tag 标签: 电机伺服控制

  • 热度 14
    2016-1-9 14:47
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    1. Industrial robot,such as Fanuc,Kuka,Nachi,Kawasaki,ABB, Staubli,Comau,Epson,Yaskawa,Siasun (China manufacturer) are top 10, it seems its field are different from ServoCenter, correct? Explain the position of ServoCenter please. 十大工业机器人,包括Fanuc,Kuka,Nachi,Kawasaki,ABB, Staubli,Comau,Epson,Yaskawa和中国的新松,ServoCenter似乎与工业机器人领域不同,请解释。 Unlike industrial servos which are designed to control massive industrial robots, RC servos are small, cheap, mass-produced actuators used for radio control and small-scale robotics. Today, RC servos are used in small-scale robotic applications, animatronics, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), including hobbyist and professional applications. The ServoCenter™ family of embedded servo controllers allows RC servo motor control from any USB, serial RS-232, MIDI-capable device. ServoCenter is also available in DIP and TQFP chip packages. The ServoCenter 4.1 Sequencer allows complex tasks to be programmed via a script sequencer in addition to other programming options that are standard in the ServoCenter products. ServoCenter allows amazing and unsurpassed control of the seek position and seek speed of up to sixteen connected servos -- independently and simultaneously, with simple, logical commands. ServoCenter also offers 16 channels of digital I/O which allow it to act as an easy interface for a variety of development needs. 不象工业伺服马达其目的是为了控制大量的工业机器人,RC无线电控制伺服马达是小、价格便宜、大量生产的执行器,用于控制   各种小型机器人。今天,RC伺服用于小型机器人应用,电子动画,无人驾驶飞行器(UAV),包括业余爱好者和专业应用。 该ServoCenter™系列嵌入式控制器伺服允许RC伺服电机控制任何USB、串行RS-232、MIDI功能的设备。ServoCenter也可以是DIP和TQFP芯片封装。该ServoCenter4.1序程序除了那些属于ServoCenter产品标准的编程选项,复杂的任务还可以通过脚本序进行编程。ServoCenter允许惊人的、无与伦比的控制,连接高达16个位置和速度伺服马达 - 独立、同时运转,用简单的逻辑命令即可。 ServoCenter还提供16通道的数字I/O接口,允许它作为一个简单的界面,适用于各种开发需求。   2. SeroCenter is embedded controller of RC servo, ServoCenter connects servo and host remote controls ServoCenter, correct? If yes, ServoCenter has Rx Tx parts, correct? You are correct, each ServoCenter board can control up to 16 servos. The ServoCenter is controlled via host. The host controls the ServoCenter via direct USB or serial RS-232, or MIDI connection. The ServoCenter MIDI can be controlled by almost any MIDI-capable device including digital audio workstation, MIDI keyboard controller, sequencer, etc. The ServoCenter 4.1 models are controlled via on-board sequencer, computer, microcontroller, or other electronic device capable of using our intuitive control protocol. 每块ServoCenter板能控制多达16个伺服马达。ServoCenter由上位机控制,有RS-232串口或USB、MIDI接口。ServoCenter MIDI 能控制几乎所有MIDI设备,包括数字音频工作站、MIDI键盘控制器、定序发生器等。ServoCenter 4.1型控制器能由板上序发生器、电脑、微控制器或其它采用我们直观的控制协议的电子设备控制。 3. Could we say Industrial Robot is mainly for heavy industrial, ServoCenter is for light industrial? Please list some examples and possibile applications. We need more instructions to target market. ServoCenter can control almost any RC style servo. RC Servos are available for almost any application ranging from miniature motors designed to fit on a UAV or small robot to larger high-powered motors designed for high-torque applications. To get an idea of possible applications, please visit our customer project showcase at http://www.yeitechnology.com/servocenter-project-showcase ServoCenter能控制几乎任何遥控型伺服电机,不管是小型马达设计无人机或机器人,还是大力矩应用的大功率马达。   4. Does ServoCenter product family has Development Kit board? I think the ServoCenter 4.1 can function as an all-in-one development kit to create products which can be implemented as either a board-level solution of as a TQFP IC solution in a commercial product. ServoCenter 4.1也适合做开发板,创立执行板卡级方案和TQFP芯片级商业产品方案。 5. When will you continue the update job? ServoCenter is a stable product and currently isn’t scheduled for updates or new versions. 6. How about service robot and smart robot, could you give some solution proposal (TSS-EM + ServoCenter)? The TSS-EM could be used along with the ServoCenter to greatly simplify the creation of either dynamic/balancing robots or motion-controlled robots that mimic a user’s natural hand or body movements. For example, the TSS-EM could be placed within a robotic system and provide the sense of balance that the robot uses and processes to subsequently drive servos that are connected to a ServoCenter board. Another example would be utilizing TSS-EM modules mounted on a human body or in a hand-controller to sense movement information that would be sent to a robotic arm that is controlled by the ServoCenter. The resulting robotic system would allow tele-operation and could be placed in environments which are either dangerous or otherwise unsuitable for human workers. TSS-EM、ServoCenter可用于服务机器人、智能机器人等,方便地创立动态/平衡机器人和动作控制机器人,模仿操作者的 手臂、身体动作。TSS-EM传感器可置于机器人系统中感知平衡,机器人随后驱动连接到ServoCenter板的伺服马达。这样,遥控机器人系统可以在危险的场合或其它不适合人类工作的环境作业。   7. DIP chip and TQFP chip are basic controller, other boards with USB,series,MIDI,USB-mini port all base above mentioned chip? The DIP and TQFP chips are chip-only versions of the ServoCenter 3.1 line of servo controllers. These models are chip-only and are intended for customers who would like to integrate the chips into their own designs or products. The USB and USB-MINI models are the latest line of ServoCenter 4.1 servo controllers. These servo controllers feature better performance and have more features than the ServoCenter 3.1. The ServoCenter MIDI features a MIDI IN and MIDI OUT connector to allow servos to be controlled via MIDI controller such as a MIDI keyboard or digital audio workstation. DIP、TQFP是芯片级ServoCenter控制器,适合客户打算集成控制器芯片到自己的产品设计中。   USB和迷你USB型ServoCenter是最新的SerrvoCenter4.1伺服控制器。性能更好,比ServoCenter3.1更多特性。 ServoCenter MIDI具有MIDI输入、输出接口,适合伺服电机通过MIDI控制器控制的场合,如MIDI键盘、数字音频工作站。 8. According to ServoCenter Project Showcase, it seems all are small power servo application, is it possible to apply ServoCenter to following mainstream fields: NC machine, Industrial robot, Injection molding machine (plastic)? The ServoCenter can be used in any field that can utilize RC servos. ServoCenter适合任何遥控马达应用场合。 9. ServoCenter is for DC servo motor only, not for AC servo motor, correct? If not, then not for Variable-frequency Drive field, correct? The ServoCenter line of products is designed to directly control RC (radio control) servos. Radio control servos are connected through a standard three-wire connection: two wires for a DC power supply and one for control, carrying a PWM (pulse-width modulation) signal. This signal is generated by ServoCenter controller. ServoCenter产品线专为控制RC遥控马达设计,遥控马达通过标准的三线连接——2条线直流电、1条线控制线——执行PWM脉冲宽度调制信号。该信号由ServoCenter产生。