tag 标签: UL

  • 2024-12-31 11:40
    0 个评论
    美国CPSC发布产品含有纽扣电池消费类商品政策16 CFR 1263/ANSI/UL 4200 A标准 2023年9月21日,美国消费者产品安全委员会(CPSC)公布了最终法规16 CFR 1263,该法规规定了纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含有此类电池的消费者产品的安全要求。新法规引用了自愿标准ANSI/UL4200A-2023 Products Incorporating Button Batteries or Coin Cell Batteries,作为包含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费品的强制性安全标准。 16 CFR 1263于2023年10月23日生效。然而,鉴于现阶段检测的有限性和避免困难,消费品安全委员会授予了180天的执行裁量权过渡期,从2023年9月21日至2024年3月19日。 如果您要在亚马逊商城发布商品,则必须遵守与这些商品和商品信息相关的所有适用法律、法规、标准以及我们的政策。 本政策适用的纽扣电池和硬币电池 本政策适用于直径通常为 5 至 25 毫米、高度介于 1 至 6 毫米的扁圆形单体独立纽扣电池和硬币电池以及含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品。 纽扣电池和硬币电池可单独销售,也可用于各种消费类商品和家居用品中。纽扣电池通常由碱性物质、氧化银或锌空气供电,额定电压较低(通常为 1 至 5 伏)。硬币电池则由锂供电,额定电压为 3 伏,直径通常大于纽扣电池。 亚马逊纽扣电池和硬币电池政策 亚马逊要求所有纽扣电池和硬币电池均经过检测并符合下列法规、标准和要求: 商品法规、标准和要求纽扣电池和硬币电池以下所有项: ANSI C18.3M(便携式锂原电池安全标准) 亚马逊含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品政策 亚马逊要求所有含纽扣电池或硬币电池且属于 16 CFR 第1263 部分适用范围的消费类商品均经过测试并符合下列法规、标准和要求。 含纽扣电池的消费类商品包括但不限于:计算器、照相机、无焰蜡烛、闪光服装、鞋靴、假日装饰品、钥匙扣手电筒、音乐贺卡、遥控器和钟表。 商品法规、标准和要求含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品 以下所有项: 16 CFR 第 1263 部分 — 纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含此类电池的消费类商品安全标准 ANSI/UL 4200 A(含纽扣电池或硬币电池的商品安全标准) 所需信息 您必须拥有此类信息,并且我们会要求您提交它们,因此建议您将此类信息放在可随时获取的位置上。 纽扣电池和硬币电池以及含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品的商品详情页面上必须显示有商品型号 纽扣电池和硬币电池以及含纽扣电池或硬币电池的消费类商品的商品安全说明书和使用手册 通用合格证书:该文件必须列明与 UL 4200A 的合规性,并基于检测结果证明符合 UL 4200A 的要求 由 ISO 17025 认可的实验室进行检测,确认符合 UL 4200A 的要求,该标准已被 16 CFR 第 1263 部分(纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含此类电池的消费类商品)采用 检测报告必须包含商品的图片,以证明受检商品与商品详情页面上发布的商品相同 证明符合以下要求的商品图片: 防毒包装要求(16 CFR 第 1700.15 部分) 警示标签声明要求(第 117-171 号公法) 纽扣电池或硬币电池以及含此类电池的消费类商品安全标准(16 CFR 第 1263 部分) 注意: 您向亚马逊提供的所有文件、检测报告或证书必须真实且采用原始格式(即未经修改)。 一.适用范围:含有纽扣/硬币电池的消费品(指包含或设计使用一个或多个纽扣/硬币电池的消费产品,无论这些电池是打算由消费者更换,或是包含在产品中或单独销售的)(不适用于已符合玩具标准的14岁以下的儿童玩具产品) 及其它标准 16CRF1700.15 16CFR1700.20 ANSI C18.3M ANSI C18.3M/PUBLIC LAW 117–171 符合16 CFR 1250的电池可及性和标签要求的玩具产品豁免于此法规。 ANSI/UL 4200A该标准主要防止儿童摄入或误吸纽扣/硬币电池,涉及的要求如下: 一.结构检查 1.1儿童防护仓要求 产品带可更换的电池时: 设计使用螺丝刀或硬币等工具来打开电池仓,或者通过至少两个独立且同时的动作来手动打开电池仓 产品带有不可更换的电池时: 设计成通过外壳或者类似方式使得电池不能被接触到或通过焊接、铆钉等类似方式将电池完全固定 二.性能测试 2.1预处理测试 应力消除测试:70°C 或者更高(实际温升测试),7小时 电池更换测试:打开/关上电池仓更换电池,10次 2.2滥用测试 跌落测试 :移动式产品:1米,3次;手持式产品:1米10次 冲击测试:2焦耳,3次,直径为50.8mm,500g的钢球 挤压测试:330 ±5 N(74.2 ±1.1 lbf) ,10秒 扭力测试:0.50 Nm (4.4 in-lbf),10秒 拉力测试:72.0 N (16.2 lbf),10秒 压缩测试:136 N (30.6 lbf),10秒 2.3电池仓安全性测试 拉力测试:20 ±2 N (4.5 ±0.4 lbf),10秒 三.标识要求 标签标识, 如: 可提供的测试服务? 我司对UL 4200A拥有完整的测试能力,包括结构检查,性能测试以及包装,说明书和产品标签检查。我们拥有丰富的电子电器产品检测经验,能提供专业与可靠的检测服务,助您轻松了解产品是否符合出口地的法规标准。
  • 热度 4
    2024-5-14 18:08
    539 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    近期,广和通获得全球应用安全科学专家UL Solutions颁发的“UL WTDP目击实验室”资质,这标志着广和通检测中心认证实验室能力已达国际领先水平。 广和通高级副总裁许宁(左1)、UL Solutions全球副总裁于秀坤(右1)代表授牌 授牌颁证仪式及合作交流会于广和通深圳总部举办。深圳市广和通无线股份有限公司高级副总裁许宁先生,总工程师张建国先生,国内认证部总监马鹏霄先生,UL Solutions副总裁、全球消费电子与医疗事业部总经理于秀坤先生,消费电子与医疗事业部中国大陆及香港地区总经理刘景英女士,松山湖物联网实验室运营经理郭剑峰先生,消费电子与医疗事业部南中国区高级销售经理刘建静女士,消费电子与医疗事业部物联网专案经理李小杰先生等出席了实验室授牌仪式。 UL Solutions是全球权威的标准制定和测试认证机构,对广和通测试设备、质量体系及实验室人员等方面进行了全面、严格的评估。实验室积极引进并参考ISO/IEC 17025管理体系方法,管理测试设备和人员,顺利获得了UL WTDP目击实验室资质。这意味着广和通可利用自身的检测资源,依据国际标准要求对产品进行现场检测,有效缩短新产品、新项目的认证测试周期,快速应对市场变化,更好地服务客户,全面提升认证效率和客户服务质量。 UL Solutions全球副总裁于秀坤表示:“恭喜广和通获得UL WTDP目击实验室资质。广和通作为国内无线通信高科技企业,持续多年研发投入,提高国内外竞争力,已取得了较好成效。期待双方未来在认证测试领域持续合作,助力行业更好更快地发展。” 广和通高级副总裁许宁表示: “很高兴广和通获得UL WTDP目击实验室资质,这一授权是对广和通实验室技术实力和质量管理体系的充分肯定,有助于提升产品认证效率和全球市场竞争力,为客户提供更安全、可靠的产品。广和通将充分利用自身的实验室优势与资源,进一步创新产品研发工作与发展模式,引领物联网模组及解决方案的行业标准。”
  • 热度 21
    2014-6-13 13:09
