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  • 热度 17
    2015-8-8 20:53
    1762 次阅读|
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    The times they are a-changin', as Bob Dylan would say. For example, technologies that we couldn’t have dreamed of when I was a kid have already come and gone (think "pagers" -- need I say more?).   Then there are new ways of communicating. I remember a few years ago when Star Trek-esque Bluetooth earpieces first started to appear on the scene.     My mother-in-law is an early adopter of technology. She scooped up one of these ear pieces as soon as they came out. Just to add to the fun, she keeps her phone set to auto-answer.   She came to visit. She has long hair. I had no idea she was wearing a Bluetooth earpiece. I took her to the local supermarket. Someone called her on her smartphone. From my perspective, she suddenly started gesticulating frenziedly and babbling on about rambling topics.   I honestly thought she'd gone insane. I didn't have a clue what to do with her. Then I started to imagine what my wife, Gina the Gorgeous, was going to say: "When you left the house, my mother was perfectly reasonably sort-of could pass for normal (in a dim light). Now, after just half an hour with you, she's a raving lunatic!"   Given the circumstances, it would probably not go down well if I were to retort: "So nothing really changed, did it?"   It actually took me quite a while to realize what was going on. Now, just a few years later, I think nothing of seeing ladies waving their hands around and warbling to themselves as I wander through the supermarket (it may even be that some of them have Bluetooth earpieces also LOL).   Or take texting. I read an article recently that said young people have little interest in email -- they just text each other. I think that article was right. My 20-year-old son, Joseph, never looks at the email account I set up for him. Whenever I look at Joseph, he's texting someone. In 2012, a 17-year-old teenage boy from Wisconsin won $50,000 at the annual National Texting Championship, which was held in New York City. When I get home, I must remember to tell Joseph that he needs to work harder on his texting skills.   Now, you may wonder why I'm waffling on about this. It all started this morning when I was driving into work and I heard a report on the National Public Radio (NPR). You often hear about the dangers of texting while driving, but (as per this video ) it seems that there are an increasing number of accidents whilst texting and walking.   I seem to recall that some university did a study on this. They found that people who text and walk typically perambulate 20 to 25% slower than the non-texting fraternity. Furthermore, without consciously thinking about it, they lift their feet to exaggerated heights when navigating curbs.   It appears that walking while texting is becoming endemic; so much so, in fact, that a city in Belgium has set up special walking lanes for people who are texting. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Is it just me, or do you too feel like shouting: "Stop the world -- I want to get off!"
  • 热度 24
    2013-10-10 22:08
    2023 次阅读|
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    Guglielmo Marconi, a young entrepreneur with limited scientific education, won against other scientists and companies in a race to invent wireless communications, earn a fortune, and be tapped for the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics. And how did he do it? (Nikola Tesla's patents have superseded Marconi's, giving Tesla credit for the advent of the radio, but that's a story for another time.) Combine serendipity from a sensational murder chase and the world's most famous shipwreck with Marconi's tenacious grit and never-ending hard work, and we get the advent of the world's first wireless phone. Marconi struggled the better part of a decade (1900-1910) to prove the commercial viability of wireless telegraphy using the recently discovered and spooky Hertzian waves (better known now as electromagnetic or radio waves). In the early 1900s, after successfully demonstrating transmissions over several distances (tens of miles to a few hundred miles), Marconi announced he would build a transatlantic system able to transmit signals wirelessly from one continent to the other (more than 2,000 miles). The public and business investors scoffed at such an idea. First, telegraphs were the medium of choice. The Transatlantic Cable, already in place, worked brilliantly, so what was the point? There was no need, really. And contracts with the telegraph companies prohibited competition, so even if this were successful, it would not be a viable business. Undeterred, Marconi sank his entire fortune and reputation into the dream. After