tag 标签: 应用商店

  • 热度 6
    2022-12-23 15:57
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    问题:主机没有网络,需要安装某些软件,可以通过在一台可以联网的设备上提取出安装包,到另一台没有联网的设备上安装软件。但是应用商城只能安装软件,如何提取出安装包呢? 注意:两台机器的架构必须一致,否则架构不同安装包是无法在没有联网的设备上安装的。 答: 1 在应用商店找到软件包的名称 2 打开终端使用命令模糊查找下有没有这个安装包? 可以看到browser360-cn-stable就是我们想要的软件包,那么如何将安装包提取出来呢? 3 提取安装包 sudo su #获取root账号权限 apt purge -y browser360-cn-stable #清除软件包和软件的配置文件 apt autoremove -y #自动删除不需要的包 ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/ #查看缓存 apt clean #删除缓存中得安装包 ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives/ #查看缓存 apt install -d -y browser360-cn-stable #仅下载安装包,不安装 mkdir /home/app #创建一个存放安装的文件夹 cp /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /home/app chmod 777 /home/app/*.app #设置安装包的权限,否则无法拷贝出来 注意:导出的安装包可能会包含软件的依赖文件,在安装的时候,依赖文件也必须一起安装 以上内容来源于技术论坛 “信创技术联盟” ,欢迎对信创感兴趣的朋友们一同到论坛相互讨论交流! 下载视频
  • 热度 14
    2022-12-22 14:30
    1085 次阅读|
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    环境: 操作系统:银河麒麟V10 版本:20210120 问题: 一直无法更新软件和系统,一直提示软件升级失败 源地址: deb http://archive.kylinos.cn/kylin/KYLIN-ALL 10.1 main universe multiverse restricted 解决方法: 尝试过下面的命令,,但是还是无法解决 sudo apt update sudo apt install kylin-software-center 最后直接重装系统,可以解决 以上内容来源于技术论坛 “信创技术联盟” ,欢迎对信创感兴趣的朋友们一同到论坛相互讨论交流! 下载视频
  • 热度 2
    2018-9-23 10:17
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    APP STORE不仅仅是技术的,更是市场的。他的出现告诉了大家,不同的平台接口可以是统一的。他也是矛盾的,他在商务上是利己的,但他的思想是开放的。同时代的GOOGLE推出了更进一步开放的PLAY,从此,移动终端开始了“智能”时代。诺基亚的衰落,WINDOWS的商店无不表明,应用商店这一超越了技术意义的产品的强大生命力。 APP STORE is not only technical, but also market.It made the rule of differentplatform interfaces.Itis contradictory.It catch profitin business, butitsideasisopen. At the same time, Google launchedhisPLAY. Since then, mobile terminals have begun the "smart" era. The decline of Nokiaand the production of windowsstoresall show that the application storeownstrong vitalitybeyond the technicalfiled. 开放,是无敌的。正是这种开放的支撑的平台架构,使得云系统无论在立法管控、商务运作、技术对接等各个层面都有了统一的基础框架。 Open is invincible.This openplatform architecturemadethe cloud systemhave advantagesat all levels, including legislative control, business operations, and technology docking. APP STORE另外一重重要的意义在于,他的出现,稍晚于云计算,互联网的中心从基础架构向平台意义上的内容过度;成为了PAAS的重要组成部分,甚至他自己和其所支撑的内容就可以组成PAAS和SAAS。这可以认为是SP和CP在发展形态上的必然延伸。 Another important significance of APP STORE isit has become an important part of PAAS, evenitsown and theitscontent supported couldform PAAS and SAAS. This can be considered as an inevitable extension of the developmentof SP and CP.
  • 热度 2
    2018-9-22 16:00
    1852 次阅读|
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    也正是与此同时,当时的网络生态环境,从以运营商为主逐步过渡到以互联网内容为主,阿里巴巴、百度、腾讯都已经度过了风雨飘摇的幼年期,从各自的单一内容发展为特色突出,布控全局的巨头。 At the same time, the core of network ecological environment shifted from operators to Internet content. Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent became internet giant. 2008年,那个影响了世界信息产业几十年的乔布斯,发布了一系列的产品,实际已经不能叫做产品了,而是生态,包括了苹果硬件Iphone、操作系统IOS、内容承载平台APP SRORE。告诉全世界的人,原来IT应该这样玩。 In 2008, Jobs, which has influenced the world information industry for decades, released a series of products, which can no longer be called products, but ecology, including Apple hardware Iphone, operating system IOS, content platform APP SRORE.Heinspiredpeople around the worldthat is IT.
  • 热度 2
    2018-9-22 15:57
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    如果说多年之前的运营商、SP、CP的层级架构是多彩的,那么现在的云平台的三层体系可以称之为绚烂。这其中,很多具备纪念意义技术的出现,将科幻变成了现实。 The structure of operators, SP, and CP is colorful many years ago and the three-tier system of the current cloud platform can be called gorgeous. Many commemorative technologies have turned dream into reality. 上文提过,直到目前为止,大家仍然在想尽办法争夺、占据互联网入口。还记得,在多年之前,我们想尽办法想要进入运营商的SP平台做内容,甚至,想要在他的平台角落里开一下自己的小平台。当时和运营商配合跑马圈地的办法无非就是其一,竞标运营商的网络接入设备,如机顶盒等等;其二在运营商盒子或者其SP的EPG里占据一点自己的内容或者叫频道;其三,自己是大品牌,自己做网络入口,如客厅网络电视等。 As mentioned above, everyone is still trying to occupy the Internet portal. Many years ago, we tried our best to enter the operator's SP platform to do content, and even wanted to be a small SP. At that time, there were some method of cooperating with operators.Firstly, We could bid for the operator's network access equipment, such as STB, etc.. Secondly, we could make content or channel in the operator box or its SP EPG. Thirdly,some great brand could do network entrances themselves, such as network TV. 但当时,网络接入盒子的硬件平台是mips、arm、X86等不同的处理器架构,软件是嵌入式linux等,内置的网络浏览器种类繁多,对应的显示器的分辨率大小不一,造成了移植程序时需要嵌入式、浏览器、前端平面等多个团队的配合。如果客户再有一些个性化的要求,从产品到研发已经没有了眼泪。 At that time, the hardware platform of the network access box were mips, arm, X86 and other different processor architectures. The software is embedded linux, etc. There are many kinds of built-in web browsers, and the resolution of the corresponding display are different.The migration process requires the cooperation of multiple teams. If customer had some personal requirements, we were keeping busy.