tag 标签: seo

  • 热度 18
    2016-3-9 08:37
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            在我刚刚开始接触seo的时候,前辈们就向我传输关键词必须加粗,这是网站页面优化的一大技巧。不过我也发现,有人持有应该在关键词中加粗加颜色等特殊效果,这些人认为关键词使用特殊的显示方式,是属于优化**行为,会影响各大搜索引擎的分词算法,也就可能会影响信息的排名。那么到底应不应该为关键词添加特殊效果呢?可恐怕只有专业seo知识的人才可以回答的问题。         首先我可以负责任告诉大家关键词使用特殊效果显示,这是不是优化**,不会受到搜索引擎的惩罚(前提是适量)。只要大量的堆砌关键词或者使用一些搜索引擎禁止的手法,才算是**。         其次,使用关键字加粗等特殊效果对于seo有帮助吗?那就不一定了,要是是使用了 i 标签,是没有强调作用的,搜索引擎蜘蛛也不会知道使用了的关键词比较重要,不过要是使用 标签和 标签的话,不仅可以起到加粗的作用也可以起到强调的作用。这是因为在代码语义上来讲和只是表现元素,仅仅改变外观,用于区别和其它文本,没有实际的意义,也不会产生任何语义的变化;而使用了 标签和 标签的话,用来强调文本,并把这部分文本呈现为粗体文本,在代码的实际含义里是具有实际效果的。所以我在这里告诉大家 标签和 标签对seo是可以起到效果的。         相信看完上述介绍,大家都已经对使用关键词加粗进行seo有所了解了,不过我也可以告诉大家,不要太过痴迷文本特殊效果的使用,因为它们对一个庞大的网站,所起到的的影响效果是微乎其微的。而且要是过度使用的话也有可能引来搜索引擎的惩罚,进而影响网站排名,这就是所谓的得不偿失,所以实际上在进行seo优化的时候要尽量忘记它们,只在真的需要突出的地方使用就可以了。本文有金鹰集团电感线圈电商部原创
  • 热度 19
    2014-9-30 20:34
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    With less investment money available in the semiconductor industry these days, startups have abandoned some of the tried and true elements of marketing used to create widespread awareness and build visibility. Instead, they’re focused on engineering and sales. Marketing the company is viewed as a luxury and takes a back seat. The strategy is to delay any marketing while building revenue from initial customers.       It wasn’t always this way. When semiconductor startups were trendy and well-funded, marketing had a cache of programs to position the company. Many of the savvier startups took a one-two approach to launching themselves and their products.   First came the company rollout that seeded the market with the company’s positioning. The corporate news release included high-level positioning and salient facts, such as investors, board members, and key staff members. It was common to divulge the problem area that the new company was addressing. All this was staged to pique the curiosity of potential customers and competitors. It was a great recruiting tool as well.   Anywhere from two to six months later the company’s first product was rolled out. Between these two points, trade and online publications often published commentaries and technical articles contributed by the company to set the stage for the product launch. The wave of announcements continued, and the industry was conditioned to see customer-adoption news releases and, perhaps, news on the health of the company through year-end releases reporting growth.   Obviously, the world has changed, with many companies being bootstrapped, lacking the resources for this proven marketing strategy. Scarce funds are now reserved for product development and sales. Customer support, news releases, articles, whitepapers, and case studies are still valued.   The main motivation for rollout campaigns is no longer the articles they might generate in online publications, but the fresh information they bring to a company’s website and the boost they provide search engine optimization (SEO) results. Blogging and social media are now essential components of a balanced marketing strategy.   I contend, however, that the two-phase strategy still makes sense. In fact, there’s no reason not to implement it in a well-conceived, cost-effective marketing program employing a variety of elements including SEO, blogging, and social media.   Another important aspect of marketing is product marketing. In the early stages of a company’s development, this means product definition -- in other words, helping the engineering team understand and solve the customer's problem, and then succinctly articulating the company’s position.   Once again, the lack of funding has profoundly changed the dynamics of product marketing in startups. Technologists who witnessed the shortcomings of existing solutions now found most startups. They may have been on the user side or on the supply side, but they recognized the need and the opportunity to develop a better solution. Given its deep understanding of the target market, the founding team is unlikely to enlist the help of a marketing team.   Let’s not forget that the benefits of marketing still exist after a successful launch. One marketing executive repeatedly encouraged his team to remember that marketing was one-to-many communication, while sales was one-to-one communication. The practice of flying under the radar and relying on sales for broadcasting the company message and position can work for a while, but it’s not a long-term strategy, nor is it particularly effective. Nothing is worse than allowing a competitor to position the company, which can happen. Once a reputation –– good or bad –– is established, it’s hard to sway opinion.   Marketing is an important element of growth and the most significant means of building brand identity. Don’t neglect it. A startup founder may think the company cannot afford marketing, but ignoring it is worse. The semiconductor industry is full of experienced consultants. Online marketing resources are a Google search away. A phone call to a trusted advisor can quickly identify a qualified consultant.   Michel Courtoy is a former design engineer and EDA executive who sits on the board of directors at Breker Verification Systems.
