Just wait until I call my mom in England and tell her what's going on.  
  • 热度 19
    2012-7-1 02:18
    2993 次阅读|
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    最近买了ST公司推出的ST三合一开发板(STLINK,STM32,STM8),由于STM8内部资源丰富,价格低廉,也就是性价比高,在低成本开发选择不失为一种好的方案(电机控制、小家电……)。闲话不说,下面来看下STM8的官方介绍。 意法半导体的STM8S系列8 位闪存微控制器为工业应用和家电市场提供理想解决方案。最新版的微处理器内核,结合3 段流水线架构,使STM8S微控制器具备最优异的性能。直观的 开发环境简单易用,使产品上市时间更短。 全新STM8 微控制器内核 3级流水线哈佛架构,24 MHz 时最高处理性能20 MIPS 先进的嵌入式130nm EEPROM 技术 ST独有的嵌入式非易失性存储器,EEPROM存储器性能优异,采用高密度CMOS制程,并提供最出色的模拟特性 最先进的外设接口 最基本的外设接口,如高速SPI 、I2C 、USART、LIN-UART 、CAN、IrDa、智能卡、CAN,以及高端 16位定时器和快速、精确的模数转换器 成套的功能丰富的开发工具 从提供单线调试接口的入门级配置,到具有跟踪、评估和代码覆盖分析功能的复杂仿真器,各种开发工具应有尽有。第三方编译器集成在综合开发环境(IDE )内。   ST推出了自身的开发环境STVD,支持大部分STM8MCU,但是只提供汇编,支持内嵌编译器如cosmic C语言编译器。下面介绍开发环境的下载安装。   1 准备  
  • 热度 22
    2012-6-25 17:22
    2821 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    下面我们就来自己动手创建一个工程 3  软件设计 3.1  项目建立 STVD 采用Workspace-Project的结构来进行管理及项目开发。一个Workspace可拥有一个或多个Projects,不同的Project之间可共享相同的源文件。下面将详述如何创建一个新的工程项目。 创建一个新目录,用于存放新工程项目相关文件。 在本例中,所创建的目录为C:\STM8_NewProject1 运行STVD ,程序打开后如下图所示。 通过上面的学习,我们了解如何创建一个STVD工程,注意STVD是采用workspce来进行工程管理,知道了如何来进行debug调试。心细同学可能会发现,这个软件的开发环境,和KEIL真得很像。当然STM8和STC51的资源分配和管理是不能相提并论的了。