tag 标签: twitter

  • 热度 24
    2015-6-18 16:03
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    北京时间6月18日上午消息,Twitter周三宣布收购人工智能创业公司Whetlab,但交易条款并未公布。 Whetlab的研究人员来自哈佛大学、多伦多大学和舍布鲁克大学,他们的目的是简化企业训练人工智能系统的难度,并加快训练速度。但关于Whetlab将为Twitter提供何种帮助,这两家公司均未披露太多信息。不过,Whetlab的官方网站写道,该公司的技术“将产生重大影响,可以加快Twitter的内部人工智能项目。” 知情人士表示,Twitter将使用Whetlab的技术开发一项内部服务,加快Twitter目前的人工智能项目。Twitter显然还对Whetlab的5人团队很感兴趣,这些人均在人工智能领域拥有丰富的经验,在人工智能领域造诣颇深。 Twitter对人工智能感兴趣并不出人意料。这家社交网络公司可以使用这项技术更好地了解用户发布推文的方式、时间和内容。借助这种方式,Twitter可以更好地应对垃圾信息,重新针对用户和企业开发有针对性的新功能,并调整该公司的广告投放模式,充分发挥工程资源的潜力。 该交易完成后,Whetlab将不再接受封闭测试的注册请求。该公司的服务也将于2015年7月15日正式关闭。 不过,Whetlab的用户可以下载之前的实验数据。该公司还将提供一些指引,帮助用户寻找替代服务,包括Spearmint、SMAC或Hyperopt。
  • 热度 23
    2012-8-8 15:23
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      北京时间8月5日消息,数据显示,Twitter成为奥运会期间选手展望比赛和粉丝为选手加油助威的最火的社交平台。   用户也在Facebook和Google+等社交网络上发布了很多关于2012年伦敦夏季奥运会的评论和一些不满,但观察人士认为Twitter依然是其中最火爆的社交平台,部分人士甚至指出有些比赛通过Twitter才受到了人们的关注。   市场研究公司Technology Business Research分析师艾斯拉·高泽尔(Ezra Gottheil)表示:“Twitter是一个广播媒介,所以是讨论这类新闻事件的最佳平台。”   在Twitter上,用户表达着他们对部分运动员的祝贺和他们的遗憾之情。截止到星期五,NBC Olympics Twitter Tracker捕捉到了383,174条和游泳有关的帖子,以及335,881条和体操有关的帖子。   当富兰克林,这位在Twitter上拥有210,644名粉丝的美国游泳选手本周获得女子100米仰泳冠军时,Twitter上和她有关的帖子每分钟达到了12,702条。   而部分其他奥运会项目更是在Twitter上掀起了更大的波澜。当美国女子体操队获得金牌时,Twitter上每分钟的帖子达到了29,000条。当美国游泳天才菲尔普斯所获奖牌数创下奥运会纪录时,Twitter上每分钟的帖子达到了37,000条。   几位选手也在Twitter上对自己的比赛情况进行了展望,美国队队员泰勒·克拉里(Tyler Clary)就是其中的一位,他在Twitter上拥有18,568位粉丝,但远远落后于的菲尔普斯,后者的粉丝数达到了912,756位。   菲尔普斯还在Twitter上和美国总统奥巴马进行了互动,奥巴马向他表示了祝贺,而菲尔普斯回复奥巴马说,自己对能够代表美国创造新的奥运会个人所获奖牌数纪录感到骄傲。 转载自:http://www.itbear.com.cn/YeJie/2012-08/67516.html   可以直接留言或登录WIZnet官方网站:http://www.iwiznet.cn 或者来电:86-10-84539974(转166),QQ:2377211388, 邮箱:wiznetbj@wiznettechnology.com 联系人:Jerry ,谢谢! 公司微博是: http://weibo.com/wiznet2012 公司博客是:http://blog.iwiznet.cn/
  • 热度 20
    2011-6-14 12:38
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    Once in a while, it's nice to take a low-cost, creative diversion from the daily details and deadlines. And the best way to stay "low cost" is to do this primarily as a thought exercise. With these in mind, these ideas came to me:   Why stop with Twitter and its 140 character limit? After all, "less is more, right"? And why not make tweeting employ a little more mind exercise? My idea is MorseTwitter . You would use Twitter as your application, but send all messages in Morse code, and the audience would have to decode it. So a message such as "At Starbucks having my latte now" would be sent as: .- -   ... - .- .-. -... ..- -.-. -.- ...   .... .- ...- .. -. --.   -- -.--   .-.. .- - - .   -. --- .--   Since Morse code characters average three symbols each, and you need a space between characters, figure on about 140/4 characters per tweet, or 35 characters per message. You'd learn to be really brief, and you'd enhance your "digital communications" (i.e. Morse code) skills—as well as a those of your audience. And what if they are not interested in learning Morse code? Well, then, they really don't care enough that you want them follow you, anyway. (Note: Online translation done by this site .)   —Combine stud jewelry with temperature measurement—could be a new market, or a way to get some new biomedical data "in the field" (It's otherwise tough to get skin and body temperature data from real subjects in normal settings, since the sensors look so awkward). Why not turn that drawback into an opportunity, with tiny thermocouples and thermistors fashioned to look like stud and piercings? This just-announced miniature thermistor from Vishay gives you one starting point in planning what might be done, see here .   I'm sure our creative, imaginative audience has other edgy and innovative ideas that are suitable for tossing around on April 1, and can be implemented using available components, technologies, and tools. So let's hear from you.
  • 热度 19
    2011-6-14 12:37
    1762 次阅读|
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    Once in a while, it's nice to take a low-cost, creative diversion from the daily details and deadlines. And the best way to stay "low cost" is to do this primarily as a thought exercise. With these in mind, these ideas came to me:   Why stop with Twitter and its 140 character limit? After all, "less is more, right"? And why not make tweeting employ a little more mind exercise? My idea is MorseTwitter . You would use Twitter as your application, but send all messages in Morse code, and the audience would have to decode it. So a message such as "At Starbucks having my latte now" would be sent as: .- -   ... - .- .-. -... ..- -.-. -.- ...   .... .- ...- .. -. --.   -- -.--   .-.. .- - - .   -. --- .--   Since Morse code characters average three symbols each, and you need a space between characters, figure on about 140/4 characters per tweet, or 35 characters per message. You'd learn to be really brief, and you'd enhance your "digital communications" (i.e. Morse code) skills—as well as a those of your audience. And what if they are not interested in learning Morse code? Well, then, they really don't care enough that you want them follow you, anyway. (Note: Online translation done by this site .)   —Combine stud jewelry with temperature measurement—could be a new market, or a way to get some new biomedical data "in the field" (It's otherwise tough to get skin and body temperature data from real subjects in normal settings, since the sensors look so awkward). Why not turn that drawback into an opportunity, with tiny thermocouples and thermistors fashioned to look like stud and piercings? This just-announced miniature thermistor from Vishay gives you one starting point in planning what might be done, see here .   I'm sure our creative, imaginative audience has other edgy and innovative ideas that are suitable for tossing around on April 1, and can be implemented using available components, technologies, and tools. So let's hear from you.    
  • 热度 24
    2010-2-27 21:18
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    作者:In-Stat中国移动互联网研究经理 管黛 Google最先对Twitter的反应向其付钱,从而获得搜索Twitter内容的授权。而当Twitter自身向即时搜索转型后,Google在微博搜索方面的似乎没有什么价值了。 最近使用Gmail时,发现Google悄悄的在Gmail上增加了Buzz服务,其实就是微博。本来一直还在奇怪,Google错过了社会网络这波浪潮,难道微博这一波也要放过么。果不其然,Buzz就是Google的微博策略。 作为市场跟随者,Google已经迟到了,目前用户在Buzz上的发帖很多都是从Twitter上贴过来的,Twitter仍然是用户的第一选择,因为他们已经在Twitter上建立了稳固的圈子,而在Buzz上,一切还要重新开始。 Google聪明的在Gmail上推出Buzz,这样可以将邮箱与微博融合起来,可以利用Gmail已有的用户基础。虽然是后来者,也许Google也许可以用强大的品牌能力和融合产品良好的体验获得快速增长,但显然,他让Twitter成功太久了。 点击浏览更多 管黛博客 文章
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