  • 热度 18
    2011-8-26 14:59
    1240 次阅读|
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           百度收钱为虚假诈骗网站做推广在央视曝光,相信这也是大家目前讨论最热的话题吧,央视的记者曝光揭露了百度唯利是图,不惜以诚信为代价谋取巨额利润的黑幕。只要你肯给钱,他就把你的网站排在前面。当然这里包括了那些诈骗的钓鱼网站,制作诈骗网站的不法商家利用百度赚得巨额利润,百度又从这些商家身上获取不小的收益!那么这个黑幕最终的受害者是谁呢,当然是那些信任百度的忠实网民了。        其实早在2008年11月15日、16日两天,中央电视台《新闻30分》栏目就百度竞价排名搜索存在的问题进行了连续报道。为了减小这次信任危机对自己的影响,2009年12月1日百度宣布推出凤巢系统,用来代替已经失去信誉的竞价排名系统。结果就是前面提到的那样,凤巢也成了众矢之地,为人们所唾弃。         作为一个seo人员,此刻的心里只能说是拔凉拔凉的啊!!如果以后花点钱就能把自己的网站排在前面,那么我们的工作还有什么意义呢!!整天研究搜索引擎喜欢什么样的网站,喜欢什么样的链接。现在我算是总结出来了,原来百度只喜欢有钱的网站!!           这次事件我们可以看出我们互联网的发展还不成熟,还有就是新闻媒体和网络媒体之间的一种竞争吧!!广告可以带来巨大收益,但唯利是图就会被人利用,对老百姓造成巨大损失,最终也只会是自掘坟墓。我们不想在春晚上看到的都是植入广告 ,更不想在百度里搜到的都是诈骗信息!!请给互联网一天干净的天空!        本文出处http://www.icgoo.net  作者:黑猫     欢迎大家转载,转载时请注明出处,谢谢! sd 百度收钱为虚假诈骗网站做推广在央视曝光,相信这也是大家目前讨论最热的话题吧,央视的记者曝光揭露了百度唯利是图,不惜以诚信为代价谋取巨额利润的黑幕。只要你肯给钱,他就把你的网站排在前面。当然这里包括了那些诈骗的钓鱼网站,制作诈骗网站的不法商家利用百度赚得巨额利润,百度又从这些商家身上获取不小的收益!那么这个黑幕最终的受害者是谁呢,当然是那些信任百度的忠实网民了。     其实早在2008年11月15日、16日两天,中央电视台《新闻30分》栏目就百度竞价排名搜索存在的问题进行了连续报道。为了减小这次信任危机对自己的影响,2009年12月1日百度宣布推出凤巢系统,用来代替已经失去信誉的竞价排名系统。结果就是前面提到的那样,凤巢也成了众矢之地,为人们所唾弃。     作为一个seo人员,此刻的心里只能说是拔凉拔凉的啊!!如果以后花点钱就能把自己的网站排在前面,那么我们的工作还有什么意义呢!!整天研究搜索引擎喜欢什么样的网站,喜欢什么样的链接。现在我算是总结出来了,原来百度只喜欢有钱的网站!!       这次事件我们可以看出我们互联网的发展还不成熟,还有就是新闻媒体和网络媒体之间的一种竞争吧!!广告可以带来巨大收益,但唯利是图就会被人利用,对老百姓造成巨大损失,最终也只会是自掘坟墓。我们不想在春晚上看到的都是植入广告 ,更不想在百度里搜到的都是诈骗信息!!请给互联网一天干净的天空!          欢迎大家转载,转载时请注明出处,谢谢!     本文出处http://www.icgoo.net  作者:黑猫
  • 热度 18
    2010-10-27 10:30
    1076 次阅读|
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    一、搜搜百度快照排名优化合作上风    百度快照排名优化的客户可每组枢纽词最多可提供六个枢纽词,本公司起码确保三个以上的枢纽词进入快照排名前十位。在维护期内,客户可提供与服务产品类似的枢纽词给我们义务为您继进行百度排名优化。从而进步您的效益以达到长远合作的良好关系。比如你可以在百度搜索"第一价值网",排名最好的就是那三个枢纽词.   二、搜搜百度快照排名优化位置上风    枢纽词的百度快照排名在百度快照前十位因为百度竞价排名按点击收费百度快照按时间来合作所以投入本钱上降低良多大部门人也以为做了竞价排名的站点是广告性质的网站而天然排名上去的是各方面因素都好的网站才能排名靠前。一般成本较高,中小型企业就会考虑到SEO网站优化.   三、搜搜百度快照排名优化售后上风    枢纽词排名在百度快照前十位,维护时间为一年。在维护期内枢纽词排名下降,则这段时间不计算在维护期内,从排百度快照前十位时把维护时间累计起来。   针对性强,帮企业找到潜伏目标客户   1、企业注册“产品枢纽字”后;产品先容将会泛起在搜索结果最显著的位置。   2、最有针对性的“产品枢纽字”使潜伏客户能直接访问企业的产品先容页面。   3、让那些真正对企业产品感爱好的潜伏新客户,直接看到产品的详细先容,更轻易达成交易。   4、访问百度和查询信息的用户以18—40岁为主流人群,是最具消费能力的群体,客户在百度进行品牌或产品的推广将会得到最佳的效果。   5、访问百度的网民教育程度及收入程度普遍较高,75%的网民拥有大专以上学历,多从事工程技术、营销治理及政府部分工作,是企业的核心气力,极具贸易价值和购买力。