tag 标签: Semiconductor

  • 热度 4
    2024-1-2 16:10
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    One Page View of Electrostatics Impacts in Full-end Semiconductor Manufacturing
    Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry: ranging from Wafer Fabrication to Chip Assembly and Testing Flat Panel Display Manufacturing (LCD products) Industry: ranging from TFT Array Fabrication, Cell Assembly to Module Assembly.
  • 热度 6
    2021-12-7 18:42
    2928 次阅读|
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    微电子制造中的静电问题都是存在于众多微小的细节之中。 微电子制造中存在大量的生产工序会产生并累积静电。 静电的直接影响之一就是通过静电感应作用将临近的微电子器件(确切而言,是其中的大量金属线路)充电至高静电位。 而微电子制造中涉及的许多电气测试机台(IC封测工厂就含有大量的电测工序),就是典型的CDM(Charged Device Model,器件带电放电模型) ESD关键工序(100%会发生CDM ESD),由此导致微电子器件的电性不良风险(主要是器件中的绝缘膜层漏电流过大,如gate oxide)必须得到重视并采取有效的管控措施; 而电气测试机台中的testing socket(测试插座)尤其是其中的器件装载导引机构大都采用绝缘塑胶或陶瓷材质,每颗器件的测试过程都会发生器件封装体与testing socket导引机构件之间的摩擦静电起电,随着测试机台测试越来越多的器件,如果testing socket上累积的静电得不到及时的有效消除,越到后面测试的器件发生CDM ESD导致的电气失效不良风险就越高。 当前基于28nm制程及以下的IC已经占比将近50%,其最高承受的CDM ESD电压大部分不超过100V。其中,最新的7nm、5nm制程的5G IC,CDM耐压更是降至50V以下,这种IC的设计与制程变化,给集成电路前段制造-Wafer Fab、集成电路后段制造-封装与测试、以及SMT工厂的生产工艺中的ESD防护带来了非常大的挑战。
  • 热度 14
    2015-5-6 10:20
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    Continuing from an earlier post on the above topic……..   One of the “perks” of managing and chairing a session as well as moderating a panel discussion in it for SEMI, is that one gets to have a good marketing and PR coverage – company logo displayed on banners and show handouts, online marketing channels as well as listing under supporting partners, profiling etc.  And of course, the complimentary access to all tracks and invited events.   SEMICON Southeast Asia was held in Penang (22-24 th April 2015). The panel discussion in the Technology Innovation forum was my personal favourite. The panelists were quite candid in sharing their perspectives on how semiconductor vendors can leverage the trending wave of IoT as well as the challenges and value addition especially from the monetizing perspective. With panelists coming from across the various stake holders of the ecosystem (Intel and STMicroelectronics/IDM, Altera/Fabless, STATSChipPac (OSAT), ASM (Equipment supplier), Research Institute (SMART) and Market overview (IHS)), these perspectives were pretty well rounded. A very animated audience participation (over 90 participants) added to make this not only an insightful but also an enjoyable session.   SEMI’s Market Trends Briefing is one of the tracks that I keenly look forward to in their annual Semicon show. This year’s session included great market insights from Dan Tracy/SEMI and Bill McClean/IC Insights. I especially liked a thought provoking one from Ganesh Ramamoorthy/Gartner who spoke about IoT driving product innovation in the semiconductor industry. He cited 4 main areas here: Contextual Analysis, Digital Market place, Intelligent sensors and Embedded hypervisors .   Some more information into the Contextual analysis (adding context to the data) as well as Intelligent sensors can be accessed from this article (http://electroiq.com/blog/2015/04/how-emerging-iot-impacts-the-semiconductor-sector-from-soc-volumes-to-fab-efficiency/) which I found to be quite relevant and interesting.   Comments welcome, di solito!