nearly a decade of hard work and countless failures (many of his own doing), his fortune was nearly gone, and Marconi had little to show for all his hard work other than a few systems installed on passenger cruise liners running back and forth from the UK to Canada and the US. The Marconi Wireless Telegraphy systems enabled the affluent first-class passengers to send and receive news from back home during their lengthy voyage across the Atlantic—a novelty at best. But two spectacular and horrific events would change all that. The first was a telegram sent in late July 1910 across the wireless Marconi system by Chief Inspector Walter Dew from Scotland Yard. Dew, already famous for his investigation of the Jack the Ripper murders, was leading a manhunt for Dr. Hawley Crippen, who was suspected to be fleeing from the UK to North America with his girlfriend. Crippen was wanted for questioning in regards to his wife, Cora, whose beheaded and disemboweled remains had been found buried under the doctor's house. The telegram describing Crippen and his girlfriend was received by Captain Kendall aboard the SS Montrose, one of the few Canadian Pacific liners fitted with the Marconi wireless radio. Kendall, recognising two passengers that fit the description, radioed back: "Strong suspicions that Crippen—London cellar murderer and accomplice are among Saloon passengers... Accomplice dressed as boy. Voice manner and build undoubtedly a girl." Inspector Dew quickly departed London in pursuit aboard the White Star Liner Laurentic. The SS Montrose had a three-day head start. Dew needed to overtake the Montrose before it docked in Canada, or the fugitives would undoubtedly escape forever. For several days, wireless messages flew back and forth between the captains of both ships as the Laurentic, a much faster ship, caught up to the Montrose. The wireless messages were intercepted daily and generated sensational newspaper headlines on both continents. Newspaper sales skyrocketed. Multiple nations sat on the edge of their seats watching (or rather reading) a 1910 version of the OJ Simpson car chase occurring in slow motion across the Atlantic. All this was made possible by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph. The Laurentic was able to beat the Montrose to the Canadian dock. On July 29, 1910, Inspector Dew boarded the Montrose and arrested Crippen. The next day, the headline in the Nebraska State Journal read: READY TO GRAB HIM Scotland Yard Sleuth in wait for Dr. Crippen. ARRIVES AHEAD OF DOCTOR Crippen was returned to London, tried, found guilty, and hanged for the murder of his wife. He was the first criminal to be captured with the aid of wireless communications. Literally overnight, Marconi's name became synonymous with wireless communications. Cruise ships lined up to install the latest and greatest system. Just shy of two years later, on April 15, 1912, a high-pitched distress signal sang out hundreds of miles across the north Atlantic in a desperate plea for help. The Titanic had struck an iceberg. The distress signal was sent by a Marconi Wireless Telegraph system that had been upgraded for extended range just before her maiden voyage. The system was one of the most powerful in the world—a range of up to 1,000 miles (1,609 km). The rest is well known. The Carpathia altered course after receiving the distress signal. That ship, arriving approximately two hours after the Titanic sank, was able to save 710 passengers. Sadly, 1,500 passengers lost their lives in the deadliest peacetime maritime disaster in modern history. Later investigations determined that the SS Californian had also received the distress signal but (for unknown reasons) failed to respond. Nevertheless, Marconi's Wireless Telegraphy proved invaluable that fateful night; 710 lives were saved by the world's first wireless telephone. A quarter century later, on July 21, 1937, wireless operators around the world stopped transmitting for exactly two minutes during Guglielmo Marconi's funeral. The Great Hush occurred for the last time in world history. Over the course of one generation, Marconi's technology gave rise to the global village. Anybody could now talk to anybody using magical Hertz Waves. Scientists had denied it was even possible, but a tenacious, gritty individual with a bit of serendipity created a monopoly, captured the Nobel Physics prize, and made a fortune from invisible waves.   Keith Schaub , founder of Wireless SOC Test Inc. and author of Production Testing of RF and SOC Devices for Wireless Communications, has more than 15 years of experience in RF/microwave system design and test engineering. He works at Advantest with w2bi on system-level testing and SOC businesses. He has a BSEE from Texas AM and an MSEE from the University of Texas at Dallas.
