热度 20
2012-2-28 08:48
1130 次阅读|
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WIZnet的芯片能提供六种不同的网络状态。 这里有六种不同的LED灯: 1) LINKLED: Link LED / Active low in link state indicates a good status for 10/100M. It is always ON when the link is OK and it flashes while in a TX or RX state 2) SPDLED: Link speed LED / Active low indicates the link speed is 100Mbps 3) FDXLED: Full duplex LED / Active low indicates the status of full-duplex mode. 4) COLLED: Collision LED / Active low indicates the presence of collision activity. 5) RXLED: Receive activity LED / Active low indicates the presence of receiving activity. 6) TXLED: Transmit Activity LED/ Active low indicates the presence of transmitting activity. 一般而言,这个黄色和绿色的发光二极管在RJ45里是被接驳到全双发光讯号和这个已连接的发光讯号。在接收和传送的时后,这个LINK指示灯会在闪。如果你想在传送中及接收中的发光二极管里分隔出这个LINK指示灯讯号,以下电路图应该要使用。 希望你喜欢^ ^ . 如果您有什么疑问请直接留言也可以登录我们的官网: http://www.wiznettechnology.cn 或者来信: Tel: 86-10-84539974(转166),QQ:2464237212,邮箱:wiznetbj@wiznettechnology.com,联系人:Lily Zhang ,谢谢!