tag 标签: clone

  • 热度 12
    2013-4-24 14:33
    1846 次阅读|
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    最近考虑用一下STM32F1x的ARM,弄了个开发板,手上本来有个Jlink但是是盗版。在ST网站上面下了借个样例的工程,用以前装的Keil4打开,设置发现没有对STM32系列的器件支持。看来是版本太低了。网上查了下有2个方法,一个是去ARM的网站上面去下个新的MDK470a,安装好就ok,原来的版本也会备份好,在keil下面的一个叫xx.old的文件夹里面。第二种方法就是就去网上找个支持STM32系列的uv4.cdb,文件替换原来keil安装文件夹下面的CDB文件。附件1就是支持STM32的CDB文件,试过了好用。 安装完成就可以下载调试了,但是问题来了,我安装的是4.10版本的, 驱动识别到jlink后,强烈的推荐你安装新驱动,你安装和不安装都是会悲剧,告诉你的JlinkV8是盗版的,然后程序弹出,结束了。 网上找了下解决办法。下个新的V8的固件,烧录进去。附件2是固件,烧录软件和烧录方法。在CSDN下的。 其中烧录的固件要修改0xff00开始的地址4byte为0xffffffff,这样才能修改SN。网上找的修改方法如下: 转高手的解决方法如下:http://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=346783 Jlink更新至V4.65d后,Jlink不能使用的问题解决办法 分类:   STM32 2012-11-22 21:06 61人阅读   评论(0)   收藏   举报 这几天在使用STM32F050c6d的MCU进行移植开发,只有最新的版本才对这颗MCU支持,所以被迫更新到了最新的版本。MDK4.6跟Jlin4.56d的下载地址在我的资源里已经共享。安装完以后提示更新,更新之后被告知,Jlink为Clone。         解决办法如下: 1、重新烧写固件到Jlink,将原来V8.bin固件用Winhex打开,并找到偏移地址为0xff00为首地址4bytes修改为其他值,只要不为原来的11111117 或 805306163即可,因为更新后的固件对这两个固件SN进行了强制校验,修改为其他值即可完美解决问题。 1.1 另外一种灵活的修改SN的方法:将0xff00为起始地址的4Bytes修改为0xffffffff,更新固件后,打开Commander,不理会更新,在Jlink命令后面输入       exec setsn = xxxxxxxx,所输入的sn为16进制,必须为8个字符如01234567,否则更新升级时会出现错误。   2、此时安装了Segger4.65d的版本,打开JLink Commander,按要求提示更新,更新完之后即可正常使用最新的版本了。              PS:CM0加入读保护后,Segger的Unsecured Chip功能不能正常使用了,还未找到办法。跟ST的FAE联系后,建议使用ST Link的STVP来对Option Byte进行擦除,对RDP进行擦除。   我把SN修改为01234567后,更新了驱动,调试下载都ok了。  
  • 热度 11
    2011-5-9 20:07
    3024 次阅读|
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    I'm always amazed at the creativity of people – I love it when I see things that make me say "Wow – I wish I'd thought of that!"   For example, I just ran across a website run by a guy called David Eger. This site hosts a photo project called 365 Days of Clones in which David posts a daily photo involving Star Wars clone trooper action figures.   Actually there are two different facets to this site: 356 Days of Clones and 365 Alternative Days of Clones . As David says:   365 Days of Clones is a daily photo project starring several Phase I Clone Troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic. The photo project began on January 1, 2011 and is scheduled to conclude on December 31, 2011. As the title suggests, a new photo is taken each day and added to the running total. Some photos relate to historical events or photos, some relate to what "day" it is and some feature the Troopers just fooling around.   David goes on to say: When creating a 365 day photo project, it can be very difficult to choose which images to use. This being the case, I decided to create 365 "Alternative" Days of Clones. This secondary daily photo series is a continuation of sorts of my original series, 365 Days of Clones. Our Phase I Clone Troopers from the Grand Army of the Republic still play a leading role, but are often accompanied by other characters. As an added twist, occasionally the 3.75 inch figures are replaced with their LEGO counterparts. This photo project also began on January 1, 2011 and is scheduled to conclude on December 31, 2011.   Of course, speaking of Star Wars and Lego immediately reminded me of that incredible funny video on: Lego Darth Vader Canteen Incident . I couldn't help myself. I just bounced over there to take another look. This always brings a smile to my face.   But wait, there's more... have you seen the Classics in Lego project by Mike Stimpson in which he recreates famous photographs using Legos. There are some amazing images here, but one of my favorites has to be his recreation of the 1948 photo Dalí Atomicus by Philippe Halsman.     Halsman was a Latvian-born American portrait photographer. In 1941 he met the surrealist artist Salvador Dalí and they began to collaborate in the late 1940s. The 1948 work Dalí Atomicus explores the idea of suspension, depicting three cats flying, a bucket of thrown water, and Salvador Dalí in midair. The title of the photograph is a reference to Dalí's work Leda Atomica which can be seen in the right of the photograph behind the two cats.   I have to say that I think Mike Stimpson's recreation of Dalí Atomicus is very, very clever. I dare not think how much effort this took.   I also have to say that this has opened my eyes to all sorts of possibilities. The problem is that the Star Wars and Lego themes are already taken ... so let me here and now formally lay claim to two ideas: recreating famous photographs and works of art using (a) Smurf characters and (b) Troll dolls (you know, those cute ones with the wild hair as shown below).   This isn't a priority – I have so many projects on the go that I don't know whether I'm coming or going – but on my travels I am going to keep my eyes open for both Smurf characters and Trolls (if you happen to see a job-lot of these on eBay, don't hesitate to let me know).    
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