  • 热度 25
    2013-10-10 21:57
    3164 次阅读|
    3 个评论
    Do you know how Guglielmo Marconi, a young entrepreneur with limited scientific education, beat other scientists and companies in a race to invent wireless communications, earn a fortune, and be tapped for the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics? (Nikola Tesla's patents have superseded Marconi's, giving Tesla credit for the advent of the radio, but that's a story for another time.) Combine serendipity from a sensational murder chase and the world's most famous shipwreck with Marconi's tenacious grit and never-ending hard work, and we get the advent of the world's first wireless phone. Marconi struggled the better part of a decade (1900-1910) to prove the commercial viability of wireless telegraphy using the recently discovered and spooky Hertzian waves (better known now as electromagnetic or radio waves). In the early 1900s, after successfully demonstrating transmissions over several distances (tens of miles to a few hundred miles), Marconi announced he would build a transatlantic system able to transmit signals wirelessly from one continent to the other (more than 2,000 miles). The public and business investors scoffed at such an idea. First, telegraphs were the medium of choice. The Transatlantic Cable, already in place, worked brilliantly, so what was the point? There was no need, really. And contracts with the telegraph companies prohibited competition, so even if this were successful, it would not be a viable business. Undeterred, Marconi sank his entire fortune and reputation into the dream. After nearly a decade of hard work and countless failures (many of his own doing), his fortune was nearly gone, and Marconi had little to show for all his hard work other than a few systems installed on passenger cruise liners running back and forth from the UK to Canada and the US. The Marconi Wireless Telegraphy systems enabled the affluent first-class passengers to send and receive news from back home during their lengthy voyage across the Atlantic—a novelty at best. But two spectacular and horrific events would change all that. The first was a telegram sent in late July 1910 across the wireless Marconi system by Chief Inspector Walter Dew from Scotland Yard. Dew, already famous for his investigation of the Jack the Ripper murders, was leading a manhunt for Dr. Hawley Crippen, who was suspected to be fleeing from the UK to North America with his girlfriend. Crippen was wanted for questioning in regards to his wife, Cora, whose beheaded and disemboweled remains had been found buried under the doctor's house. The telegram describing Crippen and his girlfriend was received by Captain Kendall aboard the SS Montrose, one of the few Canadian Pacific liners fitted with the Marconi wireless radio. Kendall, recognising two passengers that fit the description, radioed back: "Strong suspicions that Crippen—London cellar murderer and accomplice are among Saloon passengers... Accomplice dressed as boy. Voice manner and build undoubtedly a girl." Inspector Dew quickly departed London in pursuit aboard the White Star Liner Laurentic. The SS Montrose had a three-day head start. Dew needed to overtake the Montrose before it docked in Canada, or the fugitives would undoubtedly escape forever. For several days, wireless messages flew back and forth between the captains of both ships as the Laurentic, a much faster ship, caught up to the Montrose. The wireless messages were intercepted daily and generated sensational newspaper headlines on both continents. Newspaper sales skyrocketed. Multiple nations sat on the edge of their seats watching (or rather reading) a 1910 version of the OJ Simpson car chase occurring in slow motion across the Atlantic. All this was made possible by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph. The Laurentic was able to beat the Montrose to the Canadian dock. On July 29, 1910, Inspector Dew boarded the Montrose and arrested Crippen. The next day, the headline in the Nebraska State Journal read: READY TO GRAB HIM Scotland Yard Sleuth in wait for Dr. Crippen. ARRIVES AHEAD OF DOCTOR Crippen was returned to London, tried, found guilty, and hanged for the murder of his wife. He was the first criminal to be captured with the aid of wireless communications. Literally overnight, Marconi's name became synonymous with wireless communications. Cruise ships lined up to install the latest and greatest system. Just shy of two years later, on April 15, 1912, a high-pitched distress signal sang out hundreds of miles across the north Atlantic in a desperate plea for help. The Titanic had struck an iceberg. The distress signal was sent by a Marconi Wireless Telegraph system that had been upgraded for extended range just before her maiden voyage. The system was one of the most powerful in the world—a range of up to 1,000 miles (1,609 km). The rest is well known. The Carpathia altered course after receiving the distress signal. That ship, arriving approximately two hours after the Titanic sank, was able to save 710 passengers. Sadly, 1,500 passengers lost their lives in the deadliest peacetime maritime disaster in modern history. Later investigations determined that the SS Californian had also received the distress signal but (for unknown reasons) failed to respond. Nevertheless, Marconi's Wireless Telegraphy proved invaluable that fateful night; 710 lives were saved by the world's first wireless telephone. A quarter century later, on July 21, 1937, wireless operators around the world stopped transmitting for exactly two minutes during Guglielmo Marconi's funeral. The Great Hush occurred for the last time in world history. Over the course of one generation, Marconi's technology gave rise to the global village. Anybody could now talk to anybody using magical Hertz Waves. Scientists had denied it was even possible, but a tenacious, gritty individual with a bit of serendipity created a monopoly, captured the Nobel Physics prize, and made a fortune from invisible waves.   Keith Schaub , founder of Wireless SOC Test Inc. and author of Production Testing of RF and SOC Devices for Wireless Communications, has more than 15 years of experience in RF/microwave system design and test engineering. He works at Advantest with w2bi on system-level testing and SOC businesses. He has a BSEE from Texas AM and an MSEE from the University of Texas at Dallas.  
