tag 标签: Home IOT

  • 热度 31
    2019-1-16 14:06
    1793 次阅读|
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    3Home IOT process
  • 热度 2
    2019-1-15 09:32
    1917 次阅读|
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    Home IOT 2.2 Home IOT partner
  • 热度 39
    2019-1-8 10:31
    2072 次阅读|
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    家庭物联网 2.2.6第三方服务
    2.2.6 第三方服务 我们习惯了网购,浏览、下单、收货已成为我们日常习惯。这其中,移动是运营商,小米是智能硬件制造商, MIUI是基于安卓的平台,天猫是APP,几个简单的选中确认的手指动作,背后是一个电子商务产业链条。但,互联网虚拟世界的服务,还需要现实的线下组成的参与,才真正构成完整的生态运作。上述活动中,我们不要忘记快递小哥的辛勤劳作。 家庭智能化的安装与售后实施团队、远程健康管理的医护团队、家庭安防的安保团队 ......,诸如此类,他们都是实现家庭物联网特色服务的第三方专业服务团队;有了他们的参与,家庭物联网才能从云端落地;也只有他们的参与,才能称之为服务。 虚拟加现实,更确切的说,基于现实的虚拟延伸,才是互联网 +的真正含义。 2.2.6The third service team We are used to go shopping online. Browsing, Ordering, and Receiving goods have become our daily habits. China Mobile is the operator, Xiaomi is the intelligent hardware manufacturer, MIUI is the Android-based platform, Tmall is the shopping APP. They form e-commerce industry chain. However, a complete ecological operation service must require the participation of offline components. Please do not forget the hard work of the express delivery above. The after-sales implementation team of Home Intelligent, the care team of Health Management, the security team of home security and so on, they are all third-party professional service teams that implement the Home IOT,they help the IOT come true. Virtual extension based on reality is the true meaning of Internet +.
  • 热度 3
    2019-1-7 14:47
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    家庭物联网 2.2.5应用提供商
    2.2.5 应用提供商 应用,在个人电脑操作系统下,就是程序,如 Office、浏览器、音视频播放器等;在手机端,叫做APP;现在又多了一个名字,叫做小程序。 多年之前,运营商的年代, SP服务提供商、CP内容提供商的资质是互联网公司梦寐以求的。尽管这两个名词已经淡漠,但这种模式,伴随着智能硬件和应用商店的技术机制的推行,APP提供者资质门槛的降低,对账分成使得个人也具备了一夜暴富的可能,尽管这种概率好像不是很大。 SAAS,软件即服务,从软件到程序,是一个技术的过程,我们叫做编程实现;从程序到应用或者叫内容,是一个上线的过程,我们叫做产品实现;从内容到服务,是一个增值的过程,我们叫做业务实现。但,真的是好实现的吗? 2.2.5 APP Provider Application is called program in PC, such as Office, browser, AV players, etc. It is also called APP on the mobile phone. Now it is called small program. During the time of operators, Internet companies were eager to own the SP and CP qualifications. Now the two nouns may be forgotten. This model is more popular with the promotion of smart hardware and App Store. It lower the APP provider's qualification threshold. The reconciliation split makes the individual have the possibility of getting rich overnight, although the probability is small. SAAS, software as a service, from software to program, is a technological process. We call it programming implementation. From program to application or content, it is a online process. We call it product implementation. From content to service, it is a value-added process, we call business implementation. But is it really easy to do?
  • 热度 32
    2019-1-3 20:41
    2156 次阅读|
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    家庭物联网 2.2.4智能硬件制造商
    2.2.4 智能硬件制造商 家电领域历来是激烈竞争的领域。薄利多销是家电制造商的真实写照。智能硬件技术使得家电、手机、电脑等不同领域的家庭硬件设施有了相同的外延,成为了家庭内部信息的集散中心,成为了智能硬件巨头布局家庭物联网的信息桥头堡,成为了家电功能掩盖下的家庭信息入口。 The home appliances has always been an area of intense competition. The intelligent hardware technology makes home appliances, mobile phones and computers own the same extension. It has become the distribution center and entry of the home information.