热度 2
2018-9-23 10:20
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APP STORE出现之前,已经有了统一技术平台的大趋势,但由于,利益壁垒之下的技术隔阂,造成了“老死不相往来”的无奈。苹果是凭着其强悍的公司实力推动了APP STORE,但对于更大的市场范围,ANDRIOD的适时出现,将这一统一趋势真正实现,基于linux操作系统内核的ANDROID凭借着硬件无关的JAVA框架,将与手机为主的产业迅速统一,并快速蔓延到其它如TV、STB以及商用、工控、车载等领域,成为了事实标准。 Before the emergence of APP STORE, there already was a trend of unified technology platform.Because of the technicaland Interestbarrier, it caused the helplessness of “ Information Isolated island ”. ApplepromotedAPP STORE with its powerfulinfluence, but forall ofthe market, ANDRIODrealizedthis unified trendin time. The ANDROIDisbased on the Linux operating system kernelandrelies on the JAVA frameworkhardware-independent. It unifiedthe mobile phones industry quicklyandspread to other fields such as TV, STB and commercial, industrial control, and automotive, becametheindustry standard. 诸多有影响力的品牌都会或多或少修改安卓,或修改LOGO,或修改UI,会修改部分底层,然后冠之以“XX OS”的名义-我们有了自己的操作系统,有意思吗?N年之前,还没有安卓的时候,我们的团队,不到二十人的团队,也这么做过,当时基于linux,面向嵌入式处理器,我们自己编写了进程/线程、任务、分时、文件系统、UI等,成功的移植了多款处理器。 Many influential brands will modify Android more or less, the LOGO,the UIorunderlying, and then named as"XX OS", their own OS. We havedone the same thongN years ago, there was no Androidthat time and the teamless than 20 people.It worked inembedded processorsbased on linux, we wrote processes/threads, tasks, time-sharing, File system, UI, etc.,it is porteda variety of processors successfully.