tag 标签: beaglebone

  • 热度 22
    2014-2-23 21:38
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    嵌入式系统开发正越来越多地受到电子工程师和在校大学生的热衷和喜爱,各种嵌入式开发板也不断涌现。德州仪器(TI)前不久推出的BeagleBone Black便是一款针对嵌入式应用、基于1GHzCPU且售价仅为45美元的单板计算机。然而该产品在美国生产,中国用户想要购买,需要克服用美元支付、跨国寄送、报关和缴税等层层阻碍。 TI半导体事业部DSP业务拓展经理牟涛指出,TI推出BeagleBone Black的目的有三:一是希望给用户提供一个灵活的开放式平台,客户可以基于这个平台做自己的创新和新技术开发。二是希望方便客户使用,所有软硬件及配套器件都由一个产品提供。客户拿到整个产品到开始软件的调试,仅需三五分钟时间。第三,TI一直在推动开源社区beagleboard.org和开放式的平台,只有有了一个稳定的生态系统,开源社区才有生存的基础。另外,该公司为使更多用户能够使用,在成本上也做了极大的优化。 BeagleBone Black的软硬件资源 BeagleBone Black的基本硬件包括:1GHz的Sitara AM335x ARM Cortex-A8处理器、512MB DDR3和2GB的eMMC。除电源以外,它还提供了非常有用的调试接口,包括以太网、USBHost和HDMI,以及MicroSD。这些接口都是电子工程师和发烧友在开发和调试时必须使用的外设。考虑到用户会采用BeagleBone Black做新的应用,TI在开发板上预留了两排扩展接口。这两排扩展接口把AM335x芯片的功能延伸出来,包括65个GPIO、7个模拟接口、4个串口、2个SPI、2个I2C、8个PWM、4个定时器,以及其他的外设和接口。用户除可以利用板上现有资源进行开发调试外,还可以利用这些接口进行板卡扩展和应用扩展。 BeagleBone Black有很多的Cape(配套板卡),可用于电源、Profibus、串口、LED和显示的扩展。牟涛强调,所有这些板卡都不是由TI设计的,而是由beagleboard.org社区的用户针对BeagleBone和BeagleBone Black开发出的衍生产品。这也说明BB和BeagleBone Black的成功,有越来越多的用户基于它们做开发。 BeagleBone Black提供了开放式的软硬件平台,能够帮助工程师将概念快速转化成产品;帮助学生了解嵌入式的编程方法,对操作系统、编程语言开发提供支持;帮助发烧友、游戏玩家实现创新性新技术。 该开发板的所有软硬件资源都是完全开放的。开源社区的基本原则是,所有的设计资料开放,所有开发成果共享。这样才能为用户提供互动的基础,给他们充分的自由和想象空间,专注产品开发。 嵌入式系统开发的基本组成部分不外乎操作系统(Linux、WinCE或QNX)、图形用户界面(Ubuntu、Angstr?m或Android)、编程语言(C、C++或Java)和开发环境(Qt或OpenCV)。BeagleBone Black使用户可以对以上部分进行自由选择,比如用户可选的一个链路是采用Linux操作系统、搭配Angstr?mGUI、采用C++语言、在OpenCV的环境下开发应用。这样不同用户可以根据个人喜好、实际环境,选择采用何种环境和语言对软件进行最优开发。 牟涛介绍,早在四五年前,TI先后开发出BeagleBoard、BeagleBoard-xM(在BeagleBoard基础上提升了处理器主频和存储器空间),直到今天BeagleBoard仍然是目前较成功的开源平台之一。这两个产品是基于TI前代应用处理器OMAP3530和DM3730设计的。去年的BeagleBone则是基于AM335x的产品,今年的BeagleBone Black在此基础上做了主频和存储器的优化。除了在功能和性能上不断改进,BeagleBone Black在成本上也在不断优化,这样才能促进更多的用户用更低成本获得这款开放式的平台。 中国版BeagleBone Black方便国内工程师采购 以前,中国工程师从美国购买这些产品时困难重重,导致它们在国内推广不佳。因此,TI在推广BeagleBone Black时采取了新的模式。TI和英蓓特合作,由其在中国本土设计、生产、分销和支持,中国用户花费人民币就可以得到产品和支持,极大地方便了用户。 英蓓特副总经理张国瑞补充道,中国版BeagleBone Black在中国售价仅为399元人民币(包含17%的增值税和快递服务费),并且可以马上发货。中国版BeagleBone Black和国际版的设计完全一致,只是考虑到个别元器件采购不便,可能有适当调整,其软件和配置以及扩展功能板支持与国际版完全一致。如果用户是老式VGA显示器而没有HDMI显示器也没关系,可以采用HDMI转VGA转换器转换使用。另外,英蓓特也正在开发配套的3G模块、USBCamera模块以及4.3"和7"LCD触摸屏模块等产品。
  • 热度 18
    2013-5-10 18:43
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    One of the most interesting demos at the DESIGN West conference held last April in the US was BeagleBone Black, a ready-to-use 1GHz computer that retails for a whopping $45. BeagleBone Black was late April by BeagleBoard.org, a small group of engineers interested in creating powerful, open and embedded devices. The credit card sized computer runs on Linux and is designed to be an open hardware and software development platform that makes it quick and easy to build systems. BeagleBone Black includes all the necessary components to connect a display, keyboard and network. It's based on production-ready hardware and software. All of the components—including TI's 1GHz Sitara AM335x processor—are commercially available right now. Carlos Betancourt, a marketing engineer for TI's Sitara processors, described BeagleBone Black as "truly" open source. He noted that open source software is not always as open as it claims to be. "When it comes to hardware, open source means you can buy all these chips and use them for your own design," Betancourt said. BeagleBone Black includes 2 GB of on-board storage to run pre-loaded Linux software. It also offers the Cloud9 integrated development environment to kickstart development and keep the microSD slot available for additional storage.   The BeagleBoard.org ecosystem includes free access to documentation, example code and mainline kernel support for other software distributions like Ubuntu, Android and Fedora. BeagleBone Black's kernel and driver flexibility allows users to easily integrate new hardware and software, according to the organisation. In BeagleBoard.org community includes more than 30 plug-in boards—called "capes" by the community—that are compatible with BeagleBone Black, including those to integrate BeagleBone Black with 3-D printers, a DMX lighting controller, a Geiger counter, a telerobotic submarine and LCD touch screens. More are on the way. Do you have a creative project idea that can help change the world? Make it a reality by ordering BeagleBone Black now. A list of distributors is available at www.beagleboard.org/black. Initial quantities are limited. BeagleBone Black is expected to ship in volume by the end of May. BeagleBone Black can be ordered, among other places, on TI's website . A complete list of distributors can be found on Beagleboard.org's website .   Dylan McGrath EE Times  