  • 热度 15
    2015-2-17 16:05
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    It had been a while since I visited India for biz and my recent trip to Bangalore for the Indian Electronics Semiconductor Association (IESA) Vision Summit 2015 early this month was an eye opener on the vast potential the country holds as an economic power. All of us are aware of the euphoria building up with the new Prime Minister and his forward-looking pro-business policies. Countries including US, Japan, Australia and others have been pledging very high amount of business interests into India. The Make in India mantra to transform the country from a consumer state to a manufacturing one has been gaining a huge amount of momentum. A big focus here is the resurfacing of semiconductor wafer fab manufacturing initiative and what better opportunity than this could be for the mature semiconductor manufacturing industry ecosystem in Singapore to take advantage of and look for significantly large business opportunities. A significantly high profile event, the Vision Summit attracted 600+ delegates. I had the opportunity to share the stage with some eminent industry leaders who shared their insights on this high value manufacturing. The panel discussion, "Semiconductor Fab – The Opportunity, Challenges Accelerators" was quite lively and interesting. The place was abuzz with activities and I list below a few of my takeaways on the Indian semiconductor happenings. Focus on Semiconductor Fabs in India Long been a missing key entity in the Indian semiconductor eco-system, this has got a renewed focus from the Government of India, especially courtesy the alarmingly increasing trade deficit gap for electronic products and components in the country. Most of the demand from the huge electronics growth – fuelled by increasing purchasing power of a large domestic market—is presently being met through imports. With the present domestic electronics production and services still lagging behind and the demand projected to rise, this gap is expected to widen further. In fact, India’s electronic goods and component import bill is expected to far exceed its oil import bill at this rate. The government is paying attention and fast tracking these initiatives/activities to avoid a future crisis due to this deficit gap. Last year, the Indian government gave the go-ahead for 2 semiconductor consortia to set up fabs in the country. One consortium includes Jaiprakash Associates, Tower Semiconductor and IBM and the other includes HSMC Technologies, Silterra and STMicroelectronics. The sites for the two proposed fabs (one from each consortium) have already been identified – the former in the state of Chattisgarh and the latter in Gujarat. The setting up of the fabs will open up huge opportunities for ancillary industries too – besides the fab infrastructure, equipment and material vendors etc. Expect to have the ecosystem quickly developing around these fabs once the ground-breaking starts. Singapore with its mature semiconductor manufacturing eco-system has much to offer here. Companies in   Singapore have evinced keen interest and are awaiting some clear signals on the fabs’ start-up timeline and status. States wooing businesses and investments A pleasant surprise for me personally was to see the "men in power" aka state government officials actively wooing for businesses and investments in their states – a 180-degree turnaround from the earlier days! The "Make in India" focus from the Indian government includes several growth and industry conducive policies and incentives as it aims to transform India from a consumption driven market to one with manufacturing capability. Several state governments were present and actively pitching for their states. MoUs and White Paper A few MoUs were signed signalling collaboration between industry- academia as well as across industry associations between countries. IESA and SSIA (Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association) signed a MoU agreeing to establish and develop trade and technical cooperation links between the electronics and semiconductor manufacturers of both countries in general and their respective members in particular. IESA and SSIA also jointly released a White Paper on India Singapore ESDM (Electronics Systems Design and Manufacturing) industry collaboration opportunities—the latter is something that I had also worked on, on behalf of SSIA. Strong presence of Small and Micro-small business entities This is a rapidly increasing sector and denotes a strong entrepreneur mind-set. This includes people previously having worked in MNCs and starting up something in a niche, returning Non-resident Indians eager to leverage on the Make in India focus, traditional family run businesses entering the services sector in this space and a sizeable number of experience rich freelance consultants. The government has also come up with initiatives to address this important and, if I may add, "neglected but vital" segment. Keynotes, Panel discussions, Press briefings Quite a few insightful and passionate keynotes. Speakers included Dr K. Radhakrishnan, Former Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation, Mr Gururaj Deshpande/Sparta Group, Tejas Networks and top leaders from companies like Seagate, MediaTek, Imagination Technologies, Rambus, Intel and others as well as speakers for the different state governments (Chief Minister, Secretary to State etc.). There were panel discussions on "Transforming India – movers shakers", "Fuelling the wheels of change – the essentials", "States – The fulcrum of ESDM Policy implementation", "Realising smart cities with IoT", "Semiconductor Fab – The Opportunity, Challenges Accelerators" and "Building the ESDM start-up ecosystem". The event elicited significant press coverage. Being a part of some of the press briefings, it was heartening to note the interest of the media in this space and especially on the increasing collaboration across countries as a vital path to fast track the growth of the local ESDM ecosystem.    
