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  • 热度 3
    2022-8-13 11:14
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    IAR Systems 助力韩国 Osong Medical Innovation Foundation(KBIO Health) 开发先进医疗设备
    IAR Embedded Workbench 创新工具促进智能医疗设备小型化、降低功耗、提高性能、加快开发速度 2022 年 8 月 11 日 — 全球嵌入式开发软件工具和服务供应商 IAR Systems 宣布,其嵌入式软件开发工具 IAR Embedded Workbench 正被韩国 Osong Medical Innovation Foundation ( KBIO Health ) 用于开发尖端医疗设备,加快智能医疗平台发展。 Osong Medical Innovation Foundation ( KBIO Health )是隶属于韩国保健福祉部的公共机构,旨在为开发世界一流的新药和先进医疗设备打造核心支持基础设施,以振兴医疗研发,并推广研究成果。 KBIO Health 先进医疗设备开发支持中心、新药开发支持中心、非临床支持中心和先进医疗设备开发支持中心等主要研究机构均使用了 IAR Embedded Workbench 来提高各种智能医疗设备的性能。 近期,支持医疗功能的智能医疗设备的需求正在不断上升。在智能手表、智能贴片或智能手环等设备的开发过程中,功能实现已成为核心。然而,关键问题是要减少设备佩戴不便、增加电池续航以最大限度延长工作时间、缩短开发周期、加快产品发布。 IAR Embedded Workbench 为这些挑战提供了解决方案。 IAR Systems 韩国区销售经理 Lee Hyundo 表示: “IAR Embedded Workbench 是全球医疗设备开发商的首选开发工具之一,它为开发多功能和可靠的嵌入式系统进行了优化。 ” Osong Medical Innovation Foundation 先进医疗设备开发支持中心光学应用团队 Sung-Jun Hong 博士解释说: “ 得益于高质量的优化技术,通过消除对额外内存库的需求来降低硬件要求, IAR Embedded Workbench 可以缩小智能医疗设备嵌入式软件的代码体积。 ” 同时,缩小软件代码体积也能加快开发过程。一般来说,代码体积越大,再加上代码添加和修改,构建软件的时间就越长。 “ 与我在其它开发项目中使用的设备制造商提供的免费工具相比, IAR Embedded Workbench 在构建类似体积的代码时的速度,至少提高了两倍。 ”Sung-Jun Hong 博士表示。 此外, IAR Embedded Workbench 还在 Osong Medical Innovation Foundation 开发的 “KBIO-eBAND” 智能手环的功耗最小化设计中发挥了重要作用。 Sung-Jun Hong 博士指出: “ 即使尽量将硬件设计为低功耗,设备的电流消耗依然会因软件的运行而变得非常大。但利用 IAR Systems 提供的电源调试功能和 I-jet 调试器,我们能够优化设计,通过监测源代码行为引起的电流消耗变化,现在 KBIO-eBAND 的软件使用最小的电流。 ” Osong Medical Innovation Foundation 计划在未来的项目中进一步扩大与 IAR Systems 的合作,以开发先进的医疗设备,例如智能手环。据 Sung-Jun Hong 博士表示,目前有几个项目计划正处于审查阶段,包括计划引入改善代码质量的支持功能,如 C-STAT ;以及计划将 IAR Embedded Workbench 升级为功能安全版并完成 IEC 62304 认证,为加强医疗设备的认证做准备。 IAR Systems 韩国销售经理 Lee Hyundo 表示: “ 我们非常高兴 IAR Systems 的各种嵌入式软件开发工具被 Osong Medical Innovation Foundation 采用,助力创新智能医疗设备的设计和开发。我们也承诺将继续提供更全面的支持,帮助先进医疗设备开发支持中心取得更多的创新成果。 关于 IAR Systems IAR Systems 为嵌入式开发提供世界领先的软件和服务,帮助世界各地的公司创造满足当前需求和未来趋势的创新产品。自 1983 年以来, IAR Systems 的解决方案已经辅助了超过一百万个嵌入式应用的开发,保证了其质量、可靠性和效率。公司总部位于瑞典乌普萨拉,并在世界各地设有销售分公司和支持办事处。自 2018 年起,深耕设备安全、嵌入式系统和生命周期管理领域的国际企业 Secure Thingz 也加入了 IAR Systems 集团。目前, IAR Systems 集团在纳斯达克 OMX 斯德哥尔摩交易所上市。
  • 热度 3
    2016-3-10 10:25
    517 次阅读|
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            ICD Workbench,即电子系统接口数据设计与管理工具,是恒润科技自主研发的、对复杂电子系统各设备间的接口信息进行设计与管理的工作平台。日前,我们为大家介绍了ICD Workbench的高性能检索新功能,和以往新功能上线一样,ICD workbench将以新功能为客户提供更高效、更优质的服务。         不得不提的是,从2006年的概念提出、初步功能开发到如今产品的高度成熟,ICD workbench产品已经历了十年的时间。十年,ICD Workbench从无到有,从分系统模块应用到全机复杂系统应用,ICD Workbench 在一次又一次的功能开发和性能升级中不断成长。         今天,请跟随小编一起,回顾恒润科技ICD Workbench的十年发展史。 2006 年,雏形         2006年,在恒润科技承接的某航电系统顶层设计项目中,需要用到ICD设计,当时,国内在ICD设计与管理方面的技术和产品并不多见,即使有针对ICD的管理产品,也基本处于初级阶段,应用十分简单。基于此,恒润科技军工电子事业部软件研发团队的两名工程师便开始研发面向复杂电子系统接口设计与管理的软件产品,并命名为ICD Workbench。 2008 — 2010 年,产品定型         ICD Workbench的初步功能开发完全解决了某航电系统顶层设计中对ICD的需求。同时,结合当时市场需求和恒润科技现有的技术基础,研发工程师继续对ICD Workbench进行深入开发。2008年,正式引入基于模型的设计思想,采用建模手段对复杂电子系统的ICD数据进行描述,并通过先进的模型持久化技术将ICD模型数据存储在数据库中。同时整个产品将总线协议的扩展通过插件机制进行开发,使产品可以支持当前所有的常用总线协议,并保证后续可以扩展新总线协议。         2008年到2010年,两年的时间,依托于项目,ICD Workbench的性能不断优化,已经可以应用在军机和客机(如去年成功组装下线的C919大飞机)中。而当时该产品也成功定型,在国内俨然成为一款比较成熟的电子系统接口数据设计与管理产品。 2011 — 2014 年,产品复用,高度成熟化、稳定化         ICD Workbench在军机和客机的成功应用为该产品的市场拓展奠定了良好的基础,众多军工单位纷纷使用该产品进行电子系统接口数据的设计和管理,到2014年,ICD Workbench已应用到国内所有航空主机单位的各个机型的研制过程中。同时,该产品的稳定性也在应用过程中大幅提升,产品高度成熟化。 2014 年至今,技术升级         随着电子系统的高速发展,系统的复杂度越来越高,系统内各个分系统不再是以前简单的点对点通讯,而是朝着更加复杂的网络发展。在此基础上,从2014年起,恒润科技再次投入研发精力,对ICD Workbench产品的整个软件进行大规模的技术升级,对产品的功能和性能进行了优化,如产品的图形化建模、权限功能优化,数据查询等性能优化等,为后续的产品升级提供了各项技术保证。近两年来,恒润科技软件部研发团队一直致力于ICD Workbench产品的易用性和各种性能提升工作,使用户在设计、查询ICD数据时效率更高。         目前,恒润科技ICD Workbench已经具备了丰富的功能,全面提高了电子系统设计单位对ICD的设计和管理能力,包括丰富的管理功能、图形化设计功能和与多种仿真建模工具(Matlab/Simulink、Rhapsody)互联的功能。该产品可应用于航空、兵器、车辆、卫星、船舶等复杂电子系统中,对于推动用户方便快捷地进行ICD设计,复用和管理型号数据,保证研发质量,缩短研发周期,提高工作效率具有重要作用。         恒润科技军工电子事业部软件研发团队是一支充满活力、经验丰富、技术专业的团队,多年来为航电、控制、动力等系统开发过程中提供了高精尖的软件技术服务,赢得了客户们的广泛认可。未来,软件研发团队将继续开拓创新,攻坚克难,为航空、航天及国防事业发展贡献自己的一份力量。 恒润科技  北京市海淀区知春路7号致真大厦D座5-10层 邮编:100191 电话:010-64840808 网址:http://www.hirain.com
  • 热度 16
    2014-12-2 19:19
    1780 次阅读|
