tag 标签: prism

  • 热度 29
    2014-10-10 16:58
    1803 次阅读|
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    My wife (Gina The Gorgeous) and I do not always agree when it comes to our television viewing pleasure.   For example, Gina is "glued to the set" when it comes to programs like Dance Moms and 19 Kids and Counting , which I regard as absolute dross. Contrawise, I can’t get enough of Doctor Who (although I'm still getting to know the new Doctor), while Gina... well, let's just say that she's not a huge fan.   On the bright side, we both love cooking programs like Chopped and Cutthroat Kitchen . In the case of Cutthroat Kitchen , which is hosted by Alton Brown, four chefs are challenged to cook gourmet dishes to be judged by a guest celebrity. The thing that makes this difficult is that Alton introduces "auctions" in which the chefs can purchase a variety of things to sabotage each other or to benefit themselves.   One such item in a recent replay was a set of prism glasses. The winner of this auction awarded them to one of his competitors, who had to complete the rest of the round wearing the little rascals.     I must admit that I was a tad intrigued. I started to wonder how the world would appear when viewed through these little scamps. I also wondered where on Earth Alton had found them, but it turns out they are readily available.   For example, when I bounced over to Amazon's website and searched for "Prism Glasses," I was immediately rewarded with these little beauties , which seem like a bargain at only Rs.481.82 ($7.95).   I am a weak man. I couldn’t resist. I immediately ordered a pair. When they arrived, I had a jolly interesting time walking around banging into things and tripping over the dogs and cats.   One of the things noted on the Amazon page was the fact that you could use these glasses to enjoy your favorite magazine, book, or television program while lying in bed. I must admit that I'd wondered why anyone (apart from me, of course) would purchase glasses like these. The bottom line is that, when we retired to bed that evening, I donned my prism glasses and reclined flat on my back to enjoy The Golden Girls .   To be honest, I'd sort of expected the prism glasses to offer a fairly pathetic television viewing experience, but -- much to my surprise -- they are actually rather good. Also, there's the added advantage that sporting these things does give one an air of... well, something or other. I'm reasonably confident that I'm the only person on our street who owns a pair of glasses like these. And, as I always say, you can’t put a price on style (LOL).
  • 热度 15
    2014-10-9 19:38
    1208 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    In many respects, my wife (Gina The Gorgeous) and I are not always on the same page when it comes to our television viewing pleasure.   For example, Gina is "glued to the set" when it comes to programs like Dance Moms and 19 Kids and Counting , which I regard as absolute dross. Contrawise, I can’t get enough of Doctor Who (although I'm still getting to know the new Doctor), while Gina... well, let's just say that she's not a huge fan.   On the bright side, we both love cooking programs like Chopped and Cutthroat Kitchen . In the case of Cutthroat Kitchen , which is hosted by Alton Brown, four chefs are challenged to cook gourmet dishes to be judged by a guest celebrity. The thing that makes this difficult is that Alton introduces "auctions" in which the chefs can purchase a variety of things to sabotage each other or to benefit themselves.   One such item in a recent replay was a set of prism glasses. The winner of this auction awarded them to one of his competitors, who had to complete the rest of the round wearing the little rascals.     I must admit that I was a tad intrigued. I started to wonder how the world would appear when viewed through these little scamps. I also wondered where on Earth Alton had found them, but it turns out they are readily available.   For example, when I bounced over to Amazon's website and searched for "Prism Glasses," I was immediately rewarded with these little beauties , which seem like a bargain at only $7.95.   I am a weak man. I couldn’t resist. I immediately ordered a pair. When they arrived, I had a jolly interesting time walking around banging into things and tripping over the dogs and cats.   One of the things noted on the Amazon page was the fact that you could use these glasses to enjoy your favorite magazine, book, or television program while lying in bed. I must admit that I'd wondered why anyone (apart from me, of course) would purchase glasses like these. The bottom line is that, when we retired to bed that evening, I donned my prism glasses and reclined flat on my back to enjoy The Golden Girls .   To be honest, I'd sort of expected the prism glasses to offer a fairly pathetic television viewing experience, but -- much to my surprise -- they are actually rather good. Also, there's the added advantage that sporting these things does give one an air of... well, something or other. I'm reasonably confident that I'm the only person on our street who owns a pair of glasses like these. And, as I always say, you can’t put a price on style (LOL).