    1654 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Alert reader Bob Snyder informed me of the UL rules for using coin cells in products . There are a number of requirements that must be met to obtain UL approval in devices with user-replaceable batteries. For instance, the device must be marked "Replace Battery With (Battery Manufacturer's Name or End-Product Manufacturer's Name), Part No. ( ) Only. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion. See owner's manual for safety instructions." I have never seen this on any product that uses coin cells. UL mandates that it’s either impossible to install a cell backwards, or that preventative safety measures of the type I explored previously be used. In many applications coin cells are used just to maintain RAM’s contents when the mains power is down. UL is very concerned that the battery cannot be reverse-biased when the power supply is feeding memory, so requires that either two series diodes or a diode with a current-limiting resistor be placed between the battery and the rest of the circuit, as follows:     Why two diodes? UL’s ultraconservative approach assumes one may fail. The resistor is to limit current if the diode in that circuit dies. In most cases the first circuit won’t work; even two Shottky diodes will drop about 0.8 V (as I showed last week), so RAM likely won’t get enough voltage to maintain its contents. The second circuit requires a resistor that limits reverse current to a UL spec of 25 mA for most coin cells. But how is one to compute the proper resistance? You need to know the battery’s internal resistance (IR) when reverse-biased, and I cannot find any documentation about that. There is some crude published data on IR when forward-biased, and in this series I’ve shown lots of empirical data from my experiments. One could assume the battery’s IR is zero, which would certainly give a nice worst-case result, but I decided to explore this a bit more. After discharging about 100 coin cells I’ve found that, forward biased, a CR2032 has 5 to 10 ohms of IR when new, increasing to hundreds as it is discharged. If we assume the reverse-bias IR is about the same as when forward biased, then the worst case situation is with a new, fully-charged, cell, since the IR is then at its lowest point. I applied a power supply to a CR2032 and measured the current flow when the supply’s voltage was 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 volts above the battery’s unloaded voltage. The battery was contained in an explosion-proof container. Well, actually, an old coffee can, but it sure would have been fun to hear a boom. Alas, nothing exciting happened. From that it was easy to compute IR, which is displayed in the lower three lines on the following graph:     I took data every minute for the first 8 minutes, and at 5 minute intervals thereafter. The dotted lines are trendlines. Strangely, the internal resistance spikes immediately after the power supply is applied, then quickly tapers off. In a matter of minutes it falls to six to eight ohms, very much like my data for forward-biased batteries. The data is very similar for when the power supply was 0.5, 0.75, or 1 volt above the cell’s unloaded voltage; that’s not unexpected if one assumes this really is resistance and not some complexity arising from the chemistry. I have other data I’ll present soon that suggests that while modeling the cells using resistance is a good first approximation, there’s something else going on. However, for this discussion five ohms is a safe bet for the IR when computing the series resistance needed. The top three curves are the battery’s temperature. Unsurprisingly, temperature goes up with the voltage difference. Given UL’s dire warnings about catastrophic failure I expected more heat, but the max encountered was only about 50 C, far lower than the 100 C allowed by UL rules. This data is for a single battery so be wary, but it does conform to the IR characteristics I measured for about 100 forward-biased cells. This leads to another question: to get more capacity, can we parallel two or more coin cells? UL is silent on the subject. I suspect that since their argument is that reverse-biasing a battery is bad, they would require diode isolation. As we’ve seen in this series of articles, diodes eat most of the effective capacity of a cell, so should be avoided. From a non-UL, purely electronics standpoint, what would happen? This is a debate that rages constantly in my community of ocean-sailing friends. The systems on our sailboats run off large, often lead acid, batteries. On my 32-foot ketch, the fridge sucks 50 Ah/day, the autopilot another 50 Ah, and the