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  • 热度 2
    2024-10-26 11:26
    330 次阅读|
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    2024年欧洲电力及能源展览会(Enlit Europe 2024)期间,广和通发布新一代成本优化、小尺寸、低功耗的Cat.1 bis模组MC610-EU/LA, 助力全球智能表计、漫游追踪器高效通信。 相较于上一代,本次发布的MC610-EU/LA通过缩小存储空间和精简语音功能,进一步优化成本。在封装尺寸上,MC610-EU/LA采用24.2mm*26.2mm的LCC+LGA封装方式,兼容广和通Cat.1模组MC665系列及Cat.M模组MA510系列,便于客户同步设计支持2G/Cat.1/Cat.M的终端方案,加速终端迭代。 广和通LTE Cat.1 bis模组MC610-EU/LA搭载展锐8910平台,覆盖拉美、欧洲地区LTE主流频段 ,下行峰值速率达10.3Mbps,上行速率达5.1Mbps,满足全球终端对4G速率连接的需求。同时,MC610-EU/LA支持LTE和GSM双模通信,用户可灵活切换网络。MC610-EU/LA提供包括SIM/USB/UART/ADC/SDIO/GPIO/SPI/I2C等丰富接口,同时支持Linux、Windows和Android等主流操作系统,客户终端可灵活拓展至更多应用和系统集成。 得益于以上特性,MC610-EU/LA作为支持全球LTE频段及2G网络的低成本Cat.1 bis模组,可为定位追踪器及智能表计提供超长待机的无线通信。 内置MC610-EU/LA的智能表计支持LTE和GSM网络,可实现双向通信,充分满足无线远程抄表和控制应用的需求。MC610系列已拥有MC610-GL、MC610-LA、MC610-EU、MC610-CN等多个版本,可在欧洲/亚太/非洲/拉美以及全球地区广泛应用。 目前,新一代MC610-EU/LA/GL已进入客户送样阶段。 得益于以上特性,MC610-EU/LA助力定位追踪、泛支付、共享行业、工业互联、车载后装等中低速物联网场景实现无线连接。
  • 2022-5-30 17:22
    0 个评论
    近年来,随着物联网技术的发展,对讲机衍生了新一代产品——公网对讲机。公网对讲机外观设计新颖,其搭载的LTE Cat.1物联网技术为公网对讲机注入了强大动力,包括清晰的音质、视频对话、无距离限制通信、单呼群呼等强大集群功能优势。以此公网对讲机迅速占据了对讲市场的半壁江山,渐渐甩掉了对讲机笨重丑陋,外观如同“傻大个儿”的大众认知。 美格智能早在19年就基于紫光展锐8910DM平台推出了SLM322、SLM326、SLM328三款性能优越、功能丰富的LTE Cat.1模组产品,可赋予公网对讲机强大的功能优势: 超强4G网络覆盖 :LTE Cat.1基于4G物联网技术,国内三大运营商网络通用,可突破传统对讲机专网专供、仅支持短距离通讯的弊端;并内置丰富网络协议(TCP、UDP、MQTT、FTP/FTPS、HTTP/HTTPS、LWM2M、Coap),迎合各地区市场场景。 稳定数据传输 :支持最大下行速率 10Mbps 和 最大上行速率 5Mbps,让对讲不卡顿,集群通信语音清晰洪亮。 多样化尺寸需求 :22.9*23.9*2.4mm(SLM322)、27.6*25.4*2.3mm(SLM326)、19.6*21.8*2.4mm(SLM328)小尺寸封装,满足公网对讲机多样化设计需求。 多媒体通信 :丰富引脚定义,满足公网对讲机多媒体通信功能,可实现语音、视频、数据传输多种业务。 得益于这些优势,公网对讲机可开辟更为广阔的市场,广泛应用到交通执法、机场车站、酒店宾馆、物流运输、港口码头、物业保安、建筑工地等众多场景中。