tag 标签: wii

  • 热度 30
    2011-10-3 15:19
    12399 次阅读|
    2 个评论
    其实,在很久很久很久以前,我就针对Wii,PS3,XBOX开发了完美色差VGA这个产品。在当时大多数显示器还是只有VGA输入口的情况下,把这几款游戏机的高清色差转换盒成各种分辨率的标准VGA给显示器。方便玩家用显示器玩这几款游戏机。 大概在去年,看到一款Wii转HDMI(只有直通转换,不带格式转换。也就是说输入480i的色差,那么输出就是480i的HDMI,以此类推)。Wii直接供电,即插即用,感觉这个产品的创意很不错。这个产品唯一的问题也是一个致命的问题:兼容性。Wii的输出格式是游戏相关的,如果是480i的游戏,那么很少有显示器能支持它转换出来的480i的HDMI。 所以,在2011年上半年,有了合适的芯片。所以可以在这么小的空间里解决散热,放的下,然后我们就开发了这款Wii转HDMI 1080p产品。支持HDMI 1080p,DVI 1080p,HDMI 720p,DVI 720p输出。 做这个产品主要有几个难关: 1、这么点空间,要放的下所有的芯片电路吧。这个对很多人来说相信是一个不小的挑战。(具体情况请参考下面的内部PCB图。) 2、解决散热。空间很小,而又要做到最高HDMI 1080p输出。必须要考虑散热的问题。 3、如果做到HDMI 1080p,720p的自动识别。(同样是因为空间小,没有地方放按键开光之类的,要做到自动识别。) 4、如果做到DVI HDMI的自动识别。(HDMI显示器兼容DVI输入,不过DVI显示器多数不兼容HDMI输入。同样因为空间小,没有按键开关,这个也需要做自动识别。) 更多信息:   WH1080Pro!Wii转HDMI二代   1、直接连接Wii主机和显示器。 2、无需电源适配器,无线连线。 3、HDMI 1080p输出,HDMI 720p输出,DVI 1080p输出,DVI 720p输出 Wii2HDMI Pro 1080p会在Wii开机时自动识别显示器的种类和支持的最佳分辨率。并输出相应格式的HDMI或者DVI信号。在DVI输出时,请从Wii2HDMI Pro 1080p的3.5mm耳机口接出声音到你的电脑音响。 因此,Wii2HDMI Pro 1080p支持: A、所有支持HDMI 1080p以上格式的高端显示器。Wii2HDMI Pro 1080p输出HDMI 1080p信号。 B、可以支持DVI 720p的显示器,比如AOC 210V,Philips 220C1SW等显示器。Wii2HDMI Pro 1080p输出DVI 720p信号(声音从3.5mm耳机口输出)。 注: 在接DVI显示器时,你需要HDMI转DVI线或转换头(请另外购买)。 声音从Wii2HDMI Pro 1080p的3.5mm耳机输出口接出。 4、Wii2HDMI Pro自动识别原理: A、Wii2HDMI Pro是通过HDMI线里面的DDC/EDID通道识别显示器支持的分辨率中种类。 B、1080p/720p识别:读EDID数据里面显示器支持的最高时钟频率。判断是否支持1080p。如果支持,Wii2HDMI Pro输出1080p格式信号。反之,Wii2HDMI Pro输出720p格式信号。 C、HDMI/DVI识别:读EDID数据里面的数据。判断是否支持HDMI。如果支持HDMI,Wii2HDMI Pro输出HDMI信号,反之,输出DVI信号。 D、无法正确识别的原因,可能有3个: a)最好先开显示器/电视机,再开Wii主机。这样在Wii2HDMI Pro上电工作的时候,可以正确读到显示器的EDID信息。 b)HDMI线有问题或者插接有问题,导致读不到EDID数据。 c)某些国产电视机/显示器的EDID数据乱写,导致读到的数据是错误的。这两种情况下,Wii2HDMI Pro由于没有正确的数据,输出格式为720p DVI格式。 E、另外请注意,某些国产电视机虽然可以支持HDMI 1080p输入,但是实际上他最佳支持的分辨率是720p。(即便输入HDMI 1080p信号,电视机也会重新处理以720p格式显示。)。Wii2HDMI Pro会正确识别到电视机是720p的,而输出HDMI 720p信号。         
  • 热度 24
    2011-3-30 12:03
    2120 次阅读|
    0 个评论
    In many ways I'm a bit of an old fuddy-duddy in that I tend to resist change, but gradually I'm being dragged kicking and screaming into the Century of the Fruitbat (as Terry Pratchett would say).   The thing is that I've just tied a few months ago my wife's Wii to Netflix, and I have been blown away by how much use I'm getting out of this combo. Of course this may all be "old hat" to you, but if not, then read on...   For those who don't live in the USA and/or who are not aware of Netflix , let's start with a very brief introduction. Netflix first appeared on the scene several years ago. At that time all they offered was a DVD service by post.   The idea is that you sign up for a monthly agreement and you specify the names of a number of DVDs in which you are interested. When one of these DVDs becomes available they send it to you. You can keep it as long as you want. When you've finished with it you return it in a pre-paid envelope and they send the next DVD on your list... and so on and so forth.   For one reason or another I was never much interested in this idea, although it did work for several people I know (one of the first to sign up was one of my friends who was confined to bed with ALS).   