tag 标签: geek squad

  • 热度 23
    2011-9-7 22:44
    1563 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Cracked.com published this funny article titled "6 Reasons The Guy Who's Fixing Your Computer Hates You" ... This really is true to life. It starts by pointing out that the majority of computer repairs are performed by TFWIGWC ( "The Friend Who Is Good With Computers" ) as opposed to a professional computer company like the Geek Squad. This is written by one of those TFWIGWC guys. He talks about things like stripping out Malware and Trojans and installing appropriate protections, then being called back a couple of months later to discover that the system is down again because the protection software has been disabled (it was interfering with the owner's ability to play games ). The comments associated with the article are also really interesting, like the guy that says (I added some of the '*' characters to protect the innocent): A lot that you say here is true and all, but you forgot one thing.... "The guy who knows computers" can a goddamn pain in the a** if he's a self-important a**hole. My best friend is 'that guy'. Everybody goes to him to 'fix' their computers... and he won't shut the f**k up about it." I also love the photos the author selected to accompany this article – especially the "Oh, that reminds me, we're going to need some bras" image from the film Weird Science. That brings back some fond memories (the film, not wearing a bra on my head)... Click here to see the original article.
  • 热度 17
    2011-9-7 22:40
    2284 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    I just read a funny article on Cracked.com titled "6 Reasons The Guy Who's Fixing Your Computer Hates You" ... This really is true to life. It starts by pointing out that the majority of computer repairs are performed by TFWIGWC ( "The Friend Who Is Good With Computers" ) as opposed to a professional computer company like the Geek Squad. This is written by one of those TFWIGWC guys. He talks about things like stripping out Malware and Trojans and installing appropriate protections, then being called back a couple of months later to discover that the system is down again because the protection software has been disabled (it was interfering with the owner's ability to play games ). The comments associated with the article are also really interesting, like the guy that says (I added some of the '*' characters to protect the innocent): A lot that you say here is true and all, but you forgot one thing.... "The guy who knows computers" can a goddamn pain in the a** if he's a self-important a**hole. My best friend is 'that guy'. Everybody goes to him to 'fix' their computers... and he won't shut the f**k up about it." I also love the photos the author selected to accompany this article – especially the "Oh, that reminds me, we're going to need some bras" image from the film Weird Science. That brings back some fond memories (the film, not wearing a bra on my head)... Click Here to see the original article.