在席卷全球的新冠疫情事态中,公网对讲机便发挥出了自身出色的通信优势,成为疫情封控协调作业的“左膀右臂”。 █公网对讲机+医疗:疫情下高效化医疗的“天选之子” 公网对讲机依托LTE Cat.1模组展现出卓越的性能优势,在疫情医疗救护工作上发挥了不可忽视的作用,可谓是疫情下高效化医疗的“天选之子”。 2020年新冠疫情大爆发时期,新冠感染人数众多,据官方数据信息统计,各地驰援武汉的医疗救援人数超4.2万人,医疗物资更是不计其数,解决医务人员高效分工合作、协调医疗物资分配问题刻不容缓。由于手机微信群语音不能即时通讯,沟通不便捷,信息易漏看,无法满足医务工作协调作业高效化的要求。 公网对讲机即按即讲,实时沟通迅速便捷,是医疗资源高效协同作业的不二之选:医务人员使用对讲终端,既能一对一通话,又能群组对讲,畅通的4G通信网络覆盖下,即时语音通话清晰流畅;医务工作数据通过公网对讲机实时传输,减少了医务人员互相接触耗时耗力甚至交叉感染的风险;必要时,还可使用公网对讲机的视频功能,“面对面”交互协调,高效调度医疗资源,可视化开展防疫工作。 █公网对讲机+社区:为社区网格化管理“加速度” 斩断传播链,实行社区网格化管理是疫情封控下最主要的手段之一。面对体量巨大的监测管理对象,传统的对讲机距离覆盖有限,功率越大块头越大,携带不便,同时需要调频,组群也不方便。而依托LTE Cat.1的4G网络覆盖优势,社区网格化管理人员的协调调动可一呼百应,不再受距离限制。 简单的社区“监视”是无法有效应对严峻的疫情态势的。搭载LTE Cat.1模组的公网对讲机协同终端系统,即可实时掌握、了解社区各楼栋态势;紧急情况下使用音视频传输功能,指挥中心可第一时间知晓现场事态,远程指挥、远程调度,为社区网格化管理“加速度”。 █公网对讲机+交通:交通执法可视化 交通运输在某种程度上是新冠肺炎传播与扩散的重要途径。在疫情爆发后,为有效遏制新冠病毒的传播,各地区都采取了一定的防控措施。但是中国交通道路四通八达,尤其是部分高速公路位置偏远,甚至环山绕水,人工逐一下发通知速度缓慢甚至遗漏,且传统的对讲机无法满足长距离的通信传输。而搭载LTE Cat.1模组的公网对讲机可一对多呼,更突破了传统对讲机距离限制的弊端,依托三大运营商的4G网络覆盖,可实现无距离限制通信。 公网对讲机为交通执法管理带来的助力远远不止无距离限制通信这么简单。疫情消减时,各地区封控逐一解除,维护社会交通平稳有序运营是促进社会生产经营活动的第一步。车水马龙之下嘈杂的声音相互交织,不便交管通讯响应,而LTE Cat.1物联网技术搭载的4G网络信号源,支持公网对讲机清晰流畅的语音通话,其外接扩音设计让交警在喧闹的人海车流里依然能够听得清;当发生交通事故时,交通道路管理系统与公网对讲机互动互联,可远程音视频掌握事故现场动态,实时了解事故情况并进行指挥调度,让交通执法可视化、精准化、便捷化。 █美格智能LTE Cat.1模组,为公网对讲注入新活力 LTE Cat.1物联网技术为公网对讲机注入了更多的新生活力。在特定场景和特定人群中,公网对讲机有着传统对讲机和手机都无可取代的独特优势。美格智能基于紫光展锐8910DM平台研发的SLM322、SLM326、SLM328三款LTE Cat.1模组,也持续在为这条产品阵线发力。 ▲美格智能Cat.1模组SLM322、SLM326和SLM328产品 目前,美格智能基于紫光展锐8910DM平台已经推出多款Cat.1模组产品(SLM320、SLM322、SLM326、SLM328、SLM330等),受到了市场的广泛关注与大批量商用,并先后中标中国联通与中国电信多项招标项目。 美格智能对于真正切实助力社会发展、帮助客户开发新品的行动也从未停止,我们希望通过自身成熟的设计开发经验,持续深耕物联网行业,进行全线系列产品的研发和长期规划,让美格智能的产品惠及国内外,助力千行百业数字化转型升级。 未来,美格智能将持续携手更多行业合作伙伴,为各行各业提供优质、全面、可靠的模组产品和解决方案,为社会生产生活经营管理注入更多鲜活血液!