radar, well, at 4 amps we don’t have the power to leave it on all of the time. All of this comes from two 220 Ah six-volt golf-cart cells wired in series. After a day or so of running the systems we have to fire up the engine to recharge, which everyone hates. Can we wire two banks of golf cart cells in parallel? I have heard all sorts of arguments for and against, but many do wire their systems that way and get good results. What about coin cells? My experimental data shows that the maximum difference in unloaded voltage for fresh CR2032s is about 0.25 volt. This is true for a single brand and between brands and lots. With two paralleled cells of unequal initial voltages, the lower-voltage battery’s small IR will discharge the higher-voltage cell rapidly until both batteries are at the same voltage. LiMnO2 cells have a very flat discharge curve till they approach end of life. Discharge one by a quarter volt and you have lost around 200 mAh of capacity, or about 90% of the cell’s 220 mAh rating. So the battery with the higher voltage will quickly run down to 10% reserves. Most of its capacity is thrown away. But it gets worse. Once heavily discharged the battery’s voltage is at a knee on the curve and falls rapidly. The one that seemed better, with a higher voltage when first installed, now acts as a load on the other! They essentially suck each other dry. So don’t put these in parallel.
  • 热度 20
    2014-6-13 13:04
    1611 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Alert reader Bob Snyder led me to the UL rules for using coin cells in products . There are a number of requirements that must be met to obtain UL approval in devices with user-replaceable batteries. For instance, the device must be marked "Replace Battery With (Battery Manufacturer's Name or End-Product Manufacturer's Name), Part No. ( ) Only. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion. See owner's manual for safety instructions." I have never seen this on any product that uses coin cells. UL mandates that it’s either impossible to install a cell backwards, or that certain preventative safety measures be used. In many applications coin cells are used just to maintain RAM’s contents when the mains power is down. UL is very concerned that the battery cannot be reverse-biased when the power supply is feeding memory, so requires that either two series diodes or a diode with a current-limiting resistor be placed between the battery and the rest of the circuit, as follows:     Why two diodes? UL’s ultraconservative approach assumes one may fail. The resistor is to limit current if the diode in that circuit dies. In most cases the first circuit won’t work; even two Shottky diodes will drop about 0.8 V (as I showed last week), so RAM likely won’t get enough voltage to maintain its contents. The second circuit requires a resistor that limits reverse current to a UL spec of 25 mA for most coin cells. But how is one to compute the proper resistance? You need to know the battery’s internal resistance (IR) when reverse-biased, and I cannot find any documentation about that. There is some crude published data on IR when forward-biased, and in this series I’ve shown lots of empirical data from my experiments. One could assume the battery’s IR is zero, which would certainly give a nice worst-case result, but I decided to explore this a bit more. After discharging about 100 coin cells I’ve found that, forward biased, a CR2032 has 5 to 10 ohms of IR when new, increasing to hundreds as it is discharged. If we assume the reverse-bias IR is about the same as when forward biased, then the worst case situation is with a new, fully-charged, cell, since the IR is then at its lowest point. I applied a power supply to a CR2032 and measured the current flow when the supply’s voltage was 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 volts above the battery’s unloaded voltage. The battery was contained in an explosion-proof container. Well, actually, an old coffee can, but it sure would have been fun to hear a boom. Alas, nothing exciting happened. From that it was easy to compute IR, which is displayed