热度 15
2016-3-3 10:33
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这个4阶段职业发展模型是我在08年听一个硬件大boss介绍的,深以为然,这大boss, 虽然是亚裔,70年代就加入了Tellabs做硬件,一直做到了硅谷公司的硬件老大,各种体会当然是字字珠玑。 参考这个模型,最大的体会:职业发展一定有耐心和毅力,一步一个脚印,参考同类型美国公司工程师的资历和水平,基本来说 Stage 1: 1-5年, Engineer Stage 2: 5-10 年, Senior Engineer Stage 3: 10-15年,Leader/Manager Stage 4: 15+ , Director There are four-Stage Career model: Stage 1- Depending on other •The works is never entirely an engineer's own. It is part of larger project and activities Stage 2- Contributing independently •Work independently and produce results •Develop credibility and a reputation Stage 3- Contributing through others •Develop a breadth of technical skills and apply those skills in several areas: Building network people inside and outside his or her own work and help to get it works done, also become involved in the development of people and stimulation of others through ideas and information. Stage 4- Leading through vision •Exercise significant influence over critical decision in the organization. •Help to shape the future direction of major parts of the organization