热度 22
2012-12-20 11:02
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深圳市科必佳电子仪器有限公司是CMU200租赁的优质供应商, 我们向国内外客户常年供应CMU200及其相关产品,欢迎广大客户前来采购和洽谈生意。 科必佳专业租赁德国R/S CMU200,销售德国R/S CMU200配置齐全欢迎来电咨询! ☆ GPRS ☆ EDGE ☆ GSM ☆ Bluetooth ☆ TDMA (IS-136) ☆ AMPS ☆ WCDMA / HSDPA ☆ CDMA2000 Applications coming soon: WCDMA signalling CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Application independent test functionalities ☆ Audio measurements ☆ IQ/IF Interface (RS CMU-B17) allows measurements under fading conditions ☆ Audio generatoranalyzer (RS CMU-B41) available for comprehensive audio measurements ☆ Spectrum analyzer ☆ Power versus time measurement ☆ RF generator/analyzer option Type RS Option RS GSM/GPRS/ EDGE/HSCSD TDMA AMPS cdma2000 WCDMA Bluetooth Order Number CMU 200 Base unit with following accessories: power cord, operating manual, service manual for instrument + + + + + + 1100.0008.02 CMU-B11 1) Reference OCXO, aging 2x10 -7 /year; ensures high absolute accuracy, minimum temperature-dependent driftespecially high long-term stability; used for measurements with exact frequency stability requirements o o o o o o 1100.5000.02 CMU-B12 1) High-stability OCXO, aging 3.5x10 -8 /year. Oven crystal with highest long-term stability; ensures compliance with tolerances specified by GSM; used for highly demanding frequency stability requirements to GSM 11.20 o o o o o o 1100.5100.02 CMU-B17 Analog I/Q IF interface o o - o o - 1100.6906.02 CMU-B21 Versatile signalling unit; provides multistandard signalling hardware; required for WCDMA 3GPP FDD + + + - + + 1100.5200.14 CMU-B41 Audio generatoranalyzer; includes audio frequency (AF) generator, voltmeter, distortion meter o o + o o o 1100.5300.02 CMU-B52 Internal versatile multimode speech coder/decoder; RS CMU-B21 necessary o o - - o o 1100.5400.14 CMU-B53 Bluetooth extension; RS CMU-B21 necessary - - - - - + 1100.5700.14 CMU-B54 Signalling module for AMPS, TDMA, GSM/GPRS/EGPRS; RS CMU-B21 necessary + + + - - - 1150.2604.14 CMU-B56 WCDMA (3GPP FDD) signalling module; RS CMU-B21 necessary - - - - + - 1150.1850.14 CMU-B66 2) Versatile baseband board for WCDMA (3GPP FDD) Layer 1, DL, non-signalling - - - - + - 1149.9509.02 CMU-B68 2) Versatile baseband board for WCDMA (3GPP FDD) Layer 1, DLUL, non-signalling - - - - + - 1149.9809.02 CMU-B69 Option package WCDMA (3GPP/FDD) complete for band 1, signalling - - - - + - 1150.2304.02 CMU-B73 Analog telephone line interface - - o - - - 1150.2004.02 CMU-B83 cdma2000 1x signalling unit - - - + - - 1150.0301.12 CMU-B85 8k/13k QCELP, 8k EVRC speech codec for cdma2000 1x Signalling Unit RS CMU-B83 - - - o - - 1100.7002.12 CMU-B87 Message monitor for cdma2000 1x Signalling Unit RS CMU-B83 - - - o - - 1150.2404.02 CMU-B88 cdma2000 1xEV-DO (HDR) extension board for cdma2000 1x Signalling Unit RS CMU-B83 - - - o - - 1158.9908.02 CMU-B95 2nd TX RF channel; BCCH always present with GSM/GPRS/EGPRS o - - - - - 1159.0504.02 CMU-B99 RF1 level range identical to RF2 o o o o o o 1150.1250.02 CMU-U65 3G measurement DSPperformance accelerator - - - + + - 1100.7402.02 CMU-U80 Trigger output connector for gpsOne - - - o - - 1150.1750.02 CMU-K20 GSM400 mobile station signalling/non-signalling test softwar + - - - - - 1115.5900.02 CMU-K21 GSM900, R-GSME-GSM mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software + - - - - - 1115.6007.02 CMU-K22 GSM1800 (DCS) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software + - - - - - 1115.6107.02 CMU-K23 GSM1900 (PCS) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software + - - - - - 1115.6207.02 CMU-K24 GSM850 mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software + - - - - - 1115.6307.02 CMU-K27 IS-136/cellular (800 MHz band) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software - + - - - - 1115.6607.02 CMU-K28 IS-136/PCS (1900 MHz band) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software - + - - - - 1115.6707.02 CMU-K29 AMPS mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software - - + - - - 1115.6807.02 CMU-K42 GPRS test software extension for all GSM test software packages o - - - - - 1115.4691.02 CMU-K43 EGPRS classic (EDGE) signalling test software for all GSM test software packages o - - - - - 1115.6907.02 CMU-K45 AMR test software extension for all GSM test software packages o - - - - - 1115.3100.02 CMU-K53 Bluetooth test software; RS CMU-B53 necessary - - - - - + 1115.5000.02 CMU-K65 3) WCDMA (3GPP/FDD) UL user equipment TX test, non-signalling test software - - - - + - 1115.4891.02 CMU-K66 3) WCDMA (3GPP/FDD) DL generator, non-signalling test software; RS CMU-U66 or RS CMU-B66 necessary - - - - + - 1115.5100.02 CMU-K67 WCDMA (3GPP/FDD) band 3, UE test signalling software; RS CMU-K65RS CMU-K66 necessary - - - - + - 1150.3000.02 CMU-K68 WCDMA (3GPP/FDD) band 1, UE test signalling software; RS CMU-K65RS CMU-K66 necessary - - - - + - 1115.5300.02 CMU-K69 WCDMA (3GPP/FDD) band 2, UE test signalling software; RS CMU-K65RS CMU-K66 necessary - - - - + - 1115.5400.02 CMU-K83 cdma2000 1x (450 MHz band) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software - - - + - - 1150.3500.02 CMU-K84 cdma2000 1x (cellular band) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software - - - + - - 1150.3600.02 CMU-K85 cdma2000 1x (PCS band) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software - - - + - - 1150.3700.02 CMU-K86 cdma2000 1x (IMT2000 band) mobile station signalling/non-signalling test software - - - + - - 1150.3800.02 CMU-K88 cdma2000 1xEV-DO (HDR) test software; RS CMU-B88 necessary - - - o - - 1150.3900.02 CMU-DCV Documentation of calibration values o o o o o o 0240.2193.08 CRT-Z2 GSM900/DCS1800 GSM/GPRS test SIM for loopback mode, required for BERother applications o - - - - - 1039.9005.02 CRT-Z3 3G UICC/USIM test card for UMTS - - - - o - 1139.1005.02 CRT-Z12 GSM850/PCS1900 GSM/GPRS test SIM for loopback mode, required for BERother applications o - - - - - 1139.1205.02 CMU-Z1 256 Mbyte memory card for use with PCMCIA interface; flash ATA formatted, also named PC Card ATA o o o o o o 1100.7490.04 CMU-Z6 Enhancement of wideband modulation (WCDMA 3GPP FDD) analyzer accuracy - - - - o - 1150.0001.02 CMU-Z10 Antenna coupler 900 MHz/1700 MHz to 2200 MHz o o o o o o 1150.0801.02 CMU-Z11 RF shielded cover for RS CMU-Z10 o o o o o o 1150.1008.02 CMU-Z12 Bluetooth antenna extension for RS CMU-Z10 - - - - - o 1150.1043.02 CMU-Z13 USB feed through for RS CMU-Z10 o o o o o o 1159.1200.02 CMU-Z46 WCDMA (3GPP FDD) message analyzerrecorder for external PC (Win2000, XP) - - - - o - 1159.0804.02 CMU-Z49 GSM message viewer for external PC (Win2000, XP) o - - - - - 1150.2704.02 CMU-Z50 Handset for RS CMU200 o o o o o o 1159.0104.02 ZZA-411 19" rack adapter o o o o o o 1069.3283.00 科必佳亚洲专业二手仪器租赁商,常年备货E5515C/8960,CMU200,E5071C等通讯测试仪器千余台,科学仪租,节约成本,欢迎来电洽谈! 深圳市科必佳电子仪器有限公司(仪租部) Kebijia Electronic Instruments Co., Ltd. 深圳市福田区福华路远洋大厦汇商中心37楼 Tel: 86-755-83632951-806 Mob:13510093001 Fax: 86-755-83632951-801 邮编:518033 联系人:秦庆辉 Email: