tag 标签: shield

  • 热度 32
    2014-12-8 15:26
    1603 次阅读|
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    I must say I am in a bit of a quandary. Things are racing merrily along with regard to several of my hobby projects, including my Vetinari Clock and my Inamorata Prognostication Engine , but now I've hit a stumbling block.   The thing is that I'm planning on equipping both of the above projects with sound effects, but I'm not sure how to go about achieving the effects I require. In the case of the Vetinari Clock, for example, I'm going to want a "tick-tock" sound. When we reach the turn of the hour, I'm going to want a straining sound ending in a "Ker-thump" as the hour hand moves to its new position. I'm also going to want a variety of mechanical clockwork sounds, along with some hydraulic and pneumatic sounds.   Similarly, in the case of the Inamorata Prognostication Engine, when someone flicks a switch, for example, I want to have sounds like clockwork gears grinding, ball bearings rolling down slopes and dropping through tubes, and all sorts of other effects. All of these projects are being powered by Arduino microcontroller development boards. My first thought was to use a GinSing Shield . I have one of these little beauties and it may well end up being used in one of these projects at some stage, but only for the occasional effect.     However, for my projects, in the majority of cases, real-world sounds simply sound superior (try saying that quickly). In some cases, I might decide to record these sounds myself; alternatively, there are a variety of websites from whence one can download free sound snippets, such as FreeSound.org .   The next point is how to play these sound snippets. Originally I was planning on using a Wave Shield from Adafruit.     On the bright side, this little scamp can play uncompressed 22KHz, 12-bit, mono Wave (.wav) files of any size, and it sounds really good, but... it doesn't really do what I want it to. First of all it uses a lot of the Arduino's pins, which is a pain. Also, it pretty much ties to the Arduino -- you can't do much else while you are playing a sound. My initial plan was to use a dedicated slave Arduino to drive the Wave Shield, and to have a master Arduino to control everything, including telling the slave Arduino what sound file to play.   But this still doesn't address all of my requirements, the largest of which is that I might want to play (and mix) multiple sounds simultaneously. In the case of the Vetinari Clock, for example, I might want to set the "tick-tock" sound playing continuously in the background, and then superimpose one or more other sounds on top depending on the current time and on what's happening in the outside world and so forth.   What I want for Christmas I was brain-stem-storming this topic with my chum Duane Benson earlier today. Duane also has a number of Arduino-based projects on the go that will eventually require some sound effects capabilities.   Following my discussions with Duane, here's what I would like in an ideal world. As a starting point, I want an Arduino Shield with an Arduino Uno form factor. I want this shield to have a lot of memory so as to be able to store a lot of sound effects -- let's say 4GBytes of Flash Memory.   In addition to downloading sound snippets to my PC from places like FreeSound.org, I want to be able to create and edit my own sound files on my PC using some program like Audacity . (Note that I don't mind having an 8.3 file naming convention limitation; also, I don't mind being limited to using uncompressed WAV files.) Now, here's an important point -- I want my shield to have a mini-USB port. I want to be able to use a USB cable to connect the shield to my PC, and for the shield to look like a regular USB memory stick. In particular, I want to be able to drag-and-drop sound files from my PC to the shield.   The shield should provide any necessary processing capabilities. The communication between the Arduino and the shield should be via I2C (in addition to the shield having a default I2C address, this address should be modifiable via solder links on the shield). The two I2C pins are the only ones the shield should use. All of the Aduino's other pins should be left free for other tasks.   A sketch running on the Arduino should be able to issue commands to the shield over the I2C buss. At a minimum, these commands should include something like "Play sound file xxxxxxxx.xxx" (which plays the file once) and "Loop sound file xxxxxxxx.xxx" (which plays the file over and over again). In the case of the Loop command, the default would be to start replaying the file as soon as we reach the end, but it should also be possible to add an optional time parameter like "Every 60 seconds," so a 10-second sound file would play once every 60 seconds, for example.   It would also be nice for the sketch running on the Arduino to be able to query the shield with regard to the state of a particular sound file to see if it's still playing and -- if so -- how long it still has to run. It should also be possible for the Arduino to terminate the playing of a particular sound file, where said termination can be qualified by a specified fade time in seconds (a value of 0 would be the same as the default, which is to simply stop playing that file immediately).   Perhaps the most important aspect of all this is that the Arduino must be able to request that multiple sound files be played simultaneously -- the shield would be responsible for mixing the various audio streams. I'm not sure what limitations this would place on the system. I presume that there will be some limit to the number of channels that can be streamed depending on the memory access time and other factors that I haven’t wrapped my brain around as yet.   For my projects, a mono system would be sufficient. I'm open to suggestions as to whether a stereo capability would be required; if so, when the Arduino requests that a particular sound file be played, it would need to be able to specify to which channel the sound should be directed (the default would be "Both").   Ideally the shield would have its own power supply and will include on-board amplification that can directly drive the speaker(s), but it should also be possible to disable this amplifier and to feed the output to an external amplifier if required.   So, are you aware of anything like this that's already available? If not, do you think other people would be interested in having such a capability for their hobby projects? I must admit that Duane and I were wondering if this would make a suitable Kickstarter project. Last but not least, do you have any thoughts as to the way in which all of this could be implemented? Is there a specific processor (or other device) we should use for the shield? What about a multi-stream sound mixing chip? Any suggestions would be gratefully received.  
  • 热度 19
    2014-9-30 20:23
    1786 次阅读|
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    I find myself using Arduinos more often these days. (See my Vetinari Clock and BADASS Display projects, for example.) In fact, it seems like every time I turn around, I think of something else I want to do with them.   Just last evening, for example, I was thinking that I have never really played with servos. I always meant to do something with them, but I never seemed to get around to it. (There are so many fun things to do … but so little time to do them all in.) Anyway, I was meandering my way around the Internet -- as you do -- when I ran across this Instructables project for a set of animatronic robot eyes.     As soon as I saw these eyes, I started thinking of interesting things I could do with the little rascals. I couldn’t help myself -- I am a man of little willpower -- I immediately bounced over to the Adafruit website and ordered a 16-channel servo shield and four micro servos .   I will be reporting my progress in future columns, but at the moment I have something else on my mind (I use the term "mind" in its loosest sense). More and more, I'm finding reasons to connect my Arduino-based products to the Internet. Everyone is talking about the Internet of Things (IoT) these days, and -- by golly -- I want my things to be on the Internet.   In order to do this I need WiFi capability. More than that, of course, I need secure WiFi capability. I don't want some nefarious stranger to be able to take control of my Inamorata Prognostication Engine, for example -- the results could be cataclysmic and change the world as we know it.   You can only imagine my surprise and delight to hear that the folks at Atmel and the guys and gals at Arduino have just announced the Arduino WiFi Shield 101, which is designed to enable rapid prototyping of IoT applications on the Arduino platform.     They describe this little beauty as a "cost-effective, easy-to-use, high-performance shield that enables design engineers, makers, and educators to create innovative solutions not yet imagined." I like the sound of this, not the least that most people find my projects hard to imagine (LOL).   The Arduino WiFi Shield 101 is powered by Atmel’s wireless network controller, which is part of the SmartConnect family. One key point as far as I'm concerned is that the shield also includes Atmel's Crypto Authentication device, which -- I am informed -- will let me "easily incorporate hardware authentication capability into my designs."   If you want to learn more about the Arduino WiFi Shield 101, good places to start would be this press release , followed by the Atmel and Arduino websites. While you're busy doing that, I think I'm going to spend a few minutes contemplating how this shield will fit in with my plans for world domination. Do you have any projects that could be enhanced by means of this little scamp?
  • 热度 17
    2012-4-1 15:52
    3694 次阅读|
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    Randy Sarafan是在Instructables的一个技术编辑,做了一个Arduino以太网Shield教程。这儿有两个例子向我们展示了如何使用Arduion以太网Shield来实现HTML网页以及解析URL字符串。这儿有一个教程链接: http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Ethernet-Shield-Tutorial/?ALLSTEPS  ,我们一起来走近它吧,使用它吧~~ Arduino 以太网 Shield 更多相关文章,请点击阅读: http://bbs.ednchina.com/BLOG_ARTICLE_3001087.HTM   欢迎留言评论~~
  • 热度 17
    2012-3-28 14:19
    4027 次阅读|
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    Arduino以太网盾仅仅几分钟的时间就能够把你的Arduino连接到因特网。只需要把这个模块插进Arduino板,用一个RJ45电缆(没 有包括在内)把它连接到网络,然后按照一些简单地指令就可以通过因特网控制你的世界了。像往常一样用Arduino,平台的每一部分:软件,硬件和文档全 部都是免费的和开源的。这意味着你可以精确的学习到它是怎么制造出来的以及当你开始设计你的电路的时候采用它的设计。每天成千上万的Arduino平台已 经成为了全球人民创造力的源泉。加入我们,Arduino就是你的!   Arduino 以太网盾 R3 前面   Arduino 以太网盾 R3 后面   Arduino 以太网盾   需求和Arduino板(不包括在内) 工作电压5V(Arduino板提供的) 以太网控制器:内部自带16K缓冲区的W5100 连接速度:10/100Mb 在SPI端口连接Arduino   Arduino以太网盾允许一个Arduino板连接到因特网中。这基于WIZNetW5100以太网芯片(数据表)WIZNet W5100为TCP和UDP提供了一个网络(IP)栈。它支持四个同事进行的SOCKET连接。可以使用以太网文库来写用盾连接到因特网的梗概。以太网盾 用场的绕线头连接了一个Arduino板,这个绕线头也通过盾延伸了。这就保持了pin布局完整并且允许别的盾堆放在顶部。Arduino板的最近修订版 本暴露了在Arduino UBO板的rev 3上1.0引脚线。   以太网盾有一个标准的RJ-45接口,和一个通过以太网启用的线变压器和动力。   板上有一个微SD卡插槽可以用来为在网络服务存储文件。这与Arduino的UNO和MEGA(使用以太网文库)一致。板上的微SD卡阅读器通过SD文库可以被使用。当使用文库的时候,SS是在pin4上。盾的原始版本包含了一个全尺寸的SD卡槽,而当前这个不支持。   这个以太网盾也包含一个重置控制器,以确保W5100以太网模块恰当的被重置当供电的时候。而它以前的版本与MEGA不兼容,当供电后需要人工重置。   当前的盾有一个以太网供电模块(PoE),它是被设计用来从传统的双绞线第5种以太网电缆中提取功率的: IEEE802.3af 兼容 低输出的波纹和噪音( 100mVpp ) 输入电压范围 36V 到 57V 过载和短路保护 9V 的输出 高频率的 DC/DC 变流器: typ 75% @ 50% load 1500V 隔离(输入和输出)   这个以太网盾并没有自带以PoE,他是一个单独部分,必须被添加才能使用。   Arduino用SPI总线(通过ICSP头)与W5100和SD卡连接。这是在Duemilanove上的数位销11,12,13。和Mega上 的数位销50,51,52。在这两个板上,数位销10是用来选择W5100,而数位销4是用来选择SD卡,但是必须保持一个输出,否则SPI接口将不能工 作。   既然,因为W5100和SD卡共用一个SPI总线,所以一次只能激活一个。如果在你的项目中这两个你都用,那就应该被相应的资料库认真照看。如果你 不使用其中的一个,然而,你需要明确的取消选择。要使用SD卡,需要作为一种输出设置销4并且写进一个高位。如果使用W5100设置数字销10作为一种高 位输出。   Shield提供一个标准的RJ45以太网插座。   Shield上的重置按钮重置W5100和Arduino板。   Shield包含了大量的LED信号: PWR:表明板和Shield被供电了 LINK:表明网络连接存在,并且当Shield传输和接收数据的时候闪烁 FULLD:表明当前的网络连接是全双工; 100M:表明当前100Mb的网络连接(相对应的是10Mb/s) RX:当Shield接收到数据的时候闪烁 TX:当Shield发送数据的时候闪烁 COLL:发现网络冲突的时候闪烁     焊接跨接线标注为INT可以被理解为允许Arduino板从W5100接收事件中断驱动的通知,但是以太网资料库并不支持这个。这个跨接线把W5100的INT销连接到Arduino的数字销2。   原文地址: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoEthernetShield 欢迎大家留言评论~~
