热度 18
2013-5-18 15:03
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Features (六孔磁珠特长) ● The wide band choke cores mainly used in the PC boards to filters the EMI from the outsides. (寬頻的扼流線圈主要應用在主機板上防止外來的電磁波干擾) ● Ferrite core construction of low cost (低成本之鐵氧體結構) Applications (六孔磁珠用途) ● Personal Computer and electronic products(電腦及電子產品) Product Identification (產品識別) YPWB ___ - ___ Ts (Ex. YP WBR6H - 2.5Ts) 1 2 3 1. Wide Band Chokes (寬帶抗流線圈) (YPWB) 2. Hole (孔) → R6H (六孔磁珠) 3. No. of Turns (圈數)