tag 标签: netbook

  • 热度 15
    2011-11-3 17:47
    1917 次阅读|
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    Several days ago, I received an email about an upcoming two-day conference, and the topic was Web 2.0. I did a double-take: um, whatever happened to Web 2.0, anyway ? Just a few years ago, it was proclaimed and touted as the "next big thing". We were all supposed to reorient ourselves to dealing with it, leveraging it, maximizing it with respect to our work and personal web-based activities. (I'll confess here: I never did understand what Web 2.0 actually was, anyway.) I don't mean to pick on Web 2.0 in particular. This is not, of course, the first time that something we are repeatedly told is the next big thing takes off and then flames out, or never even takes off as predicted. After all, there is an entire marketing/consultant/promoter subculture whose main role is to predict and hype the future, and they do this relentlessly. Most impressive to me is that these folks never bother to look back, and actually admit to any sort of track record. It's full speed ahead; lead, follow, or get out of the way; and, are you coming with us? When I got this Web 2.0 announcement, I took a minute from my day job to think about other recent items which failed to live up to their upfront hype. Some of these didn't make it because the technology just didn't happen, some because they really didn't fill a true user need (except "you have to get with this because everyone else is doing it"), and other were simply overtaken and passed by other developments. What did I come up with? Let's see: "Second Life" was going to be the way to reach out and interact with engineers, for one. UWB is another. And then there's the netbook. I always thought the netbook was a great idea: I purchased an HP Jornada 820 back in the day (1988) before the term "netbook" was even used, and it was a 2-pound (1kg) joy for what I needed, despite its limitations. Though they were going to be the next wave in portable PCs, the striped-down PC it embodied never really caught on. Then a few years ago, the netbook concept came back big time, with units from leading PC vendors. You might say that they got their own "second life"—very unusual for a consumer product—and again, they were going to be the next big thing. Well, that's not quite how things have worked out. In just a few years, smartphones and tablets have eclipsed the netbook, and their future is modest, at best. Meanwhile, I'll keep using my HP Mini netbook, running Windows XP, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Office, and with its 80 GB disk—and I'm happy. What fairly recent "next big things" come to your mind, and which didn't "make it" although we were assured they would? And of which ones being hyped now are you skeptical?  
  • 热度 13
    2009-8-24 11:19
    1342 次阅读|
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    ——作者:In-Stat中国电子研究总监 雷云 中移动2009年上半年的年报显示TD用户发展了96万,完成全年300万指标的1/3弱一点。在TD发展过程中,中移动该使的招也使的差不多了,下半年200万的指标看起来是个不小的挑战。 Ophone、data card和netbook都被中移动寄予厚望,但目前ophone还未上市,data card发展了几十万用户,netbook应该更少但目前投诉不少;Nokia的TD手机还有点虚无缥缈,国内TD手机用户又不感冒。感觉在TD发展上中移动有点技穷了。今天看到大唐电信搞了个类似kindle使用TD的air paper电子图书阅读器准备在9月份发布。大唐把air paper作为发展TD的生力军来看,我觉得有点乐观了,几点原因: 1、 电子图书是个窄众市场,kindle如此火热,2008年才卖了100万部出头,air paper能有多大销量? 2、 据说价格不超过4000元,这个价格真好真强大。现在的手机、PND、PDA、PM4什么的都能看小说,非要花4000元买个air paper吗?kinlde才不到400美元。 3、 内容的价格问题,现在还不清楚如何定价,kindle一本书的价格是9.99美元,在中国我估计9.99人民币都能吓跑N多个人了。再说目前国内有众多免费提供小说阅读和下载的网站,收费的话,air paper的竞争力在哪里? 4、 中移动和CP之间的合作模式问题,如何分成? 这几天据说王建宙要去台湾,也要谈一下电子书的事情,看来中移动对电子书是寄了厚望啊。但长路漫漫,中移动还需要上下求索。 点击浏览更多 雷云博客文章
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