  • 热度 29
    2012-11-1 09:32
    1962 次阅读|
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    BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE 基于BeagleBone 的HDMI功能扩展板         BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE是深圳市英蓓特科技有限公司最新推出的一款基于BeagleBone的HDMI功能扩展板。标准HDMI信号输出,适用于所有带HDMI功能的显示设备,视频分辨率最高支持720p,支持声音输出。且在扩展出标准HDMI接口的同时,也扩展出了50PIN LCD接口。LCD接口支持4.3寸LCD和7寸LCD显示,并带有四线电阻屏触摸接口,LCD接口与 HDMI接口复用。 特性: 物理尺寸:78mm*54mm 工作温度:0 to +70 ℃ 电气指标:3.3V 或5V 支持HDMI高清显示 支持7寸屏和4.3寸四线电阻触摸屏 输入信号:LCD控制信号 输出信号:HDMI,LCD接口信号(50pin FPC连接器,四线电阻触摸) 最大支持720P Video 显示 支持Linux和Wince系统 注意: 在BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE接入7寸屏时必须使用5V电源 BeageBone-HDMI-CAPE BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE mounted on BeagleBone LCD8000-70T 屏幕大小:7"Inch 外形尺寸:181.0mm*120.0mm 视域尺寸:168mm*112mm 分辨率:800x480 工作温度:10~60°C 存储温度:-20~70°C 是否带触摸:四线电阻触摸   LCD8000-43T 屏幕大小:4.3"Inch 外形尺寸:120.2.0mm*80.0mm 视域尺寸:101.1mm*67.5mm 分辨率:400x272 工作温度:10~60°C 存储温度:-20~70°C 是否带触摸:四线电阻触摸 机械尺寸图 资料下载 BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE 概述 详细资讯: http://www.timll.com/chinese/product/BeageBone-HDMI.asp  
  • 热度 25
    2012-9-24 18:56
    1029 次阅读|
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    BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE 基于BeagleBone 的HDMI功能扩展板 BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE是英蓓特科技最新推出的一款基于BeagleBone的HDMI功能扩展板。标准HDMI信号输出适用于所有带HDMI功能的显示设备,视频分辨率最高支持720p,支持声音输出。且在扩展出标准HDMI接口的同时,也扩展出了50PIN LCD接口。LCD接口支持4.3寸LCD和7寸LCD显示,并带有四线电阻屏触摸接口,LCD接口与 HDMI接口复用。 产品特性一览: Physical feature: 78mm*54mm Working Temperature: 0 to +70 ℃ Power supply: 3.3V or 5V A couple expansion connectors for Beagle-Bone Input: LCD Controller Signals Output: High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), LCD interface(50 pin FPC connector, having 4 line Touch Screen) Video resolutions up to 720p ,support UXGA 3D-capable at 720p/60 frame-pack Consumer Electronics Control interface incorporates an HDMI-compliant CEC I/O with hardware protocol and arbitration logic, and requires no external calibration Single slave I2C from host, passing through to master I2C interface for DDC connection 2:1 and 4:1 down-sampling to handle 96-kHz and 192-kHz audio streams Software support: Linux OS and Wince OS 详细请咨询: http://www.timll.com/chinese/product/BeageBone-HDMI.asp
  • 热度 27
    2012-9-24 17:46
    1312 次阅读|
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    BeagleBone-HDMI CAPE是英蓓特科技最新推出的一款基于BeagleBone的HDMI功能扩展板。标准HDMI信号输出适用于所有带HDMI功能的显示设备,视频分辨率最高支持720p,支持声音输出。且在扩展出标准HDMI接口的同时,也扩展出了50PIN LCD接口。LCD接口支持4.3寸LCD和7寸LCD显示,并带有四线电阻屏触摸接口,LCD接口与 HDMI接口复用。 产品特性一览: Physical feature: 78mm*54mm Working Temperature: 0 to +70 ℃ Power supply: 3.3V or 5V A couple expansion connectors for Beagle-Bone Input: LCD Controller Signals Output: High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI), LCD interface(50 pin FPC connector, having 4 line Touch Screen) Video resolutions up to 720p ,support UXGA 3D-capable at 720p/60 frame-pack Consumer Electronics Control interface incorporates an HDMI-compliant CEC I/O with hardware protocol and arbitration logic, and requires no external calibration Single slave I2C from host, passing through to master I2C interface for DDC connection 2:1 and 4:1 down-sampling to handle 96-kHz and 192-kHz audio streams Software support: Linux OS and Wince OS 详情请点击: http://www.timll.com/chinese/product/BeageBone-HDMI.asp