  • 热度 24
    2012-3-28 14:09
    1987 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    Arduino以太网盾仅仅几分钟的时间就能够把你的Arduino连接到因特网。只需要把这个模块插进Arduino板,用一个RJ45电缆(没 有包括在内)把它连接到网络,然后按照一些简单地指令就可以通过因特网控制你的世界了。像往常一样用Arduino,平台的每一部分:软件,硬件和文档全 部都是免费的和开源的。这意味着你可以精确的学习到它是怎么制造出来的以及当你开始设计你的电路的时候采用它的设计。每天成千上万的Arduino平台已 经成为了全球人民创造力的源泉。加入我们,Arduino就是你的!   Arduino 以太网盾 R3 前面   Arduino 以太网盾 R3 后面   Arduino 以太网盾   需求和Arduino板(不包括在内) 工作电压5V(Arduino板提供的) 以太网控制器:内部自带16K缓冲区的W5100 连接速度:10/100Mb 在SPI端口连接Arduino   Arduino以太网盾允许一个Arduino板连接到因特网中。这基于WIZNetW5100以太网芯片(数据表)WIZNet W5100为TCP和UDP提供了一个网络(IP)栈。它支持四个同事进行的SOCKET连接。可以使用以太网文库来写用盾连接到因特网的梗概。以太网盾 用场的绕线头连接了一个Arduino板,这个绕线头也通过盾延伸了。这就保持了pin布局完整并且允许别的盾堆放在顶部。Arduino板的最近修订版 本暴露了在Arduino UBO板的rev 3上1.0引脚线。   以太网盾有一个标准的RJ-45接口,和一个通过以太网启用的线变压器和动力。   板上有一个微SD卡插槽可以用来为在网络服务存储文件。这与Arduino的UNO和MEGA(使用以太网文库)一致。板上的微SD卡阅读器通过SD文库可以被使用。当使用文库的时候,SS是在pin4上。盾的原始版本包含了一个全尺寸的SD卡槽,而当前这个不支持。 这个以太网盾也包含一个重置控制器,以确保W5100以太网模块恰当的被重置当供电的时候。而它以前的版本与MEGA不兼容,当供电后需要人工重置。 当前的盾有一个以太网供电模块(PoE),它是被设计用来从传统的双绞线第5种以太网电缆中提取功率的: IEEE802.3af 兼容 低输出的波纹和噪音( 100mVpp ) 输入电压范围 36V 到 57V 过载和短路保护 9V 的输出 高频率的 DC/DC 变流器: typ 75% @ 50% load 1500V 隔离(输入和输出)   这个以太网盾并没有自带以PoE,他是一个单独部分,必须被添加才能使用。   Arduino用SPI总线(通过ICSP头)与W5100和SD卡连接。这是在Duemilanove上的数位销11,12,13。和Mega上 的数位销50,51,52。在这两个板上,数位销10是用来选择W5100,而数位销4是用来选择SD卡,但是必须保持一个输出,否则SPI接口将不能工 作。 既然,因为W5100和SD卡共用一个SPI总线,所以一次只能激活一个。如果在你的项目中这两个你都用,那就应该被相应的资料库认真照看。如果你 不使用其中的一个,然而,你需要明确的取消选择。要使用SD卡,需要作为一种输出设置销4并且写进一个高位。如果使用W5100设置数字销10作为一种高 位输出。 Shield提供一个标准的RJ45以太网插座。 Shield上的重置按钮重置W5100和Arduino板。 Shield包含了大量的LED信号: PWR:表明板和Shield被供电了 LINK:表明网络连接存在,并且当Shield传输和接收数据的时候闪烁 FULLD:表明当前的网络连接是全双工; 100M:表明当前100Mb的网络连接(相对应的是10Mb/s) RX:当Shield接收到数据的时候闪烁 TX:当Shield发送数据的时候闪烁 COLL:发现网络冲突的时候闪烁 焊接跨接线标注为INT可以被理解为允许Arduino板从W5100接收事件中断驱动的通知,但是以太网资料库并不支持这个。这个跨接线把W5100的INT销连接到Arduino的数字销2。 原文地址: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoEthernetShield 欢迎大家留言评论~~~