tag 标签: globalfoundries

  • 热度 19
    2012-3-30 19:20
    2034 次阅读|
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    Earlier this month, things seemed bleak for Globalfoundries when it announced an amended wafer supply agreement with its top customer and former parent company, AMD. The upshot was that AMD was willing pay Globalfoundries $425 million and give up its remaining stake in its former manufacturing unit in exchange for the right to have 28-nm accelerated processing units (APUs) built by another foundry (presumably TSMC). It didn't sound good. Yes, we set out our headline as "AMD ditches Globalfoundries." But in retrospect that seems like a gross oversimplification of a rather complicated arrangement. Globalfoundries has always had a long term goal of achieving complete independence from AMD. But the company couldn't have wanted it to happen like this. Globalfoundries can't be thrilled about waiving the provision of its deal with AMD that called for Globalfoundries to build its 28-nm APUs exclusively. Still, any conclusion that the amended deal spelled the end of the road for the two companies' business relationship was apparently way off base. For starters, AMD actually plans to spend more on wafers with Globalfoundries this year than it did last year (about $1.5 billion, compared to about $900 million in 2011). AMD CFO Thomas Seifert said AMD plans to have 28-nm APUs built at both TSMC and Globalfoundries. AMD executives also appear to be going out of their way to emphasize that the relationship between the two companies has actually strengthened considerably since last summer, when 32-nm yield issues at Globalfoundries hurt AMD's sales. The latest example of this neighborly vibe came Wednesday (March 21), when Globalfoundries issued an announcement stating that has shipped a quarter million wafers based on its 32-nm high-k metal gate (HKMG) technology. Globalfoundries can't claim a lot of technical advantages over TSMC, but as the announcement states the 250,000 shipped HKMG wafers represents a significant lead over other foundries in HKMG manufacturing. The statement also includes a quote from AMD CEO Rory Read stating that the HKMG milestone is a "testament" to the progress that the two companies have made together. "In just one quarter, we were able to see more than a doubling of yields on 32-nm, allowing us to exit 2011 having exceeded our 32-nm product shipment requirements," Read said. "Based on this successful ramp of 32-nm HKMG, we are committed to moving ahead on 28-nm with Globalfoundries." In the same statement, Globalfoundries CEO Ajit Manocha referenced problems with early yield learning on 32-nm HKMG, but said several organization and operational changes (presumably including his own appointment as CEO) led to dramatic improvement in production velocity and yield on 32-nm HKMG. "And since our 28-nm technology uses the same HKMG implementation as 32-nm, AMD and other customers will benefit greatly from our high-volume ramp of leading-edge APUs at 32-nm." So it would seem that, despite the amended wafer supply agreement, Globalfoundries and AMD remain close.  
  • 热度 29
    2012-3-16 18:48
    1487 次阅读|
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    良率对于一个晶圆厂真可谓生命力,这不,AMD与其“GF”终于在28nm节点分道扬镳了。其实究其原因,业界所推测的不能快速达到量产的缘由,实际还是归根到良率问题。目前排名靠前的晶圆厂在高阶节点上,或多或少都会遇到良率的问题。   AMD 日前宣布同意放弃该公司于Globalfoundries所持有的剩余14%股权,并支付给Globalfoundries公司4.25亿美元,作为两家公司之间增订代工协议的一部份。同时,根据该协议,AMD将可在28nm节点使用其它代工供应商。   Globalfoundries同意撤销对于AMD的合约要求在特定期间内独家采用由Globalfoundries为AMD代工的28nm加速处理单元(APU)。根据去年年底的媒体报导,AMD已经决定取消由Globalfoundries为其打造28nm APU,而改采由台积电(TSMC)的28nm高k金属栅制程技术。   根据去年11月的报导, 部份业界人士推测AMD打算与Globalfoundries 在28nm计划上分道扬镳,主要是因为Globalfoundries的28nm制程无法在2012年中期以前实现量产。但其它人士则认为是由于AMD对于Globalfoundries在先进制程节点所能实现的良率感到不放心。 AMD曾经在去年第三季下修营收预期时指称是由于Globalfoundries在32nm节点的良率不足所致;同时,32nm良率的问题据说也是Globalfoundries去年夏天高层管理阶层异动的原因之一当时,原Globalfoundries CEO DougGrose离职,而由AjitManocha暂代。   对于Globalfoundries来说,今天正象徵着一个新时代的开始;Globalfoundries现在已经是一家真正独立的代工厂了,Globalfoundries现任CEO AjitManocha在一份声明中表示。   而在另一项声明中,AMD公司CEO RoryRead指出,AMD仍将持续与Globalfoundries之间自2009年该公司从AMD制造业务独立而出时所形成的长期策略夥伴关系。Read说:去年,我们在强化双方关系方面已实现了重大的进展,我们对于Globalfoundries近期在满足我们各产品线的交货要求表现感到高兴。   根据这份增订协议,AMD将不必再每季付给Globalfoundries采用32nm产能的费用。这笔费用预计约有4.3亿美元,则是两家公司在2011年针对32nm良率问题增订代工协议的一部份。   AMD表示,两家公司也已经为2012年建立起晶圆价格机制,达成无条件支付(takeorpay)协议的共识,并为2013年建立了晶圆定价架构。   AMD将陆续支付这笔4.25亿美元的款项。AMD公司先于3月5日支付1.5亿美元;7月2日与10月2日以前分别支付两笔5,000万美元;2013年第一季以前付清最后的1.75亿美元款项。AMD公司表示,这项交易预计将使该公司在第一季认列7.03亿美元的一次性费用(包括425亿美元现金和2.78亿美元非现金)支出。   在2009年Globalfoundries独立而出时,AMD拥有Globalfoundries约34%的股权,但经历数次交易后已逐渐减少持股了。最近一次是在2010年12月,AMD与阿布达比共同成立先进科技公司(ATIC),收购新加坡特许半导体(CharteredSemiconductor)并入Globalfoundries。而今,新协议将使ATIC100%拥有Globalfoundries公司。