  • 热度 19
    2012-12-19 16:29
    2690 次阅读|
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    LED照明因其长效可靠、发光效率高、节能环保等优点,越来越广泛的应用于各种照明场合。随着LED应用的多样化,市场对器件功率以及LED调光性能的要求也越高,高效、调光范围广并且无闪烁的LED驱动芯片受到了广泛的市场关注。迄今为止,这种类型的IC的技术已经较为成熟,下面让我们来进一步了解一下。 说起LED灯,最让消费者头疼的就是调光效果这个问题,而作为各大LED驱动生产商也在不断的研发最适合消费者利益的产品。TRIAC调光器LED是目前应用最为广泛的调光器,但是由于TRIAC调光器的技术条件以及兼容性问题,所以市场上真正达到消费者要求的产品是较少的。另外,另一个系列产品也渐渐崛起,那就是PWM调光的LED驱动芯片,这种芯片由于能够提供高质量的调光,以及应用简单,效率高等优点,确实比较受市场欢迎。 LED产品中的调光随着调光类型的不同极易发生亮度分布不均以及闪烁的现象,如何使调光亮度获得均匀、扩大调光范围、调光兼容并且调光效果进一步优化成为很多产品的目标。现在市场上的驱动调光IC种类繁多,今天我想以富士通的TRIAC可调光LED驱动IC- MB39C601以及PWM调光LED驱动IC- MB39C602为例讲解一下调光驱动IC。当然,不是为这俩款芯片打广告,只是作对比,给消费者一个角度去看去了解LED的调光驱动IC。 MB39C601是带反激式拓扑结构的开关调节控制器。根据LED负载,可以通过控制开启时间或控制开关频率的方法调节LED电流。这些作为工程师的你应该了解颇深,我就主要讲一下参数方面:1.TRIAC可调光LED照明;2.高功率因数(0.9);3.效率高(85%);4.低EMI;5.宽输入电压: 85VAC ~ 265VAC;6.封装 SOP-8,后面的都是最新型封装3.9mm*5.05mm*1.75mm(Pin pitch 1.27mm),符合现在LED轻巧便捷的思路。高功率因数、高效率无疑为这俩款产品增色不少,不过没有绿色节能方面的数据对比,我也不能妄论这款产品的节能型,不过单从高功率这点来讲,工业方面的应用确实会较为轻松,而TRIAC调光应用较广,是解决方案的优先选择。 下面为这款芯片的应用框图,从图上来看,这款产品更适用于家庭式,消费电子式的筒灯、灯泡、灯管等应用。   下面来看下富士通的第二款芯片PWM调光LED驱动IC- MB39C602。MB39C602作为富士通最新出品的PWM驱动IC,秉承了MB39C601的优良血统,同样拥有高功率因数、高效率以及低EMI,具体如下:1.高功率因数(0.9);2.效率高(85%)且EMI低;3.宽输入电压: 85VAC ~ 265VAC;4.封装SOP-8。这款的包装与MB39C601相同,家族兄弟如出一辙,只不过这款芯片更是走起了PWM调光LED照明的风格。说起LED调光驱动,现在更多的工程师更倾向于PWM调光,由于其更稳定的发挥,市场占有率日渐攀升。 下面是MB39C602的应用框图,从图上我们可以看到,MB39C602似乎更适合高端场合使用,但是却又也满足家庭式产品的应用。灯泡、灯管、筒灯以及吸顶灯等同样使用。     上面看了这俩款产品以及应用框图,相信大家对产品已经有了初步的了解,我也就点到为止,大家如果还有什么问题,欢迎探讨!  