  • 2022-5-30 16:39
    2 次阅读|
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    近日,中国联通物联网有限责任公司的联通数科物联网事业部中尺寸雁飞Cat.1模组采购公开比选项目招标结果正式出炉,美格智能以 最大份额 的成绩在众多参标厂商中脱颖而出,再一次彰显了美格智能在Cat.1模组领域深厚的技术和研发经验。 谈到Cat.1,随着5G网络的规模化建设,2G/3G减频退网进程启动,Cat.1作为中速率场景的种子选手,以2G减频退网最优替的身份一跃而出,成为火遍大江南北的新晋网红,Cat.1扮演着越来越重要的角色,中国联通多次公开招标Cat.1模组,也突显出了Cat.1持续规模化发展的良好态势。美格智能作为最早研发Cat.1模组“玩家”之一,在其研发实力、设计经验以及产品质量上均处于行业领先地位。 此次美格智能中标中国联通雁飞Cat.1模组招标项目的Cat.1模组SLM322M,是基于紫光展锐平台春藤8910DM研发的新一代 LTE Cat.1无线通信模组,继承了美格智能成熟的开发设计经验。SLM322M采用了22.9*23.9*2.4mm 更小尺寸、超紧凑的LCC+LGA封装设计,充分满足尺寸敏感型设备的设计需求,以更小封装及创新设计,方便客户进行硬件设计、生产加工,提升开发效率,也为客户带来了更高的性价比体验。支持最大下行速率10Mbps和最大上行速率5Mbps,可提供稳定可靠的传输速率;丰富的引脚定义,满足客户的多媒体以及OPEN开发的需求。 美格智能Cat.1模组具备工业级品质,具有性能优、业务全、成本低三大优势,兼具多种封装方式和丰富的接口设计,便于客户灵活的设计开发。目前,美格智能Cat.1模组已经广泛应用于公网对讲、移动支付、工业路由、汽车充电桩、扫码盒子、定位追踪、共享经济、两轮车、网络摄像机等多个应用场景,实现了Cat.1模组的多维度布局和投入,并取得了不俗的成绩。 美格智能CEO杜国彬表示: “中国联通作为美格智能最重要的全球运营商合作伙伴之一,随着2G的全面退网,4G Cat.1产品将越来越发挥物联网蜂窝网络链接的中流砥柱作用,美格智能愿与中国联通物联网公司一起不断开发基于Cat.1的一系列产品和物联网行业解决方案,赋能全球物联网产品转型升级。” 美格智能作为全球领先的无线通信模组及解决方案提供商,始终走在物联网技术开发建设的最前沿,整合各方资源,携手中国联通以及更多的行业合作伙伴,助力千行百业数字化转型,共同构建物联网产业新生态!
  • 热度 24
    2014-12-4 18:00
    1430 次阅读|
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    My wife, Gina The Gorgeous, is quite fond of animals. She has two stupid dogs and two stupid cats. How stupid are they? Well, allow me to show you this video of the dogs that I made a couple of years ago.   But I fear we are getting ahead of ourselves, so let's return to the tortuous tale I have to tell. Gina has tremendous skill as an interior decorator. She's told me so on many an occasion, so it must be true. All joking aside, Gina really is great at this stuff. As one simple example, when we moved into our current house, I unpacked the boxes of books and loaded them -- along with a variety of photos and sundry knick-knacks -- onto the bookshelves in the study. It took me hours. Sad to say, however, the result was a bit of a "dog's dinner," as it were. Then Gina breezed in and spent about 15 minutes re-arranging things, moving a book from "here" to "there" or a picture from one shelf to another, and it was like she had waved a magic wand -- a beam of sunlight shone through the window, the birds in the trees outside started trilling, and everything looked like it was in the place it was meant to be and all of the books and other objects came together as a harmonious whole.   Gina is a big fan of cushions. We have cushions everywhere. And it's not the same cushions all the time -- ours are seasonal. Woe betide us if the summer cushions are still on display when fall arrives, or the fall cushions are flaunting themselves during the winter months, or the winter cushions are gracing our chairs when spring comes knocking at the door. If Gina spots an interesting cushion while she's out and about, then it's like watching Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator -- you can almost see the calculations going on behind her eyes -- range to target, optimum route to target, any potential competition in the store who might be interested in the same cushion, and so forth. It can be a bit scary, if the truth be told.     When I was young and foolish, I didn't realize how complicated this sort of thing could be. I now know that you can't simply purchase a cushion and then plonk it on a chair or a sofa -- it's more like a complicated jigsaw where each cushion forms part of a larger display. Actually, now I come to think about it, it's more like a game of musical chairs in which the cushions chase each other from room to room until the music stops, but the music exists only in Gina's mind.   