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    In companies I have been to, engineers are typically given both a desk and a workbench. The desk is where plan design and non-technical overhead is performed. It is the realm of, and symbolizes, theoretical activity . The bench is where prototypes are built and made to work -- the symbol of experimental or practical activity. The bench has measurement equipment, circuit construction tools, and parts inventory is not far away.   The desk-to-bench ratio can be summarized as follows: When I was at Tektronix, the desk and bench were two sides of the same U-bench, thus uniting the two kinds of activities into an integrated environment. The U-benches were 6 or 8 feet in depth, and the older, more established engineers had 8 foot benches. One side defaulted to a desk while the other was the bench. In the early mainframe-computer days, engineers who simulated circuits on computer had to go to a computer room where terminals were available for such activity. In time, the desks were populated with computers and the environment was a complete unit.   In the second and last company I worked at - a company started by a lawyer, not an engineer - the desks were all in an office environment and the lab was some distance away. This induced a kind of occupational schizophrenia, so in time I moved to the spacious lab and rarely visited my desk. This had the added advantage that few were in the lab and interaction with others in the form of distractions was reduced.   At Tek, Paul was one of my fellow college-student friends who went to MIT during the school year. He spent what seemed like inordinate amounts of time thinking through a design plan before he ever started building it. For resistors with values that were broadly optimal, he would select them so that their color codes had pleasing color combinations when next to each other on the circuit-board. Yet for an undergrad student, he was rigorous. Tek would involve “summer students” in design work and although it was not expected that they would be as productive as full-time, fully-qualified engineers, productive work did ensue from them.   Remembering those early days, I always intended to write a book (and recently did; Transistor Amplifiers at www.innovatia.com) that assumes only pre-calculus mathematics yet develops s-domain circuit theory (bypassing the Laplace transform) so that zealous, rigorous high-school students can become engineers with high-school math. Jim Williams of Linear Technology Corp. took psychology in college and probably did not think in the s-domain. His thinking was experimentally-oriented and done at the bench. Some good engineers operate this way, but in the end, theoretical depth has advantages if it can be related to actual circuits. The best engineers have depth across the full spectrum, from desk to bench. A few of them, however, operate like Jim Williams did.   Some engineers think that with enough intuitive circuits understanding and insight, it is possible to bypass all that math and still achieve the substantial designs. They do this by developing keen qualitative insights to design based on what in math would be the polarity of derivatives. Change this resistor value a little, and the gain changes hugely, or not at all. With a qualitative database of knowledge, even measurement instruments can be designed. When I was still in my teens at Tek, one of the business-unit managers, Jerry Shannon, liked to help technicians struggling upward. He would go over to final test and calibration and take some of the better technicians into engineering. Some of them worked out passably, but there were times of excitement. Roger S. was one of them. He designed the TM500 FG502 10 MHz function generator. It went into pilot production, but it had problems with the sine shaper. In an intensive burst, he put 71 modifications into the design - a huge number for a product already sent to production. Jim G. was another technician, an older, even-keeled guy with more experience. He ran into trouble with the DM502 DMM in the usual place DMMs run into trouble: around zero-scale. I remember that the modifications, which were one or two - not 71 - were based on intuitive, qualitative reasoning, sufficiently in-depth to achieve a workable design. As I look back at Tek circuit diagrams from that era of the ‘60s and ‘70s, it is amazing that so much equipment others depended on for their own design work was designed with intuitively-placed patches and ad hoc modifications.   