tag 标签: 自动充电车

  • 热度 12
    2015-2-12 09:51
    1199 次阅读|
    2 个评论
      接触充电这块,其实也是我的幸事,有太多新鲜好玩的点子了。 首先来看看这个,自动充电车,出品的公司为:www.freewiretech.com。 他们玩的概念是“自动补电车”,如图: Mobi Charger v0: Prototype(10度电) A fully-functional mobile EV charger with 10kWh of second-life Nissan Leaf battery modules onboard. Capable of charging vehicles at speeds of up to 5kW using a J1772 AC plug. Mobi Charger v1: Mobility(30度电) FreeWire is introducing "Charging as a Service" (CaaS). We provide an attendant and manually-operated Mobi units. Advantages are no infrastructure cost, the ability to scale instantly, and no loss in employee productivity. Plus, landlords and tenants no longer have to argue about sharing a capital expense. 内部结构: 其商业机理为: 1)主要成本为二次电池,可以和汽车厂家合作回收再用 2) 车位和设施分离 :可以构建移动的充电网络,客户不要操作任意停车位,然后通过自动定位来实现 2.1 充电位置无需固定拉线,任意停车位 2.2 可以调峰,可控的充电 2.3 部署简单 3)可进化 人的脑子是最值钱的,创新永无止境啊,牛。