  • 热度 31
    2011-10-28 14:27
    2843 次阅读|
    6 个评论
      说这句话的时候,心里感觉很凉,似乎有一种杀气袭来。此时想起毕淑敏老师在写《我很重要》的不安,仿佛有刀架在我的脖子上,不敢动弹。前天下午4点诺基亚如约而至世界大会,发布了与微软合作后的首批Windows Phone手机 Lumia 800 和 Lumia 710。此时,业内认为,新产品将决定诺基亚的命运走向,是其孤注一掷后希望借此走出阴霾的最后机会。各大媒体报道时采用“风烛残年”“能否扳回一局”“能否起死回生”“凤凰涅磐”“力挽狂澜”“背水一战”“救命稻草”类似的标题,显然透露出对诺基亚前景的不安和隐藏对新产品的期待。帝梦难续?还是王者凯旋归来?拭目以待?   想起月初苹果发布iPhone 4S之时,网上也是骂声一片,创意不足,仅小幅度升级。最后这款不被大家看好的iPhone 4S百万的预定数再次刷新了苹果iPhone的记录。开始的苹果iPhone 4S预定的第一天24小时内,iPhone 4S的预定数超过了一百万。而在去年苹果iPhone 4预定之时,首日的预定数为60万台。用户和市场终究会冷静下来,而之前的骂声也是由期望过高而造成的巨大的失落感。   发布会开始至今, 各大媒体对产品,评论褒贬不一。从笔者看来,更多的是不看好。单核,没有前置摄像头,创新加速度慢,硬件配置保守,不切合实际的价格……似乎这些硬伤,确实让很多诺粉表示很受伤。我个人认为,不一定如大家所想像的那样悲观。再说,诺基亚强大的工业设计,也为其增色不少。   诺基亚作为前任龙头老大,纵然目前大家认为其千般不好,不妨再等等,看看市场的反应。不要把话说得太早了!   以上仅代表我个人的观点。相信诺基亚给我们带来的不只是遗憾,更多的是惊喜!等待市场数据对诺基亚的平反,一如苹果的iPhone 4S。在下面来自爱范儿网:Nokia World 各方媒体评价汇总。   在 Nokia World 上诺基亚(Nokia)的 Windows Phone 机型,首次公开亮相。正如 Stephen Elop 就任诺基亚 CEO 之后发的公开信所说的一样,当时的诺基亚正处于一个“燃烧的平台”,为了拯救自己,诺基亚不得不携手往日冤家微软,推出 Windows Phone 手机。 这一年诺基亚必定进行了痛苦的转型。想必在台上大吼“AWESOME”的诺基亚项目于产品管理高级副总裁 Kevin Shields,一定深有体会。这次大会,对处于关键性十字路口的诺基亚,具备非凡的意义,而到底媒体如何看待这次大会? Wired 的  Charlie Sorrel : Lumia 800 有极大的潜力,它好比过去的 Nokia 3210 和 3310,必定比 Android 掌上设备受广大市场欢迎,因为 Android 前后矛盾不一致,丑陋的用户界面、糟糕的电池以及缓慢的触摸反应。祝好运,诺基亚! 纽约时报的  Kevin J. O’brien : 新的智能手机,让微软和诺基亚寄予厚望。 ZDNET 的  James Kendrick : 如果诺基亚的 Windows Phone 产品进入美国,我们将持续紧密关注。他们看起来真的非常棒,诺基亚设计了优秀的硬件。 TechCrunch 的  CHRIS VELAZCO : 如果诺基亚未来的计划依然毫无迹象,那么 710 和 800 将会是冰山一角。有趣的是,昨天四处流传高端机型 900 的谣言,大会上并没有出现。