tag 标签: edison

  • 热度 24
    2015-1-19 08:34
    1143 次阅读|
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    没有挤进启动大会也不要哭泣,抢到Edison、报名参赛才是正经事!   据小编内线透露,大赛所用英特尔Edison模块+Arduino接口开发板套件,就在今天12:00准时上线京东众筹。更加诱人的是,通过此次众筹,开发者将有机会以199元的低价获得整个套件!   作为一个仅有邮票大小的通用计算平台,Edison搭载英特尔双核凌动系统芯片,基于22纳米技术,内置双频段Wi-Fi和低功耗蓝牙功能,能够帮助创客快速创新和开发新产品,降低创新门槛。有了Edison,广大创客、发明家、创业者可以开发各种智能设备,小到基于乐高产品原型的盲文打印机、自行车头盔,大到四驱无人机、火箭、气象气球,发明家们可以随心所欲,天马行空,将自己的奇思妙想变为现实。   此前英特尔对Edison模块的官方建议零售价为50美元(约为305元人民币),而带有Arduino接口开发板的版本零售价为85美元(约520元人民币),此次众筹Edison模块+Arduino接口开发板套件最低199元人民币即可获得,对于广大开发者来说还是相当具有吸引力滴!   点击http://z.jd.com/project/details/4688.html,即可开抢英特尔Edison开发套件,先到先得,更多优惠!
  • 热度 23
    2014-10-18 19:18
    2348 次阅读|
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    关于 Edison ,你不可不知的 N 件事 英特尔 ® Edison开发平台是全球首个低成本、高完成度和高通用性计算平台,上至物联网企业,下至个人电子设备使用者,它能减轻所有发明者、创业家和消费产品设计师的开发负担,使得英特尔和产业界重新思考在哪些新的领域、新的场景下,可以采用计算技术创造令人期待的理想效果。 仅比邮票稍大,却蕴含巨大计算能量; 支持无线功能,无论是在尺寸、成本、集成度还是在每瓦性能方面都在遵循摩尔定律; 采用22纳米英特尔 ® 凌动系统芯片(之前研发代号为Silvermont),包括一个双核、双线程500 MHz CPU和一个32位100 MHz Quark MCU; 可以支持多达40个GPIO、1G LPDDR3内存、4G eMMC、双频段Wi-Fi和低功耗蓝牙; 现阶段已支持利用Arduino*和C/C++进行开发,近期还将扩展到Node.JS、Python、RTOS和Visual Programming; 包括设备间和从设备到云的连接框架,以实现跨设备通信以及基于云的多租户时间序列分析服务。 在2014年9月的英特尔信息技术峰会(IDF)上,Edison全面上市,会上展示了包括智能衣服、农场设备、机器人和盲文打印机在内的十余款基于Edison的原型设备。 Edison 迎来首批玩家 嘉年华期间,英特尔联袂国内顶级创客合作伙伴展示了10余款基于Edison平台开发的全新创意,吸引了嘉年华与会者的关注,惊艳全场。 深圳矽递科技有限公司(Seeed Studio)开发的智能围裙,可以监测环境温度、大气压强和高度,让用户对当前情况了如指掌。此外,它还能对使用者进行颈部**,帮助缓解疲劳。外型上,它可以发出美丽光芒,尽显创客精神。 被誉为开源硬件及机器人梦工厂的DFRobot开发的可拓展型全向变形机器人,可利用其高运动性、强大的信息处理能力和巧妙外形伪装的结合,满足日常用户家庭护理和野外勘察的需求。 由英特尔中国研究院开发的智能瓷杯,完美融合了现代IT技术与传统中国工艺。它可以和你用微信、邮件交互,提醒你天气状况,甚至检测你的饮水习惯。智能瓷杯的背后还有一个强大的云服务平台,使之充满想象。 英特尔软件团队开发的智能农场设备可在温室大棚中部署光强、温度、湿度等传感器,在收到传感数据后,大棚可以自动决定启动或者关闭灯照、风扇与水泵等设备,保证大棚的恒温、恒湿、恒光状态,达到最佳的培育效果。 此外,来自世平集团(WPI)的智能温控器、由英特尔开发的智能电子锁、可感知心电的智能衣服、四驱无人机以及形似蜘蛛的Hexabot也在现场进行了展示。 和 Edison 一起玩转创客嘉年华 英特尔公司新设备事业部Edison平台创客Jim Chase和英特尔中国研究院智能互联创新研究中心总监宋继强将在嘉年华论坛上介绍全球创客创新的最新动态,并诠释英特尔如何玩转跨界,让日常物件变得智能互联。 此外,10月19日,TEDx上海Salon将携手英特尔与各路创客,举办一场主题为“聆听,从芯开始”的沙龙活动。英特尔公司新设备事业部Edison平台创客Jim Chase、创客教父李大维、DFRobot首席执行官叶琛、上海fablab创始人丁峻峰将联袂出席,开展一场有关创客和创客发明的精神对话。 活动时间:2014 10月18-19号 活动地址:上海创智天地
  • 热度 23
    2014-9-17 18:25
    1865 次阅读|
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    Until now, my mind was set on using vacuum tubes augmented with tri-colored LEDs to enhance the look and feel of my hobby projects. However, I may have to take a look at those reproductions of vintage-style light bulbs known as Edison Bulbs. You can see all sorts of these little beauties by performing a search for "Edison Bulbs" on eBay, Google, and YouTube.   The reason I'm waffling on about this here is that I just heard from my old chum Alan Winstanley in the UK. One interesting item of news he had to impart was the fact that the hard-copy version of his Basic Soldering Guide Handbook has just gone on sale for $14.99 at Createspace . Another interesting nugget of knowledge Alan conveyed is that he's been photographing Edison Bulbs. He doesn't get out much.   As Alan says: "For fun, I photographed a whole bunch of vintage light bulbs (or, rather, modern facsimiles thereof) as I was fascinated by the reflections the incandescent filaments made around the glass envelope."     "I also aimed the macro lens at the filament supports, where I saw a new world of engineering open up."     "I soldered up a triac dimmer to tone the filaments down to a warm orange glow -- I had various bulbs to play with, including coiled, spirals, squirrel-caged and more besides."     "All these light bulbs are a modern pastiche (today's word) on vintage lighting. They were pretty hard to shoot using a macro lens. The depth of field is a few mm and the tiniest vibration (e.g., from passing traffic or me coughing) caused the glowing filaments -- suspended on their support wires -- to 'ring' or go out of focus. Most of all, I enjoyed exploring the reflections within the envelope."   Well, I have to say that I am very impressed, both by Alan's photographic skills and by the Steampunk-esqueness (sometimes it's hard to know where to stop with a word like this) of these little scamps. As I mentioned earlier, I may have to consider using these little beauties to enhance the look and feel of my hobby projects. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested in using Alan's images for any reason, they are available for purchase from BigStockPhoto.com .
  • 热度 25
    2014-9-17 18:23
    1304 次阅读|
    1 个评论
    Originally, I have been focused on using vacuum tubes augmented with tri-colored LEDs to enhance the look and feel of my hobby projects. However, I may have to take a look at those reproductions of vintage-style light bulbs known as Edison Bulbs. You can see all sorts of these little beauties by performing a search for "Edison Bulbs" on eBay, Google, and YouTube.   The reason I'm waffling on about this here is that I just heard from my old chum Alan Winstanley in the UK. One interesting item of news he had to impart was the fact that the hard-copy version of his Basic Soldering Guide Handbook has just gone on sale for $14.99 at Createspace . Another interesting nugget of knowledge Alan conveyed is that he's been photographing Edison Bulbs. He doesn't get out much.   As Alan says: "For fun, I photographed a whole bunch of vintage light bulbs (or, rather, modern facsimiles thereof) as I was fascinated by the reflections the incandescent filaments made around the glass envelope."     "I also aimed the macro lens at the filament supports, where I saw a new world of engineering open up."     "I soldered up a triac dimmer to tone the filaments down to a warm orange glow -- I had various bulbs to play with, including coiled, spirals, squirrel-caged and more besides."     "All these light bulbs are a modern pastiche (today's word) on vintage lighting. They were pretty hard to shoot using a macro lens. The depth of field is a few mm and the tiniest vibration (e.g., from passing traffic or me coughing) caused the glowing filaments -- suspended on their support wires -- to 'ring' or go out of focus. Most of all, I enjoyed exploring the reflections within the envelope."   Well, I have to say that I am very impressed, both by Alan's photographic skills and by the Steampunk-esqueness (sometimes it's hard to know where to stop with a word like this) of these little scamps. As I mentioned earlier, I may have to consider using these little beauties to enhance the look and feel of my hobby projects. Meanwhile, if anyone is interested in using Alan's images for any reason, they are available for purchase from BigStockPhoto.com .