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  • 热度 2
    2018-9-21 09:47
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    我们经常到大型商场买日用品。一个商场,首先要有一个建筑物,摩天大楼或者地下广场,有对应的水、电、空调等配套设施,这主要是为商铺入驻服务的;然后要有运营服务机构,招商入驻,同时提供保洁、安全等服务配套,这主要是为商铺入驻服务的;最后是各商铺或专卖店,通过各自不同的产品或服务吸引消费者。 We often buy daily necessitiesin largemall. A mall must have a buildingfirst, a skyscraper or an underground plaza, and there arebasicfacilities such as water, electricity, air conditioning, etc., which areservefor the shopsmainly; then there must be an operation service agency, attractingshops, and providing cleaning, security and other services,; Finally,there must have kinds ofshops whoattract consumerwithdifferent products or services. 我们经常使用电脑,首先要有电脑,包括主机、屏幕、键盘、鼠标等,我们习惯称之为硬件;然后需要有操作系统,就是windows;再然后我们使用软件,上网用浏览器,写文件用word等。 We often use computerwhichincludescase, screens,keyboards,mice, etc. We are used to calling it hardware; then we need an operating system, which is windows; then we usedifferentsoftware, use the browser tovisit web, usewordto write fileand so on. 上述两个不同的例子其中有很多相似的地方,首先需要有基本设施,然后需要有充分管理使用基本设施的工具,形成一个可通用的平台,进而,提供个性化的服务。 There are many similarities in the two different examplesabove.There is a need for basic facilitiesfirst, and then toolsare usedthat manage the infrastructure to form a universal platform,thereforeprovide personalized services. 云平台同样如此,基础设施即服务IAAS、平台即服务PAAS、软件即服务SAAS组成了云平台的三层架构。 It is same asthe cloud platform. Infrastructure-as-a-service IAAS,Platform-as-a-service PAAS, andSoftware-as-a-service SAAS form the three-tier architecture of the cloud platform. Fig prifix3.1 Cloud 3 layer