tag 标签: tech

  • 2018-2-20 11:40
    0 个评论
    Après avoir utilisé le Tech 2, quelques étapes simples vous permettront de tirer le meilleur parti de cet outil de diagnostic. REMARQUER Ne vaporisez pas et ne versez jamais de nettoyant sur le Tech 2 Scanner . Si le Tech 2 est sale, nettoyez-le avec un détergent doux ou du savon pour les mains. Évitez d'utiliser des solvants agressifs tels que les produits de nettoyage à base de pétrole: acétone, benzène, trichloréthylène, etc. Les solvants agressifs peuvent graver les surfaces plastiques Tech 2. Bien que le Tech 2 résiste à l'eau, il ne sèche pas. 2 avant utilisation et / ou stockage. La maintenance du Tech 2 nécessite une inspection et un nettoyage périodiques de: * La fenêtre d'affichage * Le clavier * Les assemblages de câbles et les connecteurs Assurez-vous que le Tech 2 n'est pas connecté à un véhicule ou à une autre source d'alimentation et suivez les procédures de nettoyage détaillées ci-dessous Nettoyage de l'écran L'écran recueille la poussière et la crasse pendant l'utilisation normale. Essuyez occasionnellement l'écran avec un chiffon propre, doux et antistatique. Enlevez les taches tenaces en appliquant un nettoyant pour vitres non abrasif sur un chiffon doux et essuyez le chiffon à travers la zone d'affichage. Nettoyage du clavier Nettoyez le clavier avec un nettoyant non abrasif. Appliquez une petite quantité de nettoyant sur un chiffon doux et essuyez tissu à travers la zone du clavier. Entretien des assemblages de câbles et des connecteurs Inspectez les assemblages de câbles pendant la connexion et la déconnexion des composants. Surveillez les coupures ou les abrasions le long des câbles. Vérifiez les connecteurs et les broches de connecteur pour la graisse, la saleté et la corrosion. Si des contaminants sont présents, les retirer avec une solution de savon doux. Stocker le Tech 2 * Rangez le OBD II Scanner Tech 2 à l'écart des solvants et autres liquides. Ce n'est pas étanche à l'humidité. * Rangez le Tech 2 à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil. La lumière ultraviolette et infrarouge assombrira l'affichage. * Rangez le Tech 2 dans son boîtier en plastique. Sinon, la couverture en plastique à fort impact pourrait se rayer Commencer Cette section couvre toutes les applications de véhicules Car Diagnostic Tool Tech 2 . Par conséquent, certaines des informations fournies peuvent ne pas être requises pour des applications individuelles. Le Tech 2 contient deux ports de communication série: le RS-232 et le RS-485. Utilisez le port RS-232 pour télécharger les données d'un autre ordinateur vers le Tech 2. Le port RS-485 n'est actuellement pas utilisé. Le Tech 2 contient également deux ports PCMCIA, un connecteur de prise d'alimentation et un connecteur VCI (Vehicle Communications Interface). L'un des emplacements PCMCIA contient une carte mémoire avec des informations de diagnostic. La prise d'alimentation est alimentée par l'alimentation CA / CC, la batterie ou le câble d'alimentation de l'allume-cigare. Le connecteur VCI accepte le câble DLC ou l'adaptateur de bouclage DLC http://obd2tools.blogsky.com/1396/11/30/post-74/GM-Tech2-Initial-Hardware-Installation
  • 热度 27
    2016-3-24 11:44
    1470 次阅读|
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    Personally, I think that the classic Medieval Help Desk video is hard to beat. I remember this video being posted as if it were yesterday, but did you realize that it actually made its debut nine years ago as I pen these words (where does the time go)?   However, my old chum Aubrey Kagan (a.k.a. Antedeluvian) from Canada just sent me the link to this How Every Tech Support Call Feels video, and I have to admit that it did cause me to give a wry chuckle.   The really clever bit is right at the very end -- I have to admit that this took me by surprise. In fact, while watching this, I just discovered that there's a veritable cornucopia of "Tech Support" and "Call Centre" related videos out there, but which one is the funniest? Do you have any favorites of your own that you'd care to share?
