tag 标签: Health Care

  • 热度 26
    2018-11-22 13:47
    1493 次阅读|
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    1.2调研 尽管我们的生活水平有了较大的提升,但多元化的社会生态下,人们对于精致生活的追求愈加精致。 我们曾经做过翔实的市场调研,用以辅助设计家庭物联网的市场方向,包括调查问卷、用户走访、网站调研等方式。可惜的是,资料找不到了,只剩下一些记忆了,但这些记忆中,普通人对于家庭物联网的期待方向和马斯洛的需求层次模型相当的吻合。 调研中,有一件事,让我印象深刻。在我们设计的场景中,包含了面向老人的血压监测的应用。拥挤的人群中,一位老人从自己的口袋中拿出了个几个小本,打开后,泛着时间和记忆的数字、图标和曲线凸显在发黄的纸面上。老人介绍道,他有血压高十几年了,已经养成了每日按时测量的习惯,开始的时候,量过了就算,后来看医生的时候,有些数据记不清了,于是就记了下来,且按医生的建议画成了图表,久而久之,形成了现在的几个小本的记录。旁边的人群,特别是中老年人,如共鸣一般纷纷赞叹,这和我们健康管理的应用场景设计如出一辙。做过产品设计的人应该可以体会到,当时我们的心情是如何的激动。 Our life have been improved greatly, but in the multiculturalism social, people's pursuit is more and more refined. We have done market research to help design the direction of the Home IOT, including questionnaires, user visits, website research and other methods. It is a pity that the information is missing. But in memories, the expectation direction of the ordinary people's quite match Maslow's model. There was one thing in the survey that impressed me. In our Home IOT design scenes, we want to implement the application of blood pressure monitoring for the elderly. In the crowd, an old man took out a few small books from his pocket and opened them. Some numbers, icons and curves were highlighted on the yellow paper with time and memory. The old man introduced that he has blood pressure for more than ten years, and he has formed the habit of measuring it on time every day. Some data was forgotten even if he measured it at the beginning, so he wrote it down and draw a chart according to the doctor's suggestion, then formed a record of several small books. The crowds next to this old man, especially the middle and older people praised this practice which was the same as the design of our health management application exactly. Those who have done product design should be able to understand how excited we were at the time.