他们的第一台 Windows Phone 手机,极大地帮助了诺基亚摆脱不良的名声。 Engadget 的  Sharif Sakr : Lumia 800 现在是唯一一部完全内置导航功能的 Windows Phone 手机。诺基亚公布 Drive 导航服务,从外观和感觉上都与之前 Ovi Maps 套装相似,能让用户感到舒适。 所有人被告知,公司(诺基亚)承诺提供(独一无二的诺基亚式”体验——猜测他们光滑的硬件不会是唯一突破 WP7 包装的地方。 ReadWriteWeb 的  Dan Rowinski : Elop 称 Lumia 800 是“第一台真正的 Windows Phone 设备”。他也许没弄错。
  • 热度 31
    2010-5-13 08:37
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    联想发布了乐Phone手机,我也拿到了一部试用,用了一段时间了,好用不好用,出一个我自己的报告吧,希望对大家了解这款手机有一个帮助。   1. 外观 手机喜欢不喜欢,设计的好不好,用料是不是精良、做工是不是细致是给用户一个最初的印象,也是很多用户决定买与不买的重要原因,乐Phone要挑战的iphone就是一部设计精美的手机。这点对于乐phone来说,是件不容易的事。 毫无疑问在设计上,这部手机是一部可圈可点的手机,手机外观极为简洁,没有多余的键,一个3.7寸的屏,非常大气,背面采用了拉丝处理,手感也很好,而且 还有多种颜色可以选择,我有一个同事拿到了红色的,就非常得意向我炫耀,觉得比我黑色的漂亮。我说好不好,可能不是特别有说服力。我坐飞机时已经不止一次 听到有人说我这手机漂亮,这是完全中立的意见了。它用料也是采用了金属壳,质感就是不是一样,拿在手里的厚重感,很有点份量,和塑料轻飘的感觉真是不同。 能不能和iphone比,这是见仁见智的事。不过外观很漂亮,这是大部分人直观的感觉。 2. 屏 3.7英寸WVGA(480x800)AMOLED材质电容触摸屏,这个屏幕的分辨率体现的细腻、质感无疑是一流的,应该说和iphone的屏相比,它更 大、也更细腻,目前我看到的手机,第一次用这样分辨率的屏,清晰、细腻是最大的特点,AMOLED技术也比较省电。电容屏反应速度很好,我想目前这方面的 感觉可以和任何一款手机相媲美。 乐phone不仅硬件强大,软件非常炫,它大致分为三个区,第一个区是基本信息区,有时间、电量、网络、3G上下行、推送、锁屏、信息提醒。第二个区是气 象和时间,你可以设置自己的城市,天气情况就会显示在手机,这个功能有意思是采用了flash技术,我们可以看到小雨飘飘,电闪雷鸣。第三区是个象征着生 命力的四叶草,以联系人为中心,你可以选择电话、信息、邮件与聊天和他联系。每一个联系人你可以为其设置照片、铃声。这个屏给人的第一感觉真是很炫,很有 冲击力。 3 .网络 这款手机支持wifi/800m/1800m/1900m/wcdma多种无线接入,除了2G的GSM,还有3G的WCDMA以及wifi,这对于高速上 网提供了很好选择,而且有必要一提的是,在软件上也做了多种设计,比如可以关闭wifi,也可以关闭WCDMA,这意味了,在外面的时候,为了减少耗电, 你可以通过关闭wifi,减少耗电量,但是到了有wifi的环境里,你可以关闭wcdma的网络,主要依靠wifi,速度很快,而且还减少了流量消耗。我 用这种办法,其实是经常用手机上网,很多时间是挂在网上,经常上传照片,一周时间花了60M的流量。