  • 热度 24
    2013-6-21 13:21
    1808 次阅读|
    2 个评论
    棱镜计划 (英语: PRISM )是一项由美国国家安全局自2007年起开始实施的绝密级电子监听项目。该项目的正式名称为“US-984XN”。   根据报道,泄露的文件中描述PRISM项目能够对实时通信和既存数据进行深度的监听。许可的监听对象包括任何在美国以外地区使用参与项目公司服务的客户,或是任何与国外人士通信的美国公民。国家安全局在PRISM项目中可以获得的数据电子邮件、视频和语音交谈、视频、照片、VoIP交谈内容、文件传输、登录通知,以及社交网络细节。 综合情报文件《总统每日简报》中在2012年内在1,477个项目使用了来自PRISM项目的数据。   关于PRISM的报道是在美国政府持续秘密地要求威讯向国家安全局提供所有客户每日电话记录的消息曝光后不久出现的。泄露这些绝密文件的是国家安全局合约外包商的员工爱德华·斯诺登。他原本在夏威夷的国家安全局办公室工作,在2013年5月将文件复制后前往香港将文件公开。     谷歌的服务器机房 被指称参与PRISM项目的公司: Facebook,Google,苹果公司,微软,雅虎,Dropbox。 这些公司的超大型服务器被指控参与了获得的数据电子邮件、视频和语音交谈、视频、照片、VoIP交谈内容、文件传输、登录通知,以及社交网络细节。     在当今世界,真正称得上让人害怕的武器,当然不是核武器,而是容易大规模使用的武器,这种最可怕之处,在与人民无法看出它是军事用途,还是民用。所以这种武器很少被军方重视,但是一旦发挥作用,将是巨大的。这种武器到底是什么呢?       一、信息战的核心是CPU的安全性       在中国售出的绝大多数的PC运行的中央处理器都是美国的INTEL和AMD制造的。这就带来了一系列问题,其中最大的一个也许就是限制中国以世界第一的价格购买CPU。老实说,中国很不情愿用西方国家的芯片制造军事装备(如果在这点上认为中国想得太多了的话,那么请记住华盛顿也担心那些由美国军方设计的而仅仅在海外生产的芯片的安全问题。       龙芯同样可能改变全球计算机产业格局。虽然龙芯芯片总工程师胡伟武说:“跟Intel和IBM相比,我们还处于起步阶段”,但他也提到中国巨大的国内市场需求不是唯一的,“我想许多贫穷国家如非洲,需要低成本的解决方案”,廉价的中国产处理器可以在新兴发展中国家市场占一席之地(对于中国的联盟和贸易伙伴来说还会是利益所在)。2011年4月6日报道,中国龙芯马上将开始全面大量使用。           二、试问当今许多高科技有什么不跟电脑接触?     记得美国电网瘫痪,就是收到网络黑客的攻击。核武器网络连接,控制等,中国电网联网,电厂利用互联网等。军事研发,国防技术网站,生物技术,移动网络,等等,这些都跟网络有关,许多核心领域,现在无不跟网络打交道,所以,人类活动的基础,越是离开网络,那么将越发变得脆弱。       已经正式组建美国网军,都是具有高素质的专家,对其进行训练,以期待在未来非常时期可以发动网络攻击。当今人类世界,有太多的领域离不开网络,小到网上购物,大到国家安全。所以对于网络安全而言,是最具有潜在危险价值的目标。对于这个问题,可能还有人不太相信,我们举例说明:如果控制了电网,那么任何以国家发展都无从谈起。因为电网让国家感到不安全。没有电,一切都无法生产,包括我们打仗的装备无法生产,都跟电有关。       三、中国和平发展路线不变的情况下,可以出击。       互联网在未来将成为一个战场。一个不见血,但是硝烟弥漫的战争。而控制这种核心技术,就是CPU,但是CPU有漏洞,有漏洞到底危害有多大,那将取决于漏洞的制造者。       所以谁控制了这个漏洞,谁就胜利。中国为何大力研发龙芯,那是因为用美国的电脑“大脑”不安全。所以经过我国科学家的研制,已经取得成功。但美国没有注意。中国CPU将成为未来的主打,毕竟有核心技术,成本低。未来可以开拓巨大的市场,直接影响西方产品的运用,挤压美国的份额。美国的英特尔,和AMD将失去中国和世界很大份额。龙芯开始运用的前期将是中国,可以预见,以中国超级计算机的运行速度,性能,绝对不会比美国产的差,所以中国将来在本土培养这个巨大企业,然后进军世界,美国这两大公司,将被彻底挤压。     天河二号超级计算机采用国产CPU设计,完胜米国国家实验室“泰坦”    据科学网6月17日报道 :中国“天河二号”成全球最快超级计算机 。时隔两年半后,中国超级计算机运算速度重返世界之巅。国际 TOP500 组织6月17日公布了最新全球超级计算机500强排行榜榜单,中国国防科学技术大学研制的“天河二号”以每秒33.86千万亿次的浮点运算速度,成为全球最快的超级计算机。   国家主席习近平指出,天河二号超级计算机系统研制成功,标志着我国在超级计算机领域已走在世界前列。他希望同志们总结经验,再接再厉,坚持以我为主,勇于自主创新,不断强化前沿技术研究,为推动我国科技进步、建设创新型国家作出更大贡献。   天河二号的新闻发布会   相比之下,美国能源部下属 橡树岭国家实验室的“泰坦” 从上次第一名降至本次第二名,其运算速度为17.59千万亿次。专家们表示,由于“天河二号”的速度比第二名快近一倍,中国有可能保持桂冠至少一年时间。今后,全球最快超级计算机的位置将可能出现由中美日三国计算机交替把持的局面。