热度 25
2011-12-1 14:02
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在使用尺寸较小的样本进行测量时,电极之间有可能发生电气短路或击穿。为了防止出现过高电流,应当在电路中设置保护电阻,将电流限制在1mA以下。许多电子测试系统或仪器能够测量或灌入危险电压和功率电平。在单一故障(如编程错误或仪器故障)情况下,及时系统显示没有危险,也有可能输出 危险电平 。考虑到这些高电压、功率电平以及压缩气体的使用,随时保护操作人员远离危险是非常重要的。保护方法包括: Accidental electrical shorts or breakdowns between the elec-trodes are likely when small samples are used. To prevent exces-sive currents, place a protection resistance in the circuit to limitthe current to 1mA or less.Many electrical test systems or instruments are capable ofmeasuring or sourcing hazardous voltage and power levels. It isalso possible, under single fault conditions (e.g., a programmingerror or an instrument failure), to output hazardous levels evenwhen the system indicates no hazard is present.These high voltages, power levels, and compressed gasusages makes it essential to protect operators from any of thesehazards at all times. Protection methods include: • 设计 测试夹具 ,防止操作人员接触任何危险电路。 • Design test fixtures to prevent operator contact with any haz-ardous circuit. • 确保待测器件完全封闭,避免操作人员接触任何飞溅碎片。 • Make sure the device under test is fully enclosed to protect theoperator from any flying debris. • 对于操作人员可能触及的所有电子连接都要采取 双重绝缘 。双重绝缘确保即使一个绝缘层失效,操作人员仍将得到保护。 • Double insulate all electrical connections that an operator could touch. Double insulation ensures the operator is still pro-tected, even if one insulation layer fails. • 当测试夹具盖打开时,使用高可靠、故障安全连锁开关切断电源。 • Use high reliability, fail-safe interlock switches to disconnectpower sources when a test fixture cover is opened. • 在可能的情况下,使用自动处理程序,这样操作人员就不必接触测试夹具内部,也不需要开启防护装置。. • Where possible, use automated handlers so operators do notrequire access to the inside of the test fixture or have a need toopen guards. •对系统的所有用户进行适当培训,这样,他们就能够了解所有潜在危险,并知道如何保护自己不受伤害。 • Provide proper training to all users of the system so theyunderstand all potential hazards and know how to protectthemselves from injury. • 遵守 压缩气体 (SF 6 )日常安全保护措施。测试中使用的某些气体未必有毒,但可能比空气重,因此可能取代氧气并带来安全呼吸危险。 • Observing the usual safety precautions for compressed gases(SF 6 ). Some gases used are not necessarily toxic, but can beheavier than air, thus displacing oxygen and creating a breath-ing safety hazard. • 镓刺激眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤,因此要避免暴露,工作时应当配备防护眼镜、手套、工作服以及适当的呼吸器。 • Gallium is irritating to the eyes, respiratory system, and skin,so avoid exposure when working with it by using protectiveeyewear, gloves, clothing, and an appropriate respirator. It is the responsibility of the test system designers, integra-tors, and installers to make sure operator and maintenance per-sonnel protection is in place and effective. It is the responsibility of the test system designers, integra-tors, and installers to make sure operator and maintenance per-sonnel protection is in place and effective. 了解更多信息 要想了解有关 6517A 型静电计 / 高阻表 或者吉时利其他系列数字源表的更多信息,请点击http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a,或者联系吉时利公司:全国免费电话800-810-1334手机用户请拨打440-650-1334。 登录吉时利官方微博(http://weibo.com/keithley)与专家进行互动。 吉时利仪器公司(中国)市场部 (T) 8008101334, 8610 82255010, 82255011 测试夹具http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/accessories/testfixtures/?mn=8101-PIV 6517A型静电计/高阻表http://www.keithley.com.cn/products/localizedproducts/highresistance/6517a