When I return home from work and see a new cushion sitting on the kitchen table following one of Gina's shopping trips, I cringe inside, because I know my world is going to spend the next few days transmogrifying itself around me. (Did you ever see the movie Dark City ? Can someone please pass me my dried frog pills?)   But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about...   As a mentioned earlier, Gina has two cats. One of them is a Maine Coon. She calls it Drummer, but I think of it as Harrogate (if I think of it at all). Do you know how big a Maine Coon cat can grow? I had no clue, but now I'm starting to live in fear. I don't know the person in the picture below -- I found this on Google Images -- but the cat looks just like our Drummer-Harrogate in terms of its size and its markings. The really scary thing is that he's only just turned one year old (I believe they keep growing until they are four!).     It has to be said that Drummer-Harrogate is good natured -- he barely beats up on the two stupid dogs at all. It also has to be acknowledged that he is a curious cat. He sticks his nose into everything, and he's constantly on patrol looking to see if anything has changed since his last patrol. You can hear him gliding stealthily around the house inspecting things in the middle of the night. (I have rather good hearing -- to me it sounds like a large man tap-dancing in work boots; by comparison, Gina is a heavy sleeper and knows not the horrors of the night.) At least once a week, sometime in the darkness before the dawn, a resounding crash will emanate from somewhere in the house. This is where I put my head under my pillow and whimper, because I know that one of Gina's vases or ornaments has shrugged off this mortal coil, which means I can look forward to days of furnishings being rearranged around me until a new harmonious balance is reached.   All of this has led me to contemplate the creation of some form of cat deterrent on the basis that if curiosity doesn't kill Drummer-Harrogate I might be tempted to take over. I'm thinking this deterrent would have to be something small and inexpensive -- cheap enough that I could place one or two on each of our tables and shelves (anywhere there's a breakable object) and small enough that they won't impinge on one's consciousness.   But how should this deterrent work? A 50,000V electric shock initially had its attractions, until I realized that Gina would apply it to me if she ever found out. Vaporization by high-powered lasers is also a no-no for much the same reason. Teleportation to another dimension or the temporal equivalent into another time zone would be tempting, but it's beyond my capabilities at the moment. I've heard that cats don't like unexpected noises like a sledge hammer dropping on them from a great height, so I was thinking of something that emitted a "Pssst" sound when Drummer-Harrogate got too close. But then we come back to the curiosity thing -- knowing this monster little scamp, it's just as likely that he would end up collecting my "deterrents" as a hobby.   The other day Drummer-Harrogate managed to jump up onto a high buffet -- way higher than I thought he was capable -- and the little b###### rascal knocked my animatronic robot eyes to the floor.   I know this wasn't a malicious act -- he's just a great big clumsy lummox -- but I have to admit that there was some gnashing of teeth and rending of garb that day. Suffice it to say that the radiance of my smile has yet to lighten his life once again. I'm starting to get desperate. Any ideas?