In the design groups at Tek that produced the highest-performance products, there were people with significant depth at both theory and practice. One that comes to mind is Barrie Gilbert, still going strong in his 70s at Analog Devices. Barrie is an IEEE fellow and has a good intuitive sense of circuitry at the bench. Yet if you read some of his IEEE papers, he has more theoretical depth than many engineers. The oscilloscope wideband vertical amplifier designers also fell into this category - people like Carl Battjes, Thor Hallen, Val Garutz, John Addis, Bob Ross, Art Metz and Jim Woo. And for the fastest ‘scopes, the time-base was also a challenge to which Bruce Hofer, later the analog founder of Audio Precision, Inc. brought penetratingly new circuit ideas, one of which I used for the time-base design of a (slower) portable ‘scope.   My desk/bench ratio has been increasing with time, and I am becoming more like Paul Magerl. It is easier to change a circuit in a computer file or on paper than on a prototype board, especially if the change is extensive. However, if you are a younger engineer, do not expect to be as proficient at this as you will be later if you keep learning electronics. A lower desk/bench ratio is expected of less experienced engineers. As you work with actual circuits, you encounter some of the subtleties that are deeper than you have descended to at present. These subtler, unexpected behaviors of circuits can at first be frustrating, even overwhelming, as though the gods are being fickle in capriciously tweaking the physical laws as you try to master them. But don’t give up; the physical universe has a rational and trustworthy underpinning. It all makes simple sense when the causes of unwanted behaviors are discovered. Persistence can turn a feeling of resignation into one of curiosity, in how the circuit could possibly behave differently than you really think it should. This leads to a hunt for causes in an exploratory frame of mind. It is a quest for discovery of false assumptions in thinking about the circuit. And this leads to fabulous new insights, one of the personal rewards we as engineers are privileged to experience.   The perplexities arising out of bench work are a driver for deeper study into electronics. Sometimes a sophomoric view of engineering can develop which arrests further progress in gaining proficiency. This is the attitude that familiarity is the same as understanding. (My “Seemingly Simple Circuits” series on the Planet Analog website is in part intended to dispel this obstructive mental habit.) Circuits that become familiar often - almost always - have deeper subtleties that are not obvious to the novice who does not know that they are even there. Do not assume that all the important concepts - even basic ones that have continual application - are covered in formal education. A graduate degree in E.E. is no guarantee that you’ve descended below SCUBA depth.   As years of improvement as an engineer occur, you reach a point where not much that is new comes along -- though this is never nothing! The more you think you’ve mastered electronics, the keener you are to find what you have missed. An engineer friend of mine who worked at Keithley on precision DMMs, Gary Bergstrom, sometimes ends his emails to me about technical matters with “What have I missed?” At this level of proficiency, the desk/bench ratio increases and maximizes productivity. It is quite satisfying to achieve the ability to design a complicated circuit or system, take the time to think it through carefully, and then build it and have it work almost, if not exactly, as planned. Eventually, the desk/bench ratio is necessarily maximized as failing eyesight and weakening motor skills leave one in the position of doing solely theoretical work.   Dennis Feucht Electronics Engineer
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