Over time, I became vaguely aware that Netflix had started to offer the ability to download videos over the Internet. However, I really didn't pay much attention to any of this until about a month ago when I was chatting on the phone with my old chum Brian Bailey.   During our conversation, Brian recommended a DVD and – while we were chatting – I ordered a copy from Amazon. In turn, I recommended a very funny British TV series called Coupling that he had not heard about. I asked him if he wanted me to loan him my DVDs and he replied that he was already looking at it on his TV... what?   He explained that he had a Netflix account and that he could access countless DVDs and TV programs and stream them directly into his front room. So now the seed was set in my mind ... but this was still only something that I was planning on "looking into further one day soon(ish)" type thing.   And then, as fate would have it, one of my Christmas presents to my wife was a new Wii (the old one had wandered off into our son's bedroom), because she'd seen an advert for Monopoly on the Wii and she loves to play Monopoly. As part of setting the Wii up I connected it to our wireless router. While reading the manual (yes, I do actually read the manuals because I know my wife will be testing me later ... "All I did was press this and now it's not working" ) I discovered that I could also connect the Wii to Netflix. Hmmm...   This is actually really rather cool. For only $7.99 a month you can stream as many TV programs and DVDs as you can find the time to watch (for $2.00 more you can also have DVDs sent to you by post). I should point out that the streaming downloads are only standard resolution (not high-definition), but that works for me (I think this may be something to do with streaming it through the Wii – I'll have to ask Brian about his setup).   Do you recall the old Science Fiction series Babylon 5 that started in the min-1990s? I used to love that program, but I missed a lot of the earlier episodes. No problem. Over the Christmas Holidays I used my Wii-Neflix combo to start watching the whole thing from the beginning. I've now seen 19 episodes from the first series and I can't wait to see more... especially when the "Shadows" start to make their presence felt... the only problem is weaning my wife off her Monopoly game and prizing the Wii controller out of her hands (grin)   This is one of those things that – now I've dipped my toes in the water – I'm kicking myself that I didn't do it sooner. It makes me wonder what else I'm missing...    
  • 热度 28
    2009-5-31 21:27
    1833 次阅读|
    8 个评论
    今年第一季,在一个新闻中看到西方国家中,很多人因为经济不景气的原因,放弃了旅游、泡吧等高消费的消遣方式,转而更多地选择在家中玩电游,看DVD。因此,游戏机和影碟机莫名地大热起来。 最近与几位业内朋友交流,谈到商机,好像也印证了这一点。一是某电脑显卡制造商,今年至今,市场大增60%,生意非常好。二是,出口影碟机代工的宝安几家工厂,代工国外知名品牌出口生意,意外地订单大增,今年头5个月的生意额已经超过了去年一年的订单总额。 本人为此特别地到华强北几个电子卖场去参观了一下。山寨手机/品牌手机的市场确实大不如前!山寨本的卖家很卖力,3G的几大运营商也替代了传统的日韩系大卖场,大力地展示着3G的产品,以用户体验来推动付费用户客户群。 另一特别的卖点就是,更多的卖家,如以前推iPhone类产品(iPhone的附件、仿制品)在力推三大游戏机厂商的产品。Xbox,PSP和WII。而这三家品牌的销售商中,WII的卖家最多,询问的消费者也最多,这可能跟WII的产品定价低,同时更适合全家一起玩的原因吧。各类的游戏手柄,更是如当年iPhone的附属品,更是层出不穷,一个特别针对枪战/战争类游戏的手柄,售价在50元左右,看来真是大有商机啊。 在房价高不下的情况下,大宗家电产品的销售,不可能出现井喷的发展,(虽然这种情况会在某种情况下必然发生。)但个人消费的习惯,随着新一代的大学生有了消费的能力,这个消费群体的待征是,电玩游戏伴随着个人成长的娱乐习惯,一定会稳步升级,要么是配更好的台式机,要么买之前梦想的PSP、XBOX或WII。在此情况下,商家们(制造商和销售商)谁做好了这类市场,谁就有机会在目前经济破局之前,发个小财。 以上是本人最近的一点观察,供大家分析,同时欢迎拍砖。