热度 20
2012-2-7 11:46
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松下三轴陀螺仪: 3 Axes Angular Rate Sensor 应用领域: 智能手机,MID, 体感游戏手柄, 机顶盒 TV 遥控器. Part No: EWTSAFMA21 . Size : 3.6*3.6*0.75 mm. Operating Voltage: 2.5-3.6V / sensing Range ±2000 °/S Interface : fast mode I2C (400kHz ) 3 Wire SPI ( Fsclk= 10MHz) 4 Wire SPI ( Fsclk= 10MHz) Operating Temperature range -40-85 ℃ The range of Sensing has ±2000dps or more including the difference. That is , the date of ±2000dps or more is output. Switchable ±250,500,1000,2000dps. 松下单轴陀螺仪: EWTS9CV121, 应用领域:主要为玩具,玩具飞机,航模.性能比村田更好,温飘更小,锁尾更好. 如果你知道更多信息,请联系李生: 13724308556. QQ:105234659.