因为采用了WCDMA的网络,可以说绝大部分时间不会 感觉到网络的问题,就是缓冲时间短,或者你不需要为等待烦恼。 应该说,多种网络技术的乐Phone,提供的环境是目前手机上网最好的环境,多种选择,也充分保证了网络速度。 4 .电池 对于手机而言,它是一个通信工具,随时随地的畅通是一个最基本保证,这也对电池提出很高的要求。在设计上乐phone还是采用了可换电池的模式,并且有一 个配在大电池的键盘来支持,这样充分保证了供电能力。标配的电池是一块1500毫安的锂聚合物电池,这块电池可以支持在经常使用情况下24小时间的使用, 而只是拿它打电话,两天也没有问题。虽然我们希望能够电池还是更加强大一些,不过目前的技术背景下,电池已经足够强大了。 5 .摄像头 随微博客的兴起,手机的摄像头也成为一个非常重要的配件,强大的摄像头和图片处理能力,对于提高用户使用的感受起着巨大作用。乐phone采用了300万 像数的摄像头,要说在硬件上每一个环节乐phone都是最顶级的追求,只是摄像头这一项相对较弱,不是500像数或是更高的,图片质量也有需要提高的地 方。我希望在出新版时,最好也能加上闪光灯,这样更好地提高拍摄效果。对于3G手机而言,如果没有很好的拍摄功能,我们的体验就要受到很大的影响。 6 .应用 一个好手机对于用户真正有价值的还是应用,对于普通的用户而言,这些应用要方便的安装,方便的使用,最好还是不收费。在众多的手机之中,乐phone已经注意了应用的整合,虽然它的应用还不是非常非常多,但是内置了一些非常有价值的应用,而且使用起来特别的方便。 我举几个我比较常用和喜欢的应用: 输入法:哪个手机都有输入法,输入法和输入法那是不一样,乐phone采用汉王输入法,它的手机尤其强大,它在输入区做了一个区分,整个区输入是汉字,左边是字母,右边是数字。我们有没有注意到,要在汉字和字母、数字中切换是一个大问题,非常麻烦,但是在这里就很方便了。 GPS导航:这需要很好的电子地图,这个地图总体做得不错,找星也较快,而且还不要花费。我是经常在各地跑,一个好的GPS真是一个好的保证。 微博:现在玩微博也是一种时尚了,既要上网快,还要流量小,还需要画面美观,乐phone内置了一个很好的客户端,流量小,速度快,最有价值的是,当我们 拍一张照片时,我们可以有多种选择,包括发布到人人网、微博中,自从用上乐phone,我在微博上随时发照片的就大大增加了。 QQ:随时随地挂QQ,以前我不敢想象自己也会挂,现在真是经常挂,因为非常方便,也能随时和大家进行交流。 7 .问题 问题自然还是有的,摄像头不够强大,前面已经说过,图片的编辑功能也不够强大,如果这个做得好,能引起更多的摄像兴趣,希望再出2代版本,一定是换500 万像数,而且把图片编辑功能加强了,最好加上闪光灯。电池续航能力还要加强,或是低功耗也要有突破,这样感觉就能更好了,最后说一些小设计,比如充电接口 的保护盖,那么小的一个盖子,虽然有吸附功能,怎么保证不丢?说实话我的已经丢了,这个不如不要,这些虽然是细节,但是也是需要下功夫,做得更加精细才能 更好。 不管怎么说,这款手机确实是一款非常酷的手机,拿在手里经常被人问到,这是什么手机?因为它真是很强大。 (文/飞象网项立刚 xiangligang@gmail.com  中国通信第一网 飞象网  手机访问飞象网 wap.cctime.com)
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