  • 热度 26
    2014-12-4 17:46
    1718 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    My wife, Gina The Gorgeous, loves animals. She has two stupid dogs and two stupid cats. How stupid are they? Well, allow me to show you this video of the dogs that I made a couple of years ago.     But I fear we are getting ahead of ourselves, so let's return to the tortuous tale I have to tell. Gina has tremendous skill as an interior decorator. She's told me so on many an occasion, so it must be true. All joking aside, Gina really is great at this stuff. As one simple example, when we moved into our current house, I unpacked the boxes of books and loaded them -- along with a variety of photos and sundry knick-knacks -- onto the bookshelves in the study. It took me hours. Sad to say, however, the result was a bit of a "dog's dinner," as it were. Then Gina breezed in and spent about 15 minutes re-arranging things, moving a book from "here" to "there" or a picture from one shelf to another, and it was like she had waved a magic wand -- a beam of sunlight shone through the window, the birds in the trees outside started trilling, and everything looked like it was in the place it was meant to be and all of the books and other objects came together as a harmonious whole.   Gina is a big fan of cushions. We have cushions everywhere. And it's not the same cushions all the time -- ours are seasonal. Woe betide us if the summer cushions are still on display when fall arrives, or the fall cushions are flaunting themselves during the winter months, or the winter cushions are gracing our chairs when spring comes knocking at the door. If Gina spots an interesting cushion while she's out and about, then it's like watching Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Terminator -- you can almost see the calculations going on behind her eyes -- range to target, optimum route to target, any potential competition in the store who might be interested in the same cushion, and so forth. It can be a bit scary, if the truth be told.     When I was young and foolish, I didn't realize how complicated this sort of thing could be. I now know that you can't simply purchase a cushion and then plonk it on a chair or a sofa -- it's more like a complicated jigsaw where each cushion forms part of a larger display. Actually, now I come to think about it, it's more like a game of musical chairs in which the cushions chase each other from room to room until the music stops, but the music exists only in Gina's mind.   When I return home from work and see a new cushion sitting on the kitchen table following one of Gina's shopping trips, I cringe inside, because I know my world is going to spend the next few days transmogrifying itself around me. (Did you ever see the movie Dark City ? Can someone please pass me my dried frog pills?)   But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about...   As a mentioned earlier, Gina has two cats. One of them is a Maine Coon. She calls it Drummer, but I think of it as Harrogate (if I think of it at all). Do you know how big a Maine Coon cat can grow? I had no clue, but now I'm starting to live in fear. I don't know the person in the picture below -- I found this on Google Images -- but the cat looks just like our Drummer-Harrogate in terms of its size and its markings. The really scary thing is that he's only just turned one year old (I believe they keep growing until they are four!).     It has to be said that Drummer-Harrogate is good natured -- he barely beats up on the two stupid dogs at all. It also has to be acknowledged that he is a curious cat. He sticks his nose into everything, and he's constantly on patrol looking to see if anything has changed since his last patrol. You can hear him gliding stealthily around the house inspecting things in the middle of the night. (I have rather good hearing -- to me it sounds like a large man tap-dancing in work boots; by comparison, Gina is a heavy sleeper and knows not the horrors of the night.) At least once a week, sometime in the darkness before the dawn, a resounding crash will emanate from somewhere in the house. This is where I put my head under my pillow and whimper, because I know that one of Gina's vases or ornaments has shrugged off this mortal coil, which means I can look forward to days of furnishings being rearranged around me until a new harmonious balance is reached.   All of this has led me to contemplate the creation of some form of cat deterrent on the basis that if curiosity doesn't kill Drummer-Harrogate I might be tempted to take over. I'm thinking this deterrent would have to be something small and inexpensive -- cheap enough that I could place one or two on each of our tables and shelves (anywhere there's a breakable object) and small enough that they won't impinge on one's consciousness.   But how should this deterrent work? A 50,000V electric shock initially had its attractions, until I realized that Gina would apply it to me if she ever found out. Vaporization by high-powered lasers is also a no-no for much the same reason. Teleportation to another dimension or the temporal equivalent into another time zone would be tempting, but it's beyond my capabilities at the moment. I've heard that cats don't like unexpected noises like a sledge hammer dropping on them from a great height, so I was thinking of something that emitted a "Pssst" sound when Drummer-Harrogate got too close. But then we come back to the curiosity thing -- knowing this monster little scamp, it's just as likely that he would end up collecting my "deterrents" as a hobby.   The other day Drummer-Harrogate managed to jump up onto a high buffet -- way higher than I thought he was capable -- and the little b###### rascal knocked my animatronic robot eyes to the floor.   I know this wasn't a malicious act -- he's just a great big clumsy lummox -- but I have to admit that there was some gnashing of teeth and rending of garb that day. Suffice it to say that the radiance of my smile has yet to lighten his life once again. I'm starting to get desperate. Any ideas?  
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