tag 标签: radio-controlled

  • 热度 8
    2011-12-9 21:34
    1805 次阅读|
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    Have you seen the "Air Swimmers" , those helium-filled, radio-controlled flying sharks and clown fish? If you watch this video , you can see where they get their name as they literally "swim" through the air. These little scamps look really serene and are quite beautiful to watch. When I first saw these I really wanted one but they were sold out. "Oh Dear!" I said to myself (or words to that effect). On the bright side, the website I was visiting did have a button that said something like "Click Here to be notified when we get more supplies..." So I clicked the button and gave them my email address and forgot all about it. This was months and months ago when I was young and foolish. Since then I've grown old and bitter, without a happy word to say about anyone or anything... until... ...a couple of days ago when I received an email that was short and to the point saying: Air Swimmers are back in stock at the MM Toy Store. Quantities are limited and are on a first-come, first-serve basis. https://www.mandmtoys.com/air-swimmers If you miss out on this batch, please re-sign up for notification. So why did I wait to tell you about these little beauties? It was the "If you miss out on this batch..." qualification at the end. I certainly didn't intend to miss out on anything, so I didn't want to say anything until my order was "in the bag" as it were... It probably won't surprise you to hear that I immediately bounced over to their website and placed an order for my very own flying shark. This little rascal, which is 145 cm (57 inches) from nose-to-tail, can be controlled from up to 15.24 Meters (50 feet). Mostly I expect to play with it in the house – I anticipate having a lot of fun scaring the dogs and annoying the cats (when my wife, Gina The Gorgeous , isn't looking, of course, because she dotes on the little monsters). As soon as there's a wind-less day, however, I'm going to conceal myself on our front porch and fly my shark around the front garden to baffle and bewilder the neighbors (grin). Actually, I did email my inventor friend Brian LaGrave as soon as I'd placed my order, because I think he was the one who first told me about them way back in the mists of time. Within a few seconds, Brian replied with an email pointing to the Groupon.com website ( Click here ) where they were selling these little beauties for only $24 (the one I'd just ordered cost me $37, so there was much gnashing of teeth and rending of garb in my office at that time, let me tell you). But all-in-all I really don't care. The bottom line is that I'm soon going to be the proud possessor of my own flying shark (and that's not something you hear every day). Just a few moments ago as I pen these words, I received a confirmation email saying that my shark is winging its way to me as we speak (pun intended). I cannot wait!!!