in the lower three lines on the following graph:     I took data every minute for the first 8 minutes, and at 5 minute intervals thereafter. The dotted lines are trendlines. Strangely, the internal resistance spikes immediately after the power supply is applied, then quickly tapers off. In a matter of minutes it falls to six to eight ohms, very much like my data for forward-biased batteries. The data is very similar for when the power supply was 0.5, 0.75, or 1 volt above the cell’s unloaded voltage; that’s not unexpected if one assumes this really is resistance and not some complexity arising from the chemistry. I have other data I’ll present soon that suggests that while modeling the cells using resistance is a good first approximation, there’s something else going on. However, for this discussion five ohms is a safe bet for the IR when computing the series resistance needed. The top three curves are the battery’s temperature. Unsurprisingly, temperature goes up with the voltage difference. Given UL’s dire warnings about catastrophic failure I expected more heat, but the max encountered was only about 50 C, far lower than the 100 C allowed by UL rules. This data is for a single battery so be wary, but it does conform to the IR characteristics I measured for about 100 forward-biased cells. This leads to another question: to get more capacity, can we parallel two or more coin cells? UL is silent on the subject. I suspect that since their argument is that reverse-biasing a battery is bad, they would require diode isolation. As we’ve seen in this series of articles, diodes eat most of the effective capacity of a cell, so should be avoided. From a non-UL, purely electronics standpoint, what would happen? This is a debate that rages constantly in my community of ocean-sailing friends. The systems on our sailboats run off large, often lead acid, batteries. On my 32-foot ketch, the fridge sucks 50 Ah/day, the autopilot another 50 Ah, and the radar, well, at 4 amps we don’t have the power to leave it on all of the time. All of this comes from two 220 Ah six-volt golf-cart cells wired in series. After a day or so of running the systems we have to fire up the engine to recharge, which everyone hates. Can we wire two banks of golf cart cells in parallel? I have heard all sorts of arguments for and against, but many do wire their systems that way and get good results. What about coin cells? My experimental data shows that the maximum difference in unloaded voltage for fresh CR2032s is about 0.25 volt. This is true for a single brand and between brands and lots. With two paralleled cells of unequal initial voltages, the lower-voltage battery’s small IR will discharge the higher-voltage cell rapidly until both batteries are at the same voltage. LiMnO2 cells have a very flat discharge curve till they approach end of life. Discharge one by a quarter volt and you have lost around 200 mAh of capacity, or about 90% of the cell’s 220 mAh rating. So the battery with the higher voltage will quickly run down to 10% reserves. Most of its capacity is thrown away. But it gets worse. Once heavily discharged the battery’s voltage is at a knee on the curve and falls rapidly. The one that seemed better, with a higher voltage when first installed, now acts as a load on the other! They essentially suck each other dry. So don’t put these in parallel.  
  • 热度 19
    2013-4-10 10:07
    1218 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    UL认证 UL是美国保险商试验所(Underwriter Laboratories Inc.)的简写。UL安全试验所是美国最有权威的,也是世界上从事安全试验和鉴定的较大的民间机构。 它是一个独立的、非营利的、为公共安全做试验的专业机构。它采用科学的测试方法来研究确定各种材料、装置、产品、设备、建筑等对生命、财产有无危害和危害的程度;确定、编写、发行相应的标准和有助于减少及防止造成生命财产受到损失的资料,同时开展实情调研业务。 标志   UL主要从事产品的安全认证和经营安全证明业务,其最终目的是为市场得到具有相当安全水准的商品,为人身健康和财产安全得到保证作出贡献。就产品安全认证作为消除国际贸易技术壁垒的有效手段而言,UL为促进国际贸易的发展也发挥着积极的作用。 UL始建于1894年,初始阶段UL主要靠防火保险部门提供资金维持动作,直到1916年,UL才完全自立。经过近百年的发展,UL已成为具有世界知名度的认证机构,其自身具有一整套严密的组织管理体制、标准开发和产品认证程序。UL由一个有安全专家、政府官员、消费者、教育界、公用事业、保险业及标准部门的代表组成的理事会管理,日常工作由总裁、副总裁处理。目前,UL在美国本土有五个实验室,总部设在芝加哥北部的Northbrook镇,同时在台湾和香港分别设立了相应的实验室。在美国,对消费者来说,UL 就是安全标志的象征,全球,UL是制造厂商最值得信赖的合格评估提供者之一。
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