热度 15
2014-6-25 21:39
1611 次阅读|
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Some time ago, I stumbled upon the most amazing hover scooter . I don't care what anyone says. I think this is really, really cool. I can so see myself cruising around our neighborhood on this. Apart from anything else, it would make my 19-year-old son and his friends so jealous that I was having more fun than them, and, after all, isn't that's what life is all about? I started to look into what it would take to build one of these little beauties, but it wouldn't be cheap. Also, I really don't have the tools or the expertise to pull it off (sad face). But then I ran across a video of a rather cunning hover board . Now this is much more achievable. The main power source is nothing more than a gas-powered leaf blower. The base is something I could throw together in my garage in an hour or so. On the other hand, my impression is that it would go somewhere only if that "somewhere" were downhill, so I'm thinking it might be nice to have something else to push you forward. Hmmm. I'll have to give this some thought. What about you? Do you have any ideas for implementing something of this ilk?