  • 热度 27
    2014-1-14 13:44
    2333 次阅读|
    4 个评论
      WIZnet以简单,易用,减轻单片机对TCP/IP处理负载的优势,与任何单片机进行协作,实现工控方案!我们来看看我们的代理商Crypton Tech 浩康科技的解决方案吧,下图是设计思路。   Crypton Tech 浩康科技 工控设计方案 可以看出我们通过电脑进入以太网,通过WIZnet的网络模块去控制LED信号,实现更多的功能。 Wiznet W5100 /5300能配合任何单片机成为工控方案, Crypton Tech 浩康科技可提供技术支持。 远程终端机可通过互联网,控制器材及搜集相关数据。 Nuvoton Mini51 + 5100 通过测试,操作顺畅及正常。 ATMEL M8 + 5100通过测试,操作顺畅及正常   您如果感兴趣,我们可以帮助您直接联系Crypton Tech 浩康科技,得到更多相关的信息。 如果您有什么疑问请直接留言也可以登录我们的官网: http://www.wiznet.co.kr 或者来信: Tel: 86-10-84538662,QQ:283819329,邮箱:wiznetbj@wiznet.co.kr,联系人:Katrina ,谢谢!
  • 热度 24
    2013-4-16 10:46
    2780 次阅读|
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    In my opinion, a disruptive technology is the bearer of tremendous opportunity and equally a harbinger of obsolescence. Technology's impact on society and business is substantial, if not underestimated. The most profound technological changes are those that weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it. Although product cycle times are accelerating, the underlying technologies unfold over many years. Within each trend there are multiple enabling technologies, all at various stages of maturity and adoption. Promising to be the most disruptive technology since the World Wide Web, the Internet of Things (IoT) is predicted to result in up to 100 billion Internet-connected objects by 2020. Relying on embedded computing and sensors, and driven by smartphone and tablet adoption, IoT in 2013 will witness an explosion of new uses by consumers and enterprises alike. "IoT," a concept that originally sounded like something out of sci-fi movie is, in fact, a reality, and one that is bound to become even more widespread. I believe that the Internet of Things, or the ability for consumer devices and appliances to communicate with one another via Web access and a complex system of embedded sensors, will "enable a wide range of new applications and services while raising many new challenges." Among these up-and-coming possibilities is the ability for smartphones to communicate via NFC and Wi-Fi to a range of devices, including wristwatches, healthcare sensors and home entertainment systems. The public is captivated by the vision of being able to control everything in their homes and offices, from temperature, lighting and security to using devices to brew cups of coffee, program entertainment, check health records, and conduct a myriad of other tasks. Enterprises are also beginning to embrace IoT for tracking physical assets, managing customer relationships, and creating efficiencies in business operations and supply chains. Yet many technological hurdles must be passed before this vision becomes a reality. New types of sensors, new ways of connecting devices, and new strategies for embedded computing must be rolled out to bring IoT's vision to the forefront. Formerly known as machine-to-machine communication, IoT until recently has been the province of large companies, such as Microsoft and Cisco, seeking to stake their claims to the technology. However, with IoT perhaps the most talked about technology trend for 2013, the year ahead should see an explosion of start-ups, applications and research projects aimed at leveraging IoT's vast potential to change human lives. Enterprises are still in the early stages of implementing IoT solutions. A recent Forrester Research survey noted that 15 per cent of surveyed companies currently have an IoT solution in place. However, 53 per cent of companies surveyed said they planned to implement an IoT solution in the next 24 months, indicating that there is interest in a much more-connected future. IoT will digitize all businesses. The challenge will be making sense of all the data from image recognition, embedded sensors and other information related by physical objects. By 2015, 70 per cent of companies will have one executive in charge of overseeing Internet-connected devices and objects. The payoff will be in the supply chain, control and information services. "The Internet of things has applications across multiple industries." New companies and applications will bring the long-held vision of the Internet of Things closer to reality. - Narang N. Kishor Mentor Principal Design Architect Narnix Technolabs Thirty-five years back when I chose design as my profession and further back in 1981 when I started my design and technology consultancy (Narnix Technolabs), instead of an industrial or commercial enterprise, the real driver was my passion for new technologies and design. I wanted to always stay on the forefront of technologies and a few steps ahead of the market. I have never regretted that decision and no professional or financial hardship has been able to deter me from